Movies that get better with age

Movies that get better with age

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I actually loved The Rise of Skywalker. The sequels already start to grow on me. Funny thing, I now don't hate any star wars movie

The OT - Jaws 1, the PT - Jaws 2, the ST - Jaws 3,

It’s like pottery

So, was this the THE trilogy?

Similar boat, only I hated Rise but loved Last Jedi. Now 7 and 9 are growing on me and I really have a hard time hating any of them the way I used to

This video helped me a lot to not hate the sequels:

It's kinda unreal how good of a character Kylo is.

Yeah, also the video shows some parallels that make me wonder if they were intentional or not.

i literally just watched the last jedi and gained nothing from the hollow experience.
>old people die
>evil people are buffoons
>boss kills henchmen for questioning him
>le underestimated female
>sage minorities
>le classical warfare references
>everyday life moments exploited and made more awkward if possible
granted I promised my gf (male) I would fast forward the boring bits so I have no idea what that big mouth bitch was saying.

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>Similar boat, only I hated Rise but loved Last Jedi
This is exactly how I feel right now. What made you change your mind on RoS? I can't see myself ever enjoying it.

by age do you mean into senility?

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Zoomers are a cancer on this planet

>actual fucking shills and retard manchildren ITT
i didn't think it was real

I never changed mind of RoS, I knew i disliked it the moment the movie ended, it didn't feel right

Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with this children’s franchise?

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Time, rewatches, and truthfully quite a bit of coping.

I found that 9 works the absolute best when watched imediately after watching 8. So many issues I had with 9 stemmed from it's unwillingness to play nice with the movie before it, but after a couple back-to-back rewatches, the movies kinda blend together and it feels like a more natural narrative than a retcon.
For a random example, I hated the Rey is a Palpatine twist at first because it so blatantly went against what was established in 8. However in retrospect, looking at the trilogy as a whole rather than the movies individually, the "you're a nobody" feels less like a reveal that ended up being retconned, and more like a simple lie Kylo came up with while the REAL reveal is still brewing for Episode 9. It really helped when I watched the trilogy straight through with my friend who had never seen them, and when Kylo said "youre a nobody" my buddy straight up goes "that's bullshit" only to claim he called it when we watched 9. I think the change only upset so many people because we had so much time accepting and incubating the idea that she's a nobody. Same goes for Palpatine coming back. It feels much more natural when the movies are looked at as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot that I will NEVER get over, like Kylos death or "Rey Skywalker", but I feel comfortable now with the way things played out.

literally me

Me too, I feel like I might even buy a toy of rose tico:tm: .

Why is the fandom menace so obsessed with toys and toy sales?

Because this board is full of children


Watch the riseofskywalker next

>Kylo lie
He never liked, he was right about them being nobodies because they chose to. He never knew she was a Palpatine. In TFA when Kylo asks what girl is because he had visions of her because of their dyad.

You know what I meant. It's him assuming things, not being entirely honest with her

>The next trilogy will be so bad that people will look back at these fondly.

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For me, it's the new canon

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The things that would have made you a fan of the originals are not the same things that would make you a fan of the sequels, and vice versa. There is no reason to believe someone who saw Episode 7 and liked it would enjoy Episode 4 and any similarities are entirely surface-level. The same is basically true for any Hollywood reboot, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Terminator.


This also applies to the prequels