Imagine spending $20 to rent Trolls World Tour

Imagine spending $20 to rent Trolls World Tour

Attached: troll2.png (1669x751, 517.61K)

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must be a really good movie

that's a pretty sick poster tbqh

>must be a really good movie
Four times as good as Birds of Prey.

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my pubes look like a troll doll's hair. I'll beat their price and sell you anons pics of my pubes for 17 bucks. one time offer.

Imagine not.


imagine thinking $20 is a lot of money

Rich people don't get rich by wasting money, you silly larper

yeah they are born into it

Worth it just for Red Velvet.

Attached: red-velvet.jpg (650x389, 67.48K)

I love one man bands

Yeah like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos.

now name all the rich trust fund babies

Imagine renting a digital movie, rather than from a video store. Fuck that shit.

Attached: you aint foolin me again.jpg (1920x1080, 180.98K)

Wealthy families accumulate that money by being smart with it, and they keep it by teaching their children how to be smart with it. Just admit that you're a stupid, impulsive faggot who will leave his children nothing.

I spend $20 a day on catfood. I imagine you're fuming right now.

>Wealthy families accumulate that money by being smart with it, and they keep it by teaching their children how to be smart with it. Just admit that you're a stupid, impulsive faggot who will leave his children nothing.

a true man makes his way in the world without his father giving him everything.

a smart man can turn $20 into $40
a stupid man takes $20 and hides it under his bed

A true man leaves something behind for his descendants. He leaves them a better life than he had.

>A true man leaves something behind for his descendants.

yeah it's called knowledge and wisdom. which is worth more than gold.

Where is it you faggot? Why you lied to me

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wow thanks

I’m a dumb man. Can you tell me how am I can turn $20 into $40?

it is for a 48 hour rental of a trolls movie. the kinoplexes are down and somehow these jews are charging you more money to watch it on your shitty laptop screen at home

A retarded man spends it on a Trolls: World Tour rental

>$5.99 rent
right there?

bros once drumpf gives is the 1200 I'm renting this 60 times

i'm 6'8 and i liked this movie

So they just released renting like any other movie and not drop the price to own.

I have a 1.5gb version. Should I download this version instead?

>kikes charging $20 to rent these dogshit "early access" flicks
Is anyone besides Grace Randolph ordering these?