This was a 10/10 in early 90s New York

>This was a 10/10 in early 90s New York

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Don’t think she was ever considered a 10/10
Source: Jery dump her and constantly got 10s. Also iPad

her personality is hot

This. She is a solid 7 and personality takes her to an 8.


i don't get it?

She hangs out with a bunch of narcissistic manbabies, what the hell gave you the idea she's supposed to be a 10/10 in the show?

Sometimes Elaine looked hot as fuck, sometimes her crooked Jew nose was too apparent

The older and lonelier I become, the hotter I find Elaine.


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glad someone picked up on that, she has something attractive about her.

>flossing pubes out of your teeth with more pubes
sure, 10/10

She's rich as fuck, she's a 10/10 anywhere

We're talking about Elaine the character, not the actress that plays her

Elaine was hot.

>ITT: kids who thought Megan Fox was hot.

>no qt jewess gf
why live bros?

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I thought Megan Fox was hot for about one year when the first Trannysformers came out.

wud fuggg :DDD

early Elaine was the best, so frumpy yet hot

megan fox is hot....

>hot for one year
>Elaine, hot for multiple seasons and even in her 50’s

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Yes. Fox was hot. Don’t know what the fuck that other user is talking ‘bout. Prob a fag

90s quality gifs

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Faggot she's a 10/10 NOW


god i want to eat her billion dollar pussy

Elaine isn’t Jewish though.

Im not saying shes not hot...but shes just so fucking fake its like what a gay guy thinks a straight guy likes. The 2000s Pam Anderson.

>they like plastic whores

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elaine really had some hips

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implying you acquire any whores at all

Nah, the propoganda IDF thots blow her out of the water

her character is also old money, do you even watch the show?

I live in Sydney. It’s not hard.


You mean 90’s Anderson? How old are you?

for me its Selena Meyer

I meant Megan Fox was the Pam Anderson of the 2000's.

I bet she has a big thick dewy Jew bush under that dress.

Stop kidding yourself. We all know you were watching that show for The Hoff.

>who is marisa tomei

iPad lol


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