How popular is he among general audiences? How popular is he among kids/teenagers (the most important market)? I’m completely out of touch with pop music. I initially figured that his fans/viewers were just Filthy Frank fans checking his music out, but he gets considerably more views on his music than his old comedy, appeared on Fallon, and has a gold record.
How popular is he among general audiences? How popular is he among kids/teenagers (the most important market)...
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What does this have to do with television and film? Take this shit to Yas Forums dumbfuck.
More importantly, is he jomon?
no, he's hapa
He’s an actor and director.
Youtube is the television now. The lamestream legacy media fears this.
That is why this thread is about his music
>thread isn't about a jewish produced masterpiece
Bernie Sanders snake oil salesmen *clank* that's about all, peace out.
I hate mumble rappers so goddamn much!
>muh depression
>muh smoking
Why can't anyone make actual rap songs like eminem?!
Just listen to this garbage!
I dunt wanna frend... (whateverusay)
I waa ma laafe intuuu...
I can't even understand what he's saying!
He'll never be mainstream (again).
The only reason his music career "took off" is because his Filthy Frank youtube channel got him exposure.
If you're already famous, if you leave the thing you were famous for or branch out, a chunk of your fans will leave with you to your new venture and try to convince themselves and other people you're good at your new venture.
If he started out as some rapping hapa Jap, he'd never made it out of his bedroom/neighborhood.
The best that will happen is he remains a prominent underground thing. Forgive me since I'm not a music guy, but he'll remain unheard of by music norps like me, like names like Skrillix, Avicii, and Post Malone. Sure people will hear the name above ground sometimes, but music norps like me won't know who the fuck he is or what he does or sounds like.
Why does he look so weird
His mom's a Jap and his dad's an Aussie.
He's, god forgive... Americ*n
Jap mom, big nose aussie dad.
No, he's from Kobe, Japan and moved to New York after college during the end days of Filthy Frank.
Again, Jap mom, Aussie dad.
>people don't realize that joji is just another character
>everyone takes him seriously and he makes big bux
This is so fucking retarded
No he is a dirty happa and not the good kind. He looks like he has fatal alcohol syndrome.
I think his Pink Guy stuff was more interesting than his new stuff. His Joji-labeled stuff is just boring and usually has decent production with lame lyrics while Pink Guy is the opposite with interesting lyrics with okay beats.
His filthy Frank stuff was hit or miss. Sometimes genuinely hilarious when he did stuff with idubbbz and maxmoefoe, or completely boring and pointless like all the stupid "lore" crap. He was better at playing a character with other people than doing stuff solo.
Television and film
He’s aight. His earlier stuff was better he’s turning full on pop shit now
fucking yikes can you be anymore of a wigger
>actual rap
>actual rap songs
feast on low quality bait
I think his new song is a lot better, less mumbly, more like an actual song
that pic tells me you should lurk moar
it isnt bait you retard, hes music is shit
>like yikes let's unpack this sweetie
Literally nobody knows who this is if they dont already use reddit including me
>fatal alcohol syndrome
I don’t listen to rap at all because it’s gay as fuck and I’m not a nigger. But Eminem is better than 99% of successful rappers no doubt, atleast his “songs” have meaning, everyone else is just “muh gangsta life muh money”
>I don’t listen to rap at all because it’s gay as fuck and I’m not a nigger. But Eminem is better than 99% of successful rappers no doubt, atleast his “songs” have meaning, everyone else is just “muh gangsta life muh money”
yeah bro he really changed the rap game as he raps about bitches, money and the struggle which he knows nothing abouit lmao
Point and laugh at this man
Fucking this. How come Jannies think Netflix counts as on-topic but YouTube kino doesn't.
Most cunts here don't even watch modern American media.
>Xavier poster
>Most based person in the thread
Suprise suprise
We just need a yt or e cleb bored
Which would be easy to do. Why the fuck don't the admin team here actually do anything anymore?
Yas Forums is just a bloated corpse we live in now. It's hardly done anything interesting since 2016, admin or users
No he has a perfect american accent and uses american words/phrases
Will they ever make that Flash movie
fuck no, e-celeb cancer does not belong anywhere on this site
How is it any different or worse than constant Ezra Miller, Brie Larson or Daisy Ridley threads?
It's already here. This site is meant to fit all interests yet has no board for one of the main pass times for a lot of users. If you hate it just let it all migrate to its own board
unironically, all his "serious songs" are pseudo depressed boring and shit teen musics.
all the good stuff is from the filthyfrank era
and my personnal favorite:
you just wrote the lyrics, boomer
Is that Pete Wentz? I thought it was Ezra Miller for a second.
fucking retard. he's huge in Asia, he's a pop star here, he might not get more streams in America but he doesn't give a fuck about that, he's looking for that lucrative Asian streams
He also gets a tonne of radio time here in Australia.
How long until he gets #cancelled over his old videos?
Why the long face?
Literally what?
Original inhabitants of Japan, they are a very particular ethnicity that while they have no connection to Europe they look European for some reason.
Hawaiian word for half which is used by Americans to denote half Asian half white people, Japs themselves use "hafu" instead.
>Hawaiian word for half which is used by Americans
I am an American and I've never heard this word before. Is it something Californians adopted or someshit because I live on the east coast. Why not just say halfbreed and avoid the confusion?
No idea.
Yes, it originated in California. It's more precise than "halfbreed" because you don't have to also clarify the two halfs.