Oh hey look, it’s the greatest film ever made, neat

Oh hey look, it’s the greatest film ever made, neat.

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This is such a weird movie, because I know it's objectively good when I am watching it, and enjoy it, but as SOON as it's over I completely forget about it. Like zero lasting effect on me compared to almost any other highly rated film. Just completely forgettable. I don't really understand why.

Yes. Yes it is.

It's good but I'm not sure why everyone keeps telling me it's the greatest movie ever made. It's like an 8/10

Hello IMDB.

It's nowhere near the greatest, but it just might be the comfiest.

It's my favorite but i'm not a huge movie guy. What do you consider a 10/10?

It's the greatest flick, King himself admits that his books are just the burgers and fries of literature. The greatest film is personal.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Gay. That's only Spielberg's 5th best to Jaws, Jurassic Park, The Last Crusade and Raiders, in that order.

Some of my favorites are Drive, Mad Max Fury Road, Snatch, Hitch, Hardcore Henry, Ratatouille, and Kung Fu Panda.

For me, it's a type of transcendence. You see this character who was at a low point in his life, discovering his wife was cheating and then getting wrongfully imprisoned, beaten and even forcefully fucked by the fag mafia. He undergoes all this and escapes the hell he's trapped in to achieve a new life as a completely different person. He overcomes all the corruption and dishonesty and becomes self actualized.

In many respects, Shawshank Redemption and The Matrix share many tropes... these are movies founded on the principle of transcendental self transformation.

solid 8/10. There are better movies.
Maybe its the one that the most people think is "good". A lot of my favorite movies have some haters.

It surpasses those flicks by an immense margin user, it's a legitimate work of art.

>hardcore henry
Mah nigga

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The dinosaurs from jurassic part are a legitimate work of fucking art

Its a good movie but I'm surprised its the highest rated on IMDB.

I think it's more of a statistical anomaly that it's the best movie of all time according to IMDb. It's not that it's the greatest movie ever made, it's just that it's both popular enough that almost everybody of the age to rate movies on IMDb has seen it and solid enough that nobody has any particular reason to dislike it.

It's boring shit until the final scene. It's certainly his best alien flick though.

>hardcore Henry
Absolute Chads

Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?

It's just a really well executed story. Not that interesting, doesn't have to be, yet other films had more to say. 9/10.

not him but close encounters is a completely different type of film then the rest of those, for spielberg maybe war of the worlds not E.T. but no even that isn't really it, close encounters is unique in his filmography

Seems likely. I think youd be hard pressed to find someone that would unironically say Shawkshank is below an 8 or 9. It also doesnt have a crazy amount of hype around it so it dodges the contrarian 1 stars as well

It's a 7. It's a fucking Stephen King story

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first 2/3 is 10/10
after then it turns into a stupid horror movie.

yeah, didnt like it the first time, but when he stands in the lights at the end nakes up for it, Also.. the MUSIC, dude omfg

There's no such thing as a 10/10


>In the book, Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding was a ginger-haired, middle-aged Mick.

Attached: shawshankredemptionred.jpg (634x960, 87.66K)

yes thats why the
>why do they call you red?
>maybe because i'm irish
line, its from the book, weird thing is it works anyway

It is a 10/10. Until the last act.