Other than not taking back his gold bar after shooting the beaner woman, did he even do anything wrong?

Other than not taking back his gold bar after shooting the beaner woman, did he even do anything wrong?

Attached: Dutch_van_der_Linde.png (892x864, 629.5K)

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Didn't shoot Sadie the moment he saw her.

ever listening to micah. and also just being a stubborn fool. but mainly the micah shit.

shit character, shit game

sadie is probably the most based character in the game. arthur is a cuck, john is a snitch. sadie is just a bad bitch trying to make her nut.

He did lots wrong and it's evidenced by the way everything fell apart, many people died, and nobody achieved anything.

How was shooting the beaner old hag wrong? She demanded more payment than was initially agreed upon with the threat of ratting them out. Arthur was just being a bitch as usual.

They will crack it one day


He made numerous reckless decisions, like killing Bronte (and trusting Bronte) that fucked them. I love RDR2 but it kind of took away from RDR1’s depiction of Dutch as “Wise, dangerous Ted Kaczinsky with an Indian army” by making him “le crazy mango man”
He wasn’t wrong at all for that

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Game would be better if Micah wouldn't be written so cartoonishly evil.

He didn't take the gold bar he gave her moments ago.

>He wasn’t wrong at all for that
I know but the game makes it out to be this big giveaway that Dutch has finally lost it as evidenced by Arthur's incessant moaning a la "are you gonna shoot me next, Dutch?"

slavery bad


I like Sadie, but her and Dutch both are responsible for shit tumbling down.

the game was shit you can't even skin horses

narrow-minded fag that was so obsessed with living the way they did all those years before that didnt saw micah as the mole he was

Dutch is great character

Cast him.

robbing the ferry in Blackwater and fucking it up big time, y'know setting in motion the events of the whole story and the eventual downfall of his gang.

Didn't keep Bill satisfied.

He was a narcissistic retard that didn't knew shit about the world. An ignorant cunt with no skills beyond bullshit his way around.

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He literally only did wrong things that put everyone in danger. I got like not even halfway through the game and was just wishing I could leave "the family" or whatever

this tbqh, kind of sucks there was no branching option to take over the gang after anyone with an IQ over 90 realized how retarded Dutch was.

>Arthur is a cuck

Didnt go to canada

no-one in the rdr universe is a based as him
honorable mention: landon ricketts

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He actually does come across as pretty smart and as though he has it all together in the introduction, but not long after you really get a sense for how full of shit he is. I wonder if he was always like that and the Micah stuff just made it completely transparent.

He just wanted to be an outlaw messiah with his little cult following.

When Arthur and Hosea got all jaded and started talking back at him he switched to Micah as the boot licking yes man of the group to stroke his ego, except that was mostly offscreen and very gradual.

And then he started to basically try to one-up himself with ridiculous capers in order to keep the followers impressed and in line, but with diminishing returns due to fuckups.

What he did wrong though is not going semil-legit when he could. He was smart enough to run circles around yokels.

Yeah that was gay. I let him live. He’s already a deranged hobo who has lost everything, that’s punishment enough. What, I’m supposed to kill him over being a slave catcher forty years before? I’m playing as a murderer for a living with a body count over a thousand,

He literally just simps out at every whore he even vaguely recognizes towards the end, best ending is when you play him as a volcel, which isn't canon

Micah is probably the most realistic character in the game user.

He's what an actual old west outlaw would have been like.

The semi-legal stuff with Sheriff Gray was working. He should have stuck to that instead of betraying them over fake gold.

>best ending is when you play him as a volcel
That was basically how I played him. Felt appropriate, he made a good loner.

Arthur doesn’t fuck anyone during the story so I’m not sure exactly how you play him as a volcel

>best ending is when you play him as a volcel,
isn't that exactly what he is? he won't fuck prostitutes and he could fuck women in the camp but they won't let you in the game. Doing mary's chores is dumb as fuck too so i didn't bother.

>tries to rape a women they just saved
>kills some guy because he had his guns
>kicks and eventually kills jake's dog

didn't he have a wife and child that pretty much abandonded? scarcely seems like something a simp would do


First thats alpha,second,he didnt abandoned them,more just had outlaw shit to do he considered important and returned every so often,until they died.

they are dead

>First thats alpha
nigger confirmed

>helps his ex who told him he wasn't good enough
>gives money to the woman who's husband KILLS HIM
>does chores for everyone at camp while also contributing more money than anyone

state how that is bait. aruthur is a cuck. he literally pines for his ex gf the whole game. john is a snitch. it is the whole point of the first game.

sadie is just a bad bitch, taking advantage of what she can.

Playing his fucking gramophone at 2am

John wasn’t a snitch. Micah was. John left when Dutch went insane and lost control of everything and then got forced to help the government against his own will.

When your father or husband leaves you because he has "more important" stuff to do he's abanoned you, user. Furthermore, they were killed while he was absent which he may have prevented if he'd stuck around.

And even then, it's obvious that Micah selling them out like he did was a personal redemptive process for him. The Van Der Lindes were anything but good people.

