When will we get the aphantasia movie we deserve?

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it's basically unfilmable

How the fuck can someone not visualize an object? Are these the same "people" with no internal dialogue?

draw a cube from 4 different angles right now, if you can't do it you have it.

Most likely. It is unironically low IQ because it has to do with visuo-spatial reasoning. The fact that Galton was the first to describe it should be reason enough.

This is the Yas Forums equivalent of astrology.

Ok i've got a great idea for an aphantasia movie.

Picture this:

decent b8

that would actually make for a very interesting movie.

If you think this doesn't exist I question how you regard memories. Memories get played in your head the same way you can see an apple, if you can't see the apple, how do you see memories?

I don't get it... some people can't "imagine" stuff? I think I'm too dumb to understand this

if you don't get it, you have it

Some people have no thoughts at all.

They can't 'see' anything in their mind. So when you remember something like an apple, it's specifics, you don't see anything at all. It's definitely impossible for someone who can see it to understand what it's like not to have it. How do these people remember faces?

so this is the condition the NPC meme describes

fucking hilarious

they're soulless robots

Ever had an art class? When the teacher tells you to imagine the object you're trying to draw in as much detail as possible it turns out not everybody can do it. Some can in extreme detail, some can't at all and everybody else is somewhere in between.

You answered you own question.
Virtually everybody who would say they're a '5' on that scale in the OP would still consider themselves normal and capable of recalling memories.
The truth of the matter is, anybody who says they're a '5' (excluding the tiny minority that may have some real condition) are just thinking too hard about the question.
Nobody literally sees a red apple in their head as if they have a 2nd set of eyes in their skull.
If you can draw an apple with decent accuracy, you are a '1', even if you think yourself a '5'.

I'm a high school teacher and typically teach the retard level classes, and I gotta say, you really are underestimating how retarded most relatively high functioning tards are. Like I don't even teach the retards who have their own class with like 6 kids. I am teach a class of what should be a mix of tards and normal kids. Plus, the average kid is a moron. Hell, the average honors student is a fucking moron and it is amazing how much smarter the gifted student class is compared to the average honors kid.

>Nobody literally sees a red apple in their head as if they have a 2nd set of eyes in their skull.

I do sometimes but I can't do it all the time.

>spatial intelligence above average
>can't imagine things in detail
>think in concepts
explain this

Its pseudoscience.

I can visualise things but for some reason there’s a weird flickering effect on everything I imagine, like lights blinking on and off

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>maybe the reason why we watch so many movies and tv is because we can't imagine a world of our own so we desperately seek it in movies

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It's cancer

Apparently a fair amount of people with this condition also have other memory and visualisation problems, like the inability to remember peoples faces.

I was just thinking about this myself and imagined a blue apple, I wonder if there are people who can't see things in their mind that don't exist, like the aforementioned blue apple.

Yes but we are unable to understand exactly what their cognitive function is like on a subjective level. Just like when someone is sleep walking and can communicate with you, but later cannot recall that memory. What is the capacity of their mental state, and how can we understand if they are truly like us?

Schopenhauer kind of discusses this in the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, wherein he mentions that the only two senses of objective reasoning are sight and the mind. If people lack the mental capacity to understand objects how do we know they even think correctly or are alive like us? This is why IQ tests have a visual-spatial reasoning section to enable those people who can use their mind, like number 1, to solve problems that others cannot do. Chess players are the same with hyper spatial reasoning as they can 'see' multiple chess formations in their mind.

So while people without it might walk and talk just like us, what is their qualia within the world? How does their subjective experience function? The thought that people are walking around unable to see faces or imagine an apple is scary.

I can see it but at the same time I cant. Its weird but I cant hold the vision but I can verify that I saw a very detailed red apple.

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hmm in english doc?

I doubt it.
Think about your visual field suddenly doubling in size and it's now half black void with a floating object in the middle.
That would be extremely alarming.

general mental ability is an artifact of population studies and is present to varying degrees in individuals

people good any individual mental tasks have a tendency to be good at other mental tasks but it isn't true of every individual

That could relate more to technical issues than one of imagination. I can picture something fully detailed in my head but I don't have the artistic practice (or innate talent I guess) to be able to get it down perfectly onto a piece of paper.


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>t. retarded fucking idiot

I made a post detailing what this was in a thread over a month ago and I got like a million replies to it, some from people that were suddenly very concerned about their inability to conjure elaborate mental images. I'd like to think I educated a lot of Yas Forums users that day. So OP, if you now know what aphantasia is because of me, you're welcome.

