I don't get it
I don't get it
it's okay to admit you're stupid
we aren't here to explain things to you
come back when you're less stupid
No just explain it to me. If you are so smart you wouldn't be on Yas Forums
It was all a dream
It's Lynch's take on OJ
Lynch movies don't have a meaning, it's just random shit put together
Some weirdos will come and say "y-you just don't get it", just to think they are part of some special club. Just ignore them
Why did he film it on video. It looks like dogshit. What the fuck were you thinking, Lunch.
if you weren't so stupid you wouldn't need to be spoonfed a plot you could understand from a wikipedia article. fuck you, asshole. nobody likes you.
he killed his whore wife
guy commits atrocity, is forced to confront his actions and escapes into another personality
Man kills his whore porn star wife, then escapes into an elaborate fantasy where he is a hot young guy who fucks girls left and right and is friends with a powerful mob boss. The fantasy slowly unravels into chaos. Creepy Guy is his Id, and the mob boss is his Superego.
It’s a better movie than Blue Velvet. That’s all you need to know.
the lost highway was the cuckenings we got along our way
Its a movie about oj
I know I'm dumb but you don't need to get so upset
He killed his wife and was trying to escape into a fantasy world while in prison.
Its the only coherent lynch film that's worth watching
Mullhullond drive is for simps, eraserhead is a shitty pi ripoff, and maybe the one with the movie star is okay
I just realized it's the only David Lynch film I have not seen.
Am I about to get lynched?
It's arguably his best movie, and the soundtrack alone makes it watchable. Seriously, the track choices are incredible. I bought the CD immediately afterward
i use to read Word-Up magazine
But that would make it the greatest movie ever.
it's his best
absolute kino
Yes, and?
I thought elephant man was pretty good.
Bane couldnt cope with crashing the plane so he invents a flightplan where he lives as CIA and the fire rises
The whole concept of dreams used in LH is waaaaay better than MD that people overrate because dude lesbians.
It's fucking great. Even if you're a brainlet like me and didn't get it the first time through, you'll still enjoy it.
That's ok most teens are
>eraserhead is a shitty pi ripoff
Care to elaborate on that?
All I know is this was the Columbine shooters favorite movie and that the sound track is kino. But it has a D- critic grade vs a B+ audience grade on RT. so who knows