
Dr. Leah Brahms Edition


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>After about four weeks in quarantine, she didn't care who it was. Corona was the best thing that ever happened to me, Wes!

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I've just started DS9 and i hate the bajorans so much it's unreal. Based fucking cardies for giving those wrinklenoses what they fucking deserve.

I want to split every vulcan and romulan female i see like a log though. Klingons too.

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How could one actress be such perfect milf material?

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Holy based

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>leah's nose analysis was incomplete, sir
>get family history, we need to know what we're dealing with

>Commander, tell me about my holographic sexual organs.

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Bajorans get even less sympathetic as the show goes on.

Kira and Dax are the hottest trek girls

Stop obsessing over the tripfags.

I see nobody bringing them up before this post
Put your trip back on

now this! is how you start a thread

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please don't revive that maymey

The same chair that the Tarellian uses in "Haven " is the same that worf has


I think it shows up in Friends, too.


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>h-hey guise...
>c-c-can I post in your Star Trek milf thread, too?

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How deep the rabbit hole goes?

yes, keep posting peyton

Computer, make 10 Leah Brahms yelling at me angry and naked around a giant bed where i am covered in lube
Disangage safety protocols


There is a ep where they destroy an entire fully terraformed, inhabited moo's ecosystem so they can tap it's core to provide heating energy for a few thousand homes on bajor.

They literally destroy a inhabited world so they can get the power equivalent of a medium sized 20th century hydroelectric plant, Bajorans are worse than Pakleds.

>she backs away
>communicates her feelings of being violated
>he traps her from leaving the holodeck
Now that the dust has settled, was it rape? Why are we just now confronting how much of a chilling predator Geordi LaForge / Levar Burton was and why was this behavior ever acceptable? This scene makes me outraged and scared for Dr. Brahms / Susan Gibney.

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>Bajorans are worse than Pakleds.
Remember that episode were the other emissary returned and started reinstating old laws and customs?
>OK Bill Baker you are now an actual Baker
>But-but-I'm an astrophysicist. I don't know how...
Yeah they're retarded.

>implying she wasn't fingering herself the entire trip back to earth thinking about getting double teamed by Geordi and her husband

>chilling predator
you rang sir?

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Dr. Brahms (Leah), isn't like that. I envision her having a modest sexual appetite.

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cuck fetish is wild with holodeck tech
>Husband i met a nasty engineer on the Enterprise obsessed with me, Do you want to know him? I have his body scan file for the sexy holodeck

Hey we only have room for one sexual predator here and that spot's already taken.

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Why didn't the Romulan fleet pick up the Star Fleet warp signatures? Did Star Fleet create a Warp Drive that was untraceable?

>it doesn't count if the Geordi railing my tight ass like a jackhammer while my husband watches is a hologram

She discover her fappening file . It isn't rape but i can understad creepy LaForge.

>tell your husband it's a hologram
>it's not

warp signatures are only traceable within a certain distance, i'ts a tv show nigger

>Dont be jealous about my bukkake with10 Geordi's husband, they are holograms, it doesn' t count

you can tell she likes bondage, even hotter

Is she trying to hold in her poo?

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you just know she has a OhMiBod vibrator up her ass. Kinky lady

Who is the biggest character on Trek?

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Bitch, that tiny planetoid was able to pick up the whole Romulan fleets warp signatures two days before it would arrive. You are telling me the head of the Romulan double super secret police didn't have a ship capable of what some backwater Android planet had?

Why are Trek aliens so fuckable?

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For me it's the Neelix tries to kill himself episode.

So that people would watch the show

What does a Cardassian Sunrise taste like?

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so you have a transponder and an interrogator on a ship, there are lots of variables, wave guides, dipole antennae or a multi cyclation, to precisely locate something through the rf spectrum is just radio waves.

>keep getting reports about some engineer on the enterprise messing with your designs
>look up his starfleet records
>start developing a little crush
>husband is ignoring you, haven't had sex in weeks
>start running programs with this blind engineer, taking away his visor and caressing his chest and biting his ear, knowing your soft kisses on his shoulders are the only thing he can feel in the dark
>finally decide to meet him in person
>find out he's obsessed with a program about you
>brutally humiliate him and make him feel like a creep while burying your secret crush
>go home and update your own program with added forbidden shame
They got married eventually, didn't they?

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