Literally HOW the fuck did they get away with this?
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By casting a 17 year old to be the object of desire for a pedo.
> In 1995, at the age of 15, she was chosen out of 2,500 girls to play the title role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Adrian Lyne's controversial 1997 screen adaptation of Lolita. She was 15 during filming
And she's supposed to be 12 in the film which I feel like only slightly stretches belief
It was movie as fuck so no one cared
Jeremy Irons tongues a 15 year old in this film and they wrestle nude in bed together. What movie did you watch??
That's a normal weekend for actors in the 90s
>ywn fuck your coke addled flavor of the week teen actress gf at Chateau Marmont in the mid 90s
Why live
I'm afraid to watch the kubrick film of Lolita because then I have to admit to myself that I find 14 year olds hot. anyone else have this problem?
by casting a roastie
Go to bed Humbert
no you fucking pedo
actually it's called hebephilia
>Be at bookstore.
>Notice Lolita.
>Realize how awkward it would be to purchase it in-store.
>Eyes drift to Marquis de Sade.
clown world
In the non American version (adaption) they do way more than that.
Based Kubrick
The real question is how the fuck did they get away with THIS?
kubricks version was the best.
Manages to capture the sexuality with no sex scenes. Extremely subtle. Funny dialogue
Sue Lyon is actually attractive so it’s easy to see why Humbert fell for her. It’s the best version.
Lynnes version is for pedos, who want more graphic scenes. And they dress Lolita like a 9 year old in the film
>implying any of the underagers or braindead pedos on this board watched this
>this is what plebs actually believe
it was his weakest movie for a reason
Do people get on a list if dl this...
>Do people get on a list if dl this...
Stanley Kubricks weakest movie is probably fear and desire.
Also it’s amazing his weak films are still cinematic masterpieces
Chad Kubrick
No it’s Full Metal Jacket
If you live in the five eyes and actively posted on this board while mr bot was running, you're already on a list
>>Be at bookstore.
>>Notice Lolita.
>>Realize how awkward it would be to purchase it in-store.
>>Eyes drift to Marquis de Sade.
I was reading 120 days of Sodom at the beach one summer. As I progressed through the book, I got so self conscious about it I tore off the cover.
People age DRASTICALLY between 12 and 15. It’s called puberty. The actress may as well be 18
Was the alleged European edit of 1997 Lolita ever actually released? Or are all the versions floating around the censored American cut?
Boy this nigga really wants to see a kid get fucked
The censorship never concerned sex scenes AFAIK.
It’s not Maladolescenza, that’s how
What's wrong with I, Claudius? I remember it being absolutely kino. Classic BBC drama.
Who said there's anything wrong with it?
"How did they get away with this?" implies that there was something untoward about the production.
If people here are asking that same question about Lolita, why wouldn't you ask it about a TV show with a scene that heavily implies Roman guards raping a young boy and girl before killing them on the basis that it's bad luck to kill a virgin.
How did they get away with pretty baby is the real question?
Russian version is the best version
It was a different time. It's as simple as that. What a lot of people don't understand, or don't want to understand, is that a lot of people wanted to normalize underage sexuality in media. People have forgotten that Playboy was fully complicit, for example. People have forgotten the old interviews where Cheech and Chong sit in a pool with that girl from Pretty Baby whose name escapes me while making jokes about how the singer from The Eagles was a fuckwit who got caught. All of the pop and rock stars from the 60s to the 90s were fucking kids. Some probably still are nowdays, but it's hush-hush. But back then, nobody really hid it. It was an open secret in the entertainment business that Elvis liked young girls. He would have Priscilla (14) have sex with other, even younger girls while he watched and took pictures. This stuff was known. But the public choose to turn a blind eye for some reason. The people who accused pop stars and Playboy and stuff of being a corrupting influence were not far off the mark. A lot of people have chosen not to remember what was actually being advocated for, and what they were attempting to normalize.
There has always been a suspicion that the proliferation of shaving and waxing in pornography was tied to an attempt to normalize a prepubescent-looking version of female sexuality. It's always been laughed off as a nonsense conspiracy, but you have to wonder. People like Hugh Hefner were supportive of underage sexuality until it became politically taboo to do so.
>In 1995, at the age of 15, she was chosen out of 2,500 girls to play the title role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Adrian Lyne's controversial 1997 screen adaptation of Lolita.
Imagine being the casting director
that movie is actually very kino though, i understand why it was considered art. Made me want to see more movies set in the early 1900s in some odd location like that you wouldnt normally think about. It actually felt like some little snippet of the past in a way period pieces usually fail at.
I don't like maisie, she is very smart and cool, and has that "I'm gonna kick your lame ass if you keep staring at me". Reminds of all the girls that used to bully me
Sejanus' son is not raped in I, Claudius. The guards force him to don his Toga Virilis, making him a man and thereby cool to kill. The girl certainly is raped, however.
>I'm gonna kick your lame ass if you keep staring at me
that look is the best part about her
based and dare I say redpilled
Absolute kino. My grandpa let me borrow his disc set and gave me the book.
Makes you wonder who's behind it all.
(((I dunno lol)))
oh fugg
absolutely fucking hate it when women are over the top freely expressing their sexuality
i swear any time a bitch like that does that to me in bed i make it my duty to choke her almost to death and stomp on her chest
Based and incelpilled.
If you actually follow the links, get past the paywalls and find the original article used for the source in that picture, that graph is nowhere to be found.
Yeah I'll take your word for it. Rofl.
Uh oh looks like jannie is here.
he's just looking for things to delete while protecting his leftist raid thread on the front page
what leftist raid thread?
>Yeah I'll take your word for it. Rofl.
You can do it yourself.
It's possible to read it for free.
the one circlejerk mocking Peterson
i will never understand what lefties think they accomplish by raiding Yas Forums
I don't want to waste time looking for a free article. The graph as shown in that pic isn't there, but the data and methodology is. Might want to also read on the "Rind et al controversy", young girls are attractive and enjoy sex, is the elephant in the room everyone wants to ignore.
It's not like there aren't other studies saying the same thing.
Barbaree & Marshall, 1989; Briere & Runtz, 1989; Fedora et al., 1992; Freund & Watson, 1991; Green, R, 2002; Smiljanich & Briere, 1996, etc