Are there any good buddy cop movies with two female cops?

Are there any good buddy cop movies with two female cops?

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that one with melissa mcarthy and sandra bullock

I cant believe I sat through the entirety of that film

Female cops are a meme. Your average middle school buy could hold down and rape a female officer but we’re supposed to expect that they’re going to be the ones to protect us from feral niggers in a class 5 chimp-out?

This videos is a good example of your point. This one decides she could go hands on with a man much larger than her without backup and accidentally shoot’s the suspect’s mom. She’s lucky the dude didn’t strangle her after that.

In the U.S. female cops are specifically trained to draw and shoot at the slightest hint of trouble because the departments know they will get their shit wrecked if they attempt to physically subdue a suspect, especially if they are alone. Basically, their MO is to draw a gun and wait for their male partner or male back up to do the heavy lifting. That means they are highly over represented in police shootings. In Europe, they do not condone police shootings and use of lethal force so you get more incidents like those four Swedish policewomen with batons and mace getting swerved on by a drunk somali. Both cases are hilarious for their own reasons, and should be all the evidence you need that women should not be beat cops.

This, I can't take female police seriously. I honestly can't take manlet or fat ones seriously either. All law enforcement need to be 5'10" minimum and jacked.

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Female cops have existed in Western countries for 30 years and haven't had any noticably distinct problems upholding the law

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>slav men
>the most hideous creatures in the planet
>slave women
>all cute and perfect
How does this works?

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someone post the webm

Nice Jezebel/Vice article headline, but it's worth saying that there's no such thing as an all-female police force. In other words, female cops are carried by their male associates.


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>Mmmmm, we had reports of a hate crime in the area, boy.

There's a video of a woman cop trying to restrain a drunk bipolar man and she panics and shoots the guys mother that was standing like 10 feet away from her. Video is pretty fucking wild if you can find it and it hasn't been scrubbed

Barbaryans loves big butts and selected their girls. Unfortunately they didn’t care about male faces

I’ve thought the same

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Hard Ticket to Hawaii


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lmao based and checked dubs of truth

Imagine the braps

all their good looking genes pass down through x chromosomes

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I've always had a theory that a cop should be able to arrest you, even if they weren't a cop. That is, they should be able to physically restrain the average male without the situation escalating to the point where one would need a tazer or a gun. People respect the police where I'm from so it isn't really an issue but I'd imagine in inner cities it becomes a serious problem.

Wouldn't mind seeing the uncensored version.

I know you probably just wanted to post that picture, but everyone into martial arts/action films should watch 'Yes, Madam'

God tier direction and choreography by Corey Yuen, and two of best female action stars.

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This actually used to be the standard. I don't know if this was a tried and true standard for most police forces around a century ago, but I've looked a lot of old photos of police from countries like France, Britain, the US and it seems like they hire the biggest dudes they can to enforce the law. They WANTED criminals to be scared of police.

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This one?

Holy shit what a joke. I would have held her down and raped her for that.

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fuck, yeah that's the one

Guy died in the hospital btw




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The power of big bunda CANNOT be denied