Who is the Pink Floyd of cinema?

Who is the Pink Floyd of cinema?

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The Pink Panther series.


>beloved by normies and critics
>best work was in the 60s and 70s
>masterpiece is associated with space
Stanley Kubrick

>>masterpiece is associated with space
my nigga

Attached: file.png (600x600, 976.38K)

>Pretentious reddit garbage
Ridley Scott

>pink floyd

It is the most pretentious and overrated piece of shit.
You're either an underage redditor or a delusional boomer

How did we go from stuff like Pink Floyd to the nigger shit that's on today?

you've only listened to their post-syd barret stuff, right?


what is pretentious about them?

he's obviously talking about Dark Side of the Moon, dumbass

I was thinking the same thing.

Kubrick is more like classical music imo. Like Beethoven or Bach.

Dude drugs lmao

David Gilmour must have cried a lot when all his hair fell out

>hacks that ripped off lesser known but superior artists
Floyd are Tarantino of course.

Because of ""people"" like this

Show me a song by Pink Floyd that:

- Has more than 3 chords
- Isn't in the major/minor/Phrygian/Myxolidian mode
- Isn't atonal stoner jamming

You cant. There is nothing special or groundbreaking about them. Boo how I wish you were here. Record labels bad.

so lets hear your new album, Mozart.


>t. high school marching band member

You sound like the type of faggot who unironically listens to Jacob Collier. Soulless faggot.

>Jazz, the thinking mans music!
>cue 25 minutes of mindless self-indulgence.

>Dark Side of the Moon
>related to space

I bet you listen to kanye west

so a group of artists who stabbed their mentor in the back and brought in a replacement for cash purposes?

imagine judging music by the modal scales used in them what a fucking faggot

100% this without fail. every single time I see someone shitting on pink floyd (or any classical rock) it is ALWAYS a soiboy cuckold who listens to apehop 24/7 and literally belives kanye west is the most genius person in the history of humanity.

cant post trippy album art without getting flamed


I Like a few his songs, but I don't listen to him especially often
I don't listen to hip-hop, your strawman doesn't apply and Pink is still pretentious reddit garbage