Things like Red Rooms are they real?
Do real snuff films actually exist or is it just an urban myth?
dunno lol
Are you fucking retarded? Are you seriously asking if anyone in the history of cinema has ever filmed a killing and then sold it? Are you a goddamn moron?
What am i looking at
shit like daisy's destruction is absolutely real
fuck you gunna do about it faggot? I'd beat the fuck out of you irl
if you want to see people die for real on film just search rekt on /gif/. there you will see dozens of chinese people and niggers getting killed in all kinds of ways, and also chinese people torturing dogs to death with blowtorches
I think it's from cannibal holocaust
Yes but you'll never get to see proof you edgy fucktart.
Cannibal holocaust
Well he's owning you irl, online, that's what he's doing about it. What are you doing about it, empty threats, nothing to back it up. KEK
I'd cave your head in bitch
No user that's nonsense.
People dying is just an urban myth like black eyed kids or the boogeyman
Reverse deepthroat
Urban myth.
There is no benefit in a sadist or necrophiliac's eyes between filming a murder on film for personal consumption versus for commercial gain, and the latter is infinitely more resource intensive in terms of production value and also finding clients so why bother. Just film a murder rather than a snuff film.
Depends on what you deem a snuff film. In my view a snuff film is a video where someone murders someone else for the purpose of selling the video to people who want to see people murdered, or the person was paid by someone else to make a video of them murdering someone that the other party could watch. Now, as for of they exist they do. However as far as I know they all also involve pedo/CP shit that exist ok the dark web. I don't know if there are any pure non-CP snuff films, but I feel like if there were they'd have made their way over to the regular internet by now so I'm assuming there aren't and it's a myth.
Fuck you bitch
You cant even give me a credible source for the definition of SNUFF FILM. stop trolling op
Yea? Do something about it bitch that's right sit the fuck down faggot
Just go to Hoodsite or Bestgore if you want to see snuff.
a reenactment of what I did to your mom last night
Yes they absolutely do.
why do these threads always bring out jumped up retards with a chip on their shoulder? serious question.
Hoooooly based
I've thrown more grown men to the ground and choked them out then you've had hot meals kid
>pure, non-CP snuff
Well, this was fucked
Wow you sure wrecked me haha
Hoooooooly base
If a bit attitude on the level of a 13 year old italian GIRL and a few swear words have you calling people "jumped up" and getting uncomfortable then you may have to turn in your man-card
No death.
She was also rescued.
Sounds pretty gay did yyou also suck their dicks too? Rofl
yes I too watch deep web youtubers how epic amirite?
do you even need to ask?
Haven't seen a single still image of any of these snuff videos on the darkweb. CP or non-CP.
The guys from 2 guys one hammer were rumoured to be selling the snuff movies. first and last gore that bothered me much
Have you ever heard of...The Grifter?
That shit has harmed more than it helps. There is an actual dark web and it's full of disgusting pedos posting the most degenerate shit I have ever seen. Thanks to these youtube chucklefucks everyone just dismisses it as a joke.
Oh yea? Well I've fucked all your mothers. How about that? Not too nice is it now? Well guess what. I don't CARE!!!!111!
>instantly starts thinking of sucking a guys dick for no reason
projecting your closeted ass hang-ups onto me huh
What the fuck user don't even joke about that.
holy mother of soy
Fucking shit don’t
>13 year old italian GIRL
thats pretty specific, what else do you think about underage italian girls?
You want a cookie or something, faggot? For christ sake, raise your fucking standards.
Raise my standards?
Not watching snuff films is not some kind of moral achievement, zoomer.
you don't?
Zoom zoom off my board, faggot.
I don't watch them because they don't exist.
Millennial by the way.
Quads of horror
Of course they exist. E.g.,
I'm sure something real existed, or still exists in well-enough condition to watch it by VHS or DVD, but these things were not at all ever common, yet there are those movies which are suggestive of how there may be cottage industries revolving around snuff films, like A Serbian Film, or The Life and Death of a Porno Gang. Incidentally, both of those movies were made in Serbia.
wow, a link to the guardian. that must mean it's true
>I'll just say the name of the publication then sarcastically say that must mean its true without reading it or anything
must be nice to not have to look at anything that might prove you wrong :0)
>believing a leftist "journalist" site known for clickbait and fake news
The only snuff films I know about were made by some guy in the Phillipines who also raped and tortured kids and made them dig their own graves. I'm pretty sure he was recently arrested. Peter Scully, and actually it seems like he only tortured and didn't film any murders. So I guess no sniff films at all exist.
>that hair and glasses
that's penn jillette
>Posting a source that can be easily edited by anyone
Plus I heard it wasn’t even very hardcore, just some light baby bondage
>Kuznetsov never existed
>imagine being this niave
what did she mean by this?
wow thanks for your professional insight that was so hard to tell
some faggots made a fake snuff film. that's your story.
Some b-movie thing from decades ago
what does that have to do with anything related to the guardian?
>it's real
>no it's not
>what about d*isy's destruction?
>that's an old Yas Forums meme
>no it's not they caught the guy
every single "snuff" thread on this board. I'm probably missing some others but that should cover it