Yas Forums memes

How accurate is this?

Attached: memes karma ranking.jpg (1280x1280, 375.95K)

>karma ranking

Can you delete this? I made this and didn’t give you permission to post it

>karma ranking


Attached: 1586692192110.jpg (739x415, 37.47K)

How did the dancing cat make its mark on history so quickly?

What is this then?

Attached: 1586182199929.gif (368x368, 2.93M)

all kino

t. redditor who loves soijack posting and the butthurt it causes

Chaotic Evil. It's a true neutral being corrupted by chaotic evil.

one of my friends from discord decided to meme him

Fun fact: dancing cat posters HATE this edit

True neutral (because neutral neutral = dubs)

>karma ranking

>knowing that this format is referred to as "karma ranking"

The dancing cat meme, the Soijak meme, and most of all, Sneedposting, will die by my own hands. My own bare hands. You can try to stop it, work around it. But it's coming for you. I'm coming for you. Prepare yourselves, I want a fair fight before I gut you balls to brains.

What meme is the pepe dracula?


Haven't seen blehposter in a while actually. Hope he's ok.

"Alignment Chart" is the correct term afaik. Karma raking sounds like some gay reddit shit

lawful sneed
neutral sneed
chaotic sneed

But where would moe.jpg rank?

Yeah, it's from D&D, it's an alignment chart. What faggot would call it a karma ranking?

Pretty accurate

Obviously, Yas Forums has fallen to normalfags who can't into lurking anymore.

Soijak is lawful evil. CIA and avatar pepe should probably be switched.

swap blehposter with meri and your chart is accurate

Soijak is neutral because he can be used in any scenario, starting a thread, making fun of reddit, replying to other users, etc
Avatar is lawful because he doesn’t shit up the board constantly, same with the pippin greentext and bleh
CIA is chaotic in the sense of how flexible the meme is and how much content of it is being made

Attached: 9287771D-7E54-42E4-A372-84F06FE3154F.jpg (4552x5272, 3.99M)

Bleh wants to suck your blood, but he only posts once per day and has to follow the sacred vampire laws, therefore lawful evil
Pippinposting is a rational argument that isn’t really good or evil, just how pippin sees daughters

>soijak making fun of reddit

bros, should we tell him?

No one is offended about being called a soiboi anymore, the spam is just too much.

You zoomers actually ruined Yas Forums, and Yas Forums as a whole.
You weren't present when most of these memes were organically born from a thriving board culture.
Yet you still come here and put them in your retarded reddit templates.
You literally only won because you outnumber us.
Fucking locusts.

blehposting is the only good one there