Why does he always look so intense? It's kind of unsettling.
Why does he always look so intense? It's kind of unsettling
Mental illness
He's probably the reincarnation of a high level nazi
he watched The Grifter and now he's scarred forever
hes like on 50 different medication
That's just a meme though, isn't it?
he's obviously putting it on a bit for the camera, but he does also seem a bit legit crazy too
Why doesn't he just stream on d.live and say what he actually thinks?
No, he talks about it openly
Is this one of your youtube celebrities or have I finally lost touch with Hollywood enough to not recognize famous actors anymore?
He has the body of a 15 year old girl and tries to overcompensate by pretending to be a schizo druggie Clint Eastwood racist gamer, he's probably really agreeable and beta IRL
His twitch is comfy af
A guy that was part of million dollar extreme, who did a show called world peace on adult swim. So little of both
what did he mean by this?
His girlfriend is fine though so whatever he's doing, it's working.
She seems like your typical e-thot that is easily engrossed into "edgy" "alt-culture", the type of chick that buys Sam Hyde holding a rifle shirts
What happened to his outdoor living video? It was my favorite.
he's happy now
He's on 50 different supplements, not medication.
He was never funny
He gave a list ?
There's a moment in the "Dads" skit from World Peace where Sam Hyde says something like "haha yeah Charls is really cool, especially when he keeps showing you liveleak videos of children fucking dying", Sam sounded legitimately weirded out, it was funny
God damn what a chiseled jaw line. Shit could cut diamonds.
Watch his streams, he's really laid-back, chill and reasonable.
You aren'T a retard who compares his videos to his actual personality, right?
It's called acting you retard.
>mfw I thought that was goose
He actually did lmao there was a Google drive doc file he shared. Google it or check out his twitch/Twitter profile..maybe one of his YouTube video descriptions. I can't remember how I got it or where I saved it sorry. If you're that desperate for it ask him on stream I guess. Also I was exaggerating with the 50 number, but he does take a lot.
It was one of those inbetween scenes where Sam seemingly drops the act and blurs the lines, like when he calls for race riots on his KSTV vids, you seem to be unable to comprehend what I'm saying.
Yeah he seems like he's on meds, I watched his Deus Ex stream, he's like legitimately brain impaired or something
I think it's safe to assume there was some truth in that line and that Charls did show Sam some weird videos.
I've seen the bit you retard, it was a joke and Sam was acting, weird how you all have to read between the lines because they haven't done anything together for years.
Though I do wonder what happened between them... youtube.com
He's chaotic neutral
No I'm pretty sure it was sincere, I don't think it has something to do with their dispute though, stop projecting your (low-IQ) thoughts onto me
They have such a wierd, uneasy chemistry. No wonder sam dropped him
is his gf the chick that was hanging out with him in Kuwait?
>Why does he always look so intense?
He never cooms.
I watched this today because of an earlier thread and yeah, I totally agree. Sam isn't like this around anyone else, but Charls maintains that manic energy constantly.
I imagine Sam is probably Bipolar while Charls is a full schizo so they probably would have had some intense conflicts over the years.
this. i remember he showed some books on method acting that i wanna read to try and develop talking skills
I remember in one of his earliest streams (July 2017) he said this analogy about your scrotum being your pouch and that everything you do is putting something strong in there for future offspring. It really hit home for me and I did a month of NoFap after that stream.
Now after doing a few more bouts of it, I think it's the only way to go in such a docile society. It makes me feel fucking amazing.
He did about 3 or 4 of these videos. They were creepy as fuck.
I think that charls constantly wants to impress sammy. Same with nick. They just cant shut up when with him
not jerking off makes you feel fucking amazing? how
seeing the kind of talks they're having in this vid makes me wonder how they ever had a falling out at all.
Its just a meme for brainlets
It's those eyes. Those soulless eyes.
>Same with nick
other way round with him
chuck found himself the perfect sample
Adverse effects of Niacin
I always felt that Charls was in awe of Sam and Sam was in awe of Nick.
Here's some rare charls: youtu.be
You should try it COOMER!
Sam fucked up and killed the golden goose.
I mean, they were probably gonna get cancelled either way, but Sam didn't help by antagonizing the journos and adding fuel to the fire.