Game of Thrones' The Mountain and wife Kelsey Henson reveal they're expecting a boy

>Game of Thrones' The Mountain and wife Kelsey Henson reveal they're expecting a boy

how ... do they ...

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Giant dude, micro cock.
Would be a treat for the eyes nonetheless

Holy shit his sister is just as build

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He's got a 6"er and isn't that big. But boy it's funny bgoe cucks think

you're trolling, right?

cast them

do you think they conceived in the mating press position

his penis is pretty average compared to his body size OP

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penises don't scale with height

gender reveal parties are the ultimate cringe jew-capitalism

Idris Elba
Piper Perri


they do with hand and foot size, cope manlet

Why do manlets cope so hard ?

also wrong

Imagine being a Manley like this guy


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Imagine being the shortest person of your family

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>His mum in the mirror, just like she's always at his competitions
Why is he such a good boy

Now I understand why he is lifting weight lol
Manlet compensation is hilarious

No. They're pretty based in comparison with their pseudo-form.

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wtf is wrong with white "people"

but wombs do.

had a cousin in a similar size ratio'ed relationship. Painful pregnancies and all children had to be delivered via c-section.

that's his friends from the national basketball team
guy in middle is 6'8", the ones to the left and right are 7'+

That's saying about as much for their quality as saying Movieblob's food is better than literal shit says about the quality of his cooking....

Most of those people are Jewish though

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>tfw small hands
>tfw big feet
>tfw average penis

Checks out.

jews and asians are not white

Benis go n Vagana

>The men are all dying inside as they watch their sons destroy themselves
>The women look on with wide eyes and joy, happy they're so progressive and tolerant and supportive
Women shouldn't have rights. Women were an absolute mistake.


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It's all relative. He probably still feels like a manlet being surrounded by giants all his life.

his roid gut is looking pretty bad now

When he's done with strongman there's another sport he could dominate.

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isn't that the girl who gave him herps and caused him to get facial palsy?

It's not a cope, it's a fact

>roid gut
Derp derp I'll just say words like I know what they actually mean

It's 2020 sweaty... the baby is the one who chooses their sex!

Normal people don't pay attention to shit like that you know.

he's usually the tallest around. His dad and grandfather are the same height as him though, but he towers over the other people in his gym and is also the tallest person in his sport. Those are just two of his ex-teammates that he met up with in some random mall

looks like he poops out her head

Iceland in general is a really tall country but even there he easily towers over everyone else.

>those balloon colors at the top

Jews are white.

>ywn be a giant man impregnating a tiny woman with your gargantuan seed
Biggest regret in my life is not being a giant.

well yeah, maybe a little
would i like to be six foot instead of five ten? yeah
would i trade out my nine inches for six to get it done?
wondrous variety

>the mountain hasn't abused HGH or insulin
yeah your hypothesis is far more likely

t. 5'4" manlet

if my hands scaled to the size of my dick i'd have shovels, but they're pretty medium really

>the cuck run

... very ... carefully ...

Sure. When it suits them.
Most of the time they're simply Jewish though.

He picks her up like a fleshlight

oh user...

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It's not a roid gut you faggot. It's a gut. He eats 20,000 calories a day and isn't worried about being lean.

I hope she role-plays as a cunny.

Well he’s white so his dick is small simple as

Way to fuck up your genes. Could’ve had a Samoan chick and made a Demi god

Keep up the good work buddy

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Nope they're always white.

i doubt he takes a shitload of insulin with every meal like bodybuilders do.

I'm a white manlet and have a nine inch dick
the world isn't always like you think it is


nothing reveals absolute permavirgins faster than people gasping at telephone poles thinking their penises are bigger then average

master race...

hair transplant

Keep seething buddy