Better than the 10 billion budget avengers airport fight

Better than the 10 billion budget avengers airport fight

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Is this from Wuhan?

This guy would be a king in another age

How do you defeat this guy? His speed and skill are unmatched


what stance is this

Super Shotgun+Ballista

>mfw someone tells me to fix the elevator shaft

He couldn't beat Bahubaali

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Based chinaman.

>Based chinaman.
no such thing

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nigga got a fuckin cardboard shield and a shovel. I could ventilate him with a 22 or beat him to death with a fuckin baseball bat.

that's pretty cool actually

tank you sir, he is ubeatable in this case

You wouldnt stand a chance

These movies were good

Russian kino

Attached: Bear kino.webm (480x320, 2.37M)

Is this Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man, I've heard so much about?

wanna try me nigga? come to my hood and test your luck. I'll grab your shovel with my left hand, smash your knee in with my baseball bat, and when you're writhing on the ground in pain, I'll cave your skull in.

Next level cringe

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what's scarier, sharks with frickin lasers, or bears with frickin gatling guns?

Edit: woa thanks for the likes

wouldn't a gun that size turn those dude into red mist

You're welcome

pretty kino desu even if cringe


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hammers planks for steps
runs up tree anyway


>chinks have no soul

>race baiting
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post

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Anyone see this and get sad? I am not trolling, I am genuinely sad for this guy. Imagine practicing useless skill for hours just so you can film yourself on a parking lot making a fool out of yourself. Instead of trying to be a warrior, why doesn't he try to hit the gym and socialize with people?


the death of ham and campy action scenes was a mistake

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cast him

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Unironically better LotR feeling than any other western shit after LotR

is this real?

Wow this is pretty fuckin cool.

Wow how did they film that

Looks like something out of Red Alert 2.

Cut off his leg


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