Uwe Boll exposes Hollywood


why hasn't anyone told me he is based, wtf?

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Go to bed Uwe.

He movies got a lot better after Hollywood dropped him.

he exposed megan for which he should be both praised and condemned.

Damn, you're right. Bringing her into my life is the one good thing he has ever done.

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i have unironically made a complete 180 in regards to this guy. used to hate him now it's the only filmmaker i don't absolutely despise


hey knocked blowtax on his smarmy ass

Based Boll is doing some guerilla film-making for a new SW trilogy.

Star Wars movie directed by Uwe Boll starring Megan when?

Remember when he beat the shit out of Lowtax?
>Guys talking shit about me and movies online
>Invite them to a "friendly" boxing match
>Tell them you'll pay for lessons
>Train like a beast
>Day of the match comes and your opponents training has been sitting on their asses eating doritos all day
>They seem concerned about the lack of lessons. Tell them it's fine because it's not a real fight. It's like WWE
>Proceed to knock seven shades of shit outta each of 'em, while cameras film their utter humiliation
What a mad chad!

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Fucking fund it, I'm in.

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Peggy, uwu

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How many different characters will our tiny angel be?

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Just one. My wife.

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i work in the film industry, and while uwe sucks his own dick at any chance he gets, he does have some truth to what he says about the state of the industry, even into the smaller budget world of music videos or short films; that elitism is everywhere and it's pretty funny to see, though those types of people are actually quietly laughed at by everyone else

Who's lowtax?

Moot, but more pathetic.


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Something Awful's main man

Hope you got ten bucks.

Imagine coming home and seeing her excited to see you.

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It makes it all worth it.

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Or if she was laying in bed looking at you like this and talking about her day while you take your work clothes off.

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Uwe Boll is just butthurt his movies, which were funded by nazi gold, are shit and people make fun of him.

He does get BASED points because he apparently owns an extremely good restaurant as well as for taking the "say that to my face faggot and not online" to a whole new level

Funny how this thread has disintegrate into a Megan simp thread lmao. Post rare megan jannies wont find us here

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Lmao remember when lowtax talked shit about his movies and then got the shit beat out of him for it?

Didnt one of them actually know how to box and Uwe didnt fight him?

Who even is this painfully average girl supposed to be?

How the hell you didn't know the queen of Yas Forums

He’s a typical german boomer, totally brainwashed with the libtard propaganda

More like Uwe Bollywood

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