>So while people without it might walk and talk just like us, what is their qualia within the world? How does their subjective experience function? The thought that people are walking around unable to see faces or imagine an apple is scary.
They are p-zombies user

Why do you assume you are like everyone else? Or that you are the ideal person?

i can't visualize but i have plenty of internal dialogue. i can't replicate most voices and used to get music to the point of layered symphonies in my head
I just conceptualize and twist and turn it in my head. it's not like you need a picture to do it. did fine on my IQ tests and civil service testing

take your antipsychotics lmfao

Your mind can be used for reasoning which is objective-sense (not subjective)
If people are walking around unable to function in an objective sense, unable to apply their intelligence to visual and spatial elements of the world, how do they function. There are people walking around who can only recall direct experience, such as touch or sound, but can't interact with the past through visual memories. How are these people human? They're probably not. They look like you and I, but they're hollow shells of thinking, feeling people.

I know someone who ashamedly claimed to be an npc that couldn't think. They just react to stimuli like a venus fly trap but not cool. I thought we were just misunderstanding each other but then I thought back and it explains a lot of things about him. I think it's real.

>some people have never isekai'd themselves into a fantasy world via imagination

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checkmate retard

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>This is why IQ tests have a visual-spatial reasoning section to enable those people who can use their mind, like number 1, to solve problems that others cannot do.
But this is a different exercise than visualizing an object.
There are stunning hyper-realist painters who clearly see objects with extreme clarity in their minds eyes who may not score very high on a spatial IQ test.

I don't assume I'm like anyone else because it's unverifiable. But there are people who ask the same stuff as me, so I would assume they are probably in the same situation. I don't think that I'm ideal, but just like a BW colourblind person can't see colour, but I can, I'm trying to understand what it is like to live as a person who seemingly lacks, or differs, in sensory experience to myself.

I thought everyone could visualize objects like number 1. This thread is scaring me.

I'm not a retard. Teaching retards is usually less work because no one gives a fuck how far into the corriculum you teach

True, but I'd say that is a function of the test which is just mean to measure the g factor. In a real sense their application of memory in painting hyper-realist painting shows their skills and a test is arbitrary.

confirmed aphantasmong

oops I mean I can replicate voices and play back what I hear in my head. sounds too

Used to do this all the time as a kid. Just completely imagine myself in an imaginery world before going to sleep and would often have a dream set in it.

>there are people walking around right now who aren't managing their own fighters guild in a fantasy backwater
imag- oh wait!

What an unspeakable tragedy. The unmitigated Lovecraftian horror of it all. To be trapped in a prison of stinking flesh. Reincarnated as a nigger.

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have you actually imagined you on a made up world or a previous world, like I used to imagine myself being a pokemon trainer but now that I think about it I never imagine a world all of my own

Are you saying extremely skilled artists who draw from memory are de facto scoring very high on spatial IQ tests?
I find that hard to believe but you seem well versed on this.

>How the fuck can someone not visualize an object?
Explain to me how you can. You can't. Its literally not possible for you to explain how you can visualize in the same way I can't explain how I can't. We literally do not have enough understanding of the brain to know how it works.
>Are these the same "people" with no internal dialogue?
I also don't have internal dialogue, my head isn't an audio book playing out.
>I don't get it... some people can't "imagine" stuff? I think I'm too dumb to understand this
Literally yes. People can't imagine stuff. I can't visualize an object. I can think about an object, and I know what I'm thinking about, but I don't "see" that object like its a picture in my head.
The NPCs are the ones who hear voices and see images, they are being given instructions.

>I also don't have internal dialogue, my head isn't an audio book playing out.
Nobody ever "thinks in words" unless they're about to write, speak or type.

which directors do you reckon have it? maybe the coens since they draw a comic of their movis before filmming it

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A question to everyone that says they don't have this, can you close your eyes and visualize an apple in the blackness as if you were actually seeing it? If yes, could you look at an empty table and imagine an apple there and its no different to it being on the table? If yes, could you "imagine" a wall right infront of your eyes so you're turning your vision off and seeing blackness with your eyes open? If the answer to any of these were no then you have aphantasia.

In a sense. If a painter displays real talent for memory than we can see and understand that directly, a test might just be wrong. Creating tests is a hard task and IQ tests are just trying to find the g factor, which is meant to tell you how intelligent someone likely is. If a person can demonstrate intelligence via their painting a test seems useless. At this point I think you would want a philosopher or psychologist instead to try and question them on how they think instead of just taking a test.

Could be worse, I think I can but reading shit like this makes me second guess myself and wonder if what I think is normal is normal.
It's like when I first realized my vision was going, it was only after moving to a new lecture theater in university where I realised I couldn't see shit at a distance anymore, before then it was just how I figured things looked.

See The (near) universal tendency is project your mind into others. To assume everything is as easy or hard for others as it is for you. To assume that others have the same feelings of highs and lows. To assume that the things important to you are important to others. If you've ever experimented with drugs or interacted with persons with extreme personality traits (mental disorders) you will realize that essentially human minds have an enormous diversity of possible mental states.

If your imagination is so good why do you watch porn