We will make it this year

We will make it this year

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I finally start getting fit and the fucking ching chong flu hits and i'm trapped at home.
I'm now lifting out of pure rage imagining the face of a laughing little chink.

its much easier when you are a famous millionaire film star.

I can tell by your anger that you are hopeless. It's the ultimate tell

kek Yas Forums tricked another one

I don't listen to Yas Forums, they are a bunch of manlets.

I'm happy Ben is doing better.
Alcoholism is a terrible thing

that’s what we said last year user

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he's still fat, just dressing better

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>after gf
Shouldn't that be "during gf"?

The ching chong flue helped me get a gf because she was lonely and then we could have some more alone time :-)

reminder the plot of the movie they are in together
> A well-to-do husband who allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce becomes a prime suspect in the disappearance of her lovers.

>they STILL think a gf will improve their lives

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Sounds like simp kino is back on the menu, boys.

The sister of the girl I'm dating turns out to have been exposed to an infected coworker right and keeps going out with friends. So she's decided to put herself under lockdown. We haven't see each other in almost three weeks and we're not gonna for a while.

Your gf is likely fucking her sister right now.

I hope not. Her sister is gross and they don't like each other.

is this reverse Gone Girl

I'm never going to make it.
I didn't speak to anyone before the virus and I'm not speaking to anyone right now.
I just leave the house 2 hours at a time to get groceries and I'm right back at home.
I'm a NEET with no skills and lack of motivation or direction and I'm going to run out of money soon.
I'm thinking of shaving my head because the hair is getting really long and I won't have access to a barber for a year by conservative estimate.
Oh and balding too so thinking of using minox.

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my life isn't bad, I just get really lonely sometimes

Every time I've had a gf, I put maximum effort into my life.
It's normal

I'm fat dumb and balding and I've dated women way out of my league.
Get a personality or something

It's actually a really good time to bang roasties. Jump on bumble, why stop at one lonely girl

I'll try, but my personality is depressed sack of shit.

Honestly when I spend more time with girls it keeps me off Yas Forums and less angry or worried about dumb shit people say on Twitter that really doesn’t matter. I know there’s a good portion of 4chans posters that will mental gymnastics their way into making me a bad guy for not being upset with them over nothing, but it really does help

sounds like something someone from Yas Forums would say

just remember the one rule. Never wife a thot.

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you must be good looking then.being bald doesn't make you ugly.

Yeah pretty much this. And then you compound it with the fact that he has a Latin girlfriend as well, Ben is in fully optimism mode. Latin women who aren't complete whores will go out of their way to make you happy, and they will love you forever.

t. has Latin girlfriend

They make things easier. She becomes a default option so to speak
>already know Vday plans
>already know Xmas plans
>free buttsecks
>+1 for birthdays, weddings, etc
>easy excuse for “sorry I can’t this weekend I have plans with GF”

List goes on


I see plenty of cash in that list you posted

What games does he have?

based, I too am a latin gf chad and have noticed how much more affectionate and encouraging they are

Ok so don’t have sex and save money angry little virgin

Do something about it then,
My roommate is clinically depressed and they became a tranny to cope. Didn't fix their depression but stagnation will just make it worse.
Try getting a job and make baby steps until you're a human being
Keyword balding, not bald.
I give it 8 months until I become a shaved headed soigoi

>ree ree virgin

lmao too easy to trigger you faggots

>Tfw I was on the train sat next to a girl before the virus hit and thought of making small talk but then thought she probably has a bf so why bother
>She got out of the train at the same stop as me and hugged and kissed a guy waiting for her
At least I didnt embarrass myself talking to her

Good. Use the anger to fuel your lifts, go cacoon mode until its over.