What is the fifth element in the Fifth Element movie?
What is the fifth element in the Fifth Element movie?
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The friends we made along the way.
The friends we made along the way
Unironically this. She was the physical manifestation but it took love to unleash the Fifth Element.
the power of boners
unironically one of my most favorite movies
they dont make them like they used to anymore
this movie is peak reddit
it's the feeling you get when you realize all women are whores and are out to use you
Meat popsicle
>whores and are out to use you
you wish lmao
>when your daughter gets blue hair
my favorite boomer movie
so why are you still a virgin?
women have been that way since Ancient Greece. Read some Hesiod
oh my god that girl with the blue hair looks like a loli Jovavich
it brings everything else together
The blue hair daughter is insanely cute
Poony walls.
You know good genes when you see the daughter is an exact copy of her hot mother
Reese Witherspoon is another example of this.
kill yourself pedo
scat porn
>and then they divorce and her career tanks
Is the future of the Resident Evil franchise secured?
>Full name: Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich.
Funny how the movie has phone calls in it all the time...
A child male lead for a Resident Evil movie? Might work.
Even that baby copy pasted her face jesus
she was like mid 20s?
Love. Stay safe bros
sup incels
Is it really a Boomer movie though? First third of the way millennial here but I grew up with that movie, one of my favorites. Not sure what criteria makes something a Boomer / Millennial movie.
everything released before 2010 is boomercore for zoomers
nah i was just memeing because ive seen anons post THEY DONT MAKE EM LIKE THEY USED TO in reference to this movie more than any other
Reese Witherspoon is not hot though.