>dizzy back
>rico back
sure it's not as good as the first movie, but this was still a fun watch
>dizzy back
>rico back
sure it's not as good as the first movie, but this was still a fun watch
>dizzy back
Was that gay?
>dizzy back
Never watched any of the starship trooper sequels or animations or whatever that is. Should I? Rico looking badass in this.
Sequels to Verhoeven movies are always brainless trash
She got better
If you want to watch a terrible cartoon, sure
niel patrick harris pretending to be her all the time
The hallucinations of dying Rico.
These CGI movies are closest thing to the original book. Rico fighting off the horde of bugs alone while picking up the pieces of his gear is perfect demonstration of why they are called Mobile infantry.
Its nice. Its dumb fun, like resident evil cg cartoons
it was pretty gay, in a good way tho. like wtf carl
Rico dies? Yea not bothering. Cheers for saving me an hour and a half
>The hallucinations of dying Rico.
Those are both inaccurate.
hes not though
How do you go from this..
..to this?
>eyepatch for mangled eye socket
Why though? The first movie(and the only one I've seen) was released in 1997 and it depicted UCF having the capability of literally 3D printing mangled troopers back together. As long as they survive long enough to make it to medical care that is.
So is that shit really necessary?
it's not like the legend of Rico is not established enough already.
They never really explain why he gets an eyepatch. Maybe it already healed over before he was retrieved. Maybe it’s some kind of AR thing. Maybe he just thinks it looks cool. Most likely is that Aramaki thought it looked cool.
its cool
Why? OG was better
Is this metal gear solid 2
Why would an one-man-army galaxy spanning legend need an eyepatch to look cool? Japs are fucking retarded. They should just stick to making anime and fuck off.
how is Dizzy back? and is she still thirsty for rico?
He looks like guts and both are my hero's is the movie kino?
because its from the movies not the book.
the anime was from the book.
Is it though?
Have you ever seen them pull that shit on productions catered to themselves? They only do that stupid garbage when they make crap with western audiences in mind.
"it's" by the way
She never returned the dude from how i meet your mother trick a really tired rico from retirement to come to Mars to do a mission
starship troopers is a harem isekai
Yes retard it is. Give the fucking babbling a rest and get over it. You've been told 3 times now