>got forced to help the government against his own will.
that is literally the definition of a snitch. do you think snitches do bad shit to help the government from the start?

RDR2 makes me real sad. It was such an ambitious game with such a massive scope that was ultimately ruined just because R* can't help but hold your fucking hand and force you to do everything just how they want you to for the entire experience. The shit with the game automatically changing your guns all the time alone is enough to see how out of touch rockstar is nowadays. Compare RDR2 to even something like Bully and you'll have way more fun with Bully even though it's a way smaller project with less detail just because the game lets you have fun in your own way for the most part. It's been a slow decline but literally every single rockstar game has taken away a little bit more player freedom. Red Dead 2 barely lets you do anything without being told.

Yeah John should have just let his wife and son die to protect the people who betrayed him and sold him out 15 years previously

How is sadie responsible?

you completely missed the whole point of the game. when the pinkerton addresses john as "who are you" in the most awkward shit ever.

john was gone for 2 years. he is already a snitch. you are stupid as fuck.

Snitches are like Micah. Personal gain is their priority. John left the gang when it fell apart and was living as a rancher. The government took his family and forced him to do it. He can’t be a snitch anyway because his gang wasn’t even around anymore, he helped (against his own will) take down Bill and his gang, Javier the assassin and Dutch’s gang

They died because a thief killed them for literally $10.

>out of touch
Nigger, even with all that RDR2 is still one of the best open world games of this gen.

What are you talking about?

he's deluded; john only became a snitch during RDR1

The problems with RDR2 aren’t the gameplay but more story related and how they handled certain things. Though a case can be made about Guarma, but even then, the gameplay there was fine, it was more just a story problem.

>he literally pines for his ex gf the whole game
He left Mary because he didn't want her to get involved in the whole outlaw thing.
Then he thought that, since things were coming to a close and he thought he was going to get a good bunch of money, maybe he could just escape with her and resume the life they had.
Only problem is that Yas Forums's definition of masculinity is pretty much the same as a tranny's definition of feminity, it's a goddamn overcompensating parody.

john literally disappeared for 2 years while his wife was pregnant and the boy was born. it is huge part of the game if you actually paid attention.

Someone who tries to reconcile with an ex isn't a cuck. A cuck is somebody who is being actively cheated on and either doesn't know or knows and still stays in the relationship. John didn't snitch on anyone. The Pinkertons already know about the entire gang. They force John to go kill or capture his previous fellow gang members. A snitch is someone who secretly gives up info on others that they are in cahoots with. John never does that. He goes after the gang long after he left it and never tries to hide his intentions from the people he's going after. Sadie is a feminist wet dream of a character who is meant to be a strong independent woman, but in actuality is just a Mary Sue who is immediately excellent at being an outlaw despite previously being a house wife, and also comes of as extremely annoying as well. Her entire character is, "fuck you men I don't need any help with anything ever." And the fact that she's right makes her a horribly written character.

Guarma was fine story wise. It served as a reminded that even remote tropical islands (much like Haiti which was prophesied to be a sanctuary) were irrevocably corrupted by civilization and its vices thus putting the final nail in the coffing of Dutch's dream.

Did you not play the epilogue?

He didn't become a snitch.
Who did he snitch out?
He was literally being forced at gunpoint.
It was either saving his family, or saving people who had already betrayed him once.

Incel hands typed this post.
And anyway, he would be a simp, not a cuck, for helping people. He does help out far too many people in the game instead of looking out for himself though.
I wish I would have ignored that wishy-washy bitch Mary during the game, she was a leech on Arthur's life who always asked for help and gave back almost nothing in return.

What does that have to do with snitching for the government? That was the point you were trying to make.

Has anyone in your life informed you yet that you're an actual retarded person?

Simp is drooling and being thirsty over women when she obviously has no interest in you.
He didn't, at the end Arthur is just trying to help random people to try to atone for his sins.
It's also why he sacrifices himself to let Marston escape.

See, that’s what I thought, but a lot of people thought it detracted. I thought so the first time but then I acclimated to it and thought it was great.

His greatest mistake was to ignore the conventions of the time and allow members of different races into his group. This was the primary cause of the failure of social cohesion within the gang, and he should have known that mutual cooperation and trust would eventually disintegrate.

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That's cause you're a zoomer with no taste. Open world is a meme.

Lol retard play the game. He didnt leave Mary out of his own will, he was deemed non marriage material by her father. They were really close to being married but his dangerous lifestyle pushed them apart because he wasn't willing to let go of the gang.

He left for ONE (1) year, skizzo, and this only served as way to cause a rift between John and Arthur since the former rejected what the latter hat irrevocably lost leading them to reconcile throughout the course of the game allowing character development

The Pinkertons aren’t in RDR1, that’s the BOI, the FBI’s precursor. Otherwise, yeah, you’re right,

>Dutch is a Natives apologist
>is also crazy and unstable and delusional

Pretty based desu, accurate

>he was deemed non marriage material by her father
And they made clear that neither Mary nor him gave a shit about what he thought.