So you came back to die with your city

>So you came back to die with your city

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no for you

*Sounds of people coughing violently in the background*

tdkr feels like a fever dream. the more attention you pay, the funnier it is. it makes a strong impression for an utterly half-assed movie

Tell me about CIA. Why does he fly the plane?

No I came for you to board my craft

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TDK is the same honestly. The reason it works so well is that Nolan’s horrible stilted dialogue gives it a genuine comic book feel.

The Batman voice is worse than ever in TDKR. The "where’s the trigger" scene is one of the most unintentionally funny moments in cinema this decade. I can’t believe I never noticed how shitty this flick was in theaters, burst out laughing any time I watch it on tv

No, I came.

This is true

>The "where’s the trigger" scene is one of the most unintentionally funny moments in cinema this decade
tdkr has some incredible comedic beats
famous plane scene
awkward confrontation in city; Batman says lame line while fighting goes on conspicuously around them
all the awkward allusions to Occupy Wall Street

Unironically I can’t think of a good response to this in the context of the movie

batman shouldve just punched him instead of saying anthing

There’s also Miranda Tate’s death and all the time random extras fall without getting punched

How does, “No, to rescue it from you.” Sound?

>No. I came here for you


This was a beautiful film.

Why do you think it's unintentional? He does the same thing in the previous films and it gets increasingly ridiculous each time. They had 8 years to make those movies you don't think they heard people laughing about it?

This isn’t bad

actually better
fits the tone of the dialogue thus far
would work if Christian Bale could make it menacing, as opposed to "WHERES THE TRIGGER"


Nolan is terrible at action scenes and at dialogue why people say he's gopd

What about
>I'm...The Batman!

Why is Bruce still talking in his bat voice when Bane already knows who he is?

kek well fucking played user

Why didn't they just end it when Alfred's in Italy and end the scene when he smiles? They'd already set it up that he was hoping to see Bruce there. Why show him?

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If I destroy your city would you die?
It would be extremely painful
You returned anyway?
For you

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christopher nolan attacking the audience with a sledgehammer. HE DIDNT DIE. IT WAS A TRICK. HE WAS ALIVE. HE LOOKED LIKE HE DIED BUT IT WAS A TRICK.

>those quick-release straps on his bizarre vest
That character was chewed the fuck up inside and out.

to shutdown theories, nolan didn't want another inception bothering him at night

Bane does, but Antonio Diego doesn't.

The “Bane is a revolutionary” storyline would’ve worked if it had shown just how corrupt Gotham became in Batman’s absence. Like full on comic book Gotham, and then Bane could’ve come in like a murdrous mirror Batman.

It's the Nolan equivalent of this

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So you can see him with Selina.
lmao wtf
did he have cotton in his mouth or something

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Man, I still don't quite grasp why the police dudes in the background engage in hand to hand combat. I get that this wasn't an R rated movie but come on.

inception was a good movie, but it was 7/10. they missed the opportunity to do some surreal, beautiful shit in those dreams. as they went deeper into each dream, it shouldve been more colorful and surreal and nightmarish. think david lynch meets the wizard of oz.
it wouldve been a neat stylistic choice to progress from grey Nolan land to the riotous human mind

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Batman would never retire like this

Because Nolan fans are retarded, these are the same people that think Inception is hard to understand even the characters explain the plot to audience every step of the way

>They run right into gunfire

Batman's persona took over his mind. Same reason why he uses the voice when no one is around.