What do you fags think of Jurassic Park?

What do you fags think of Jurassic Park?

Starting in

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Based OP, I was thinking about doing the same thing

Instead I'm gonna stream The Goonies and Flight of the Navigator later today

Did you know Spieberg actually killed and posed with a real triceratops just for the movie?

thats fucked up

Get in here lads

Good but needs more feathers

If OP doesn't deliver I can provide

what do you mean? film is now playing you 6-foot turkey

We've already started, both sequels afterwards then jurassic world 1 & 2

Whoops, I missed the "tv-" part of the channel name

>Welcome to Sambo Park!
Complimentary Chili + Sea Bass
t. BigHarv

for me its the dilophosaurus


Your thread is in our hands and we've got butterfingers

It's a tragedy that people don't actually realize the power of genetic resurrection.

I think it’s one of the best movies ever made.

Way better than it had any right to be.

When's the next movie night? (Assuming there's a set date)

One day it's going to be real.

We watch something basically every day starting around 1pm EST, still a fair amount of JP1 left, then we got 2 and 3 and Jurassic world 1 and 2

Why are you talking about streaming a movie and yet have to link?

Look at the op image more closely

Jurassic Park is probably the most rewatchable movie of all time

umm no sweaty...that would be backdoor sluts 9

Does anyone have any Jurassic Park copypastas?

JPIII is better than TLW don't @ me

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3rd best horror film after The Thing and The Shining

Perma van this shit mods.


What’s the link again? Cytube or whatever?

It's in the picture

I am very smart, trust me

You should stream the JP rifftrax if you got it

Don’t go near this link the mods and organisers are pedo fucks