Any other kinos like this?
Any other kinos like this?
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>muh nazi movie trying to villify, dehumanize and ridicule stalin by portraying him in a negative light such as lies about having urinated all over himself
kys commie kys
I liked it.
Seething communiggers
Based Zhukov
What was his deal?
i loved how the entire red army was northern British hard men
large cock
I'm a leftie and I thought it was fantastic.
You should try JoJo Rabbit, similar feeling and also kino
Dying is one of the few situations in life where no one will give you a hard time for weeing on yourself.
Being too based.
It was 6.5/10
I wanted to like it more than I did
>no Stalin's rise to power kino
>no Great Purge kino
When will this be rectified?
In The Loop and Veep. Both by Ianucci. I haven't watched it but they say The Thick Of It is also pretty kino. Also by Ianucci.
>You should try JoJo Rabbit, similar feeling and also kino
Death of Stalin is an accurate movie as far as the characters are concerned. Jew Jew Rabbit is just nonsense.
JoJo rabbit was mediocre at best and also nothing like the death of Stalin whatsoever. What are you talking about? Do you think every movie about evil world leaders is the same?
Fuck, I'm mad. This comment is so stupid it has made me mad on the internet. Fuck.
Take your meds, Anna.
You have taken bait, comrade. Make your way to gulag, do not pass Go.
Paul Whitehouse was great.
Stalin deserves to be dehumanized and ridiculed. An absolute monster Khrushchev was right to tell the USSR about his crimes
Didn't know what to expect with this movie, but was pleasantly satisfied. Still wasn't as absurd as some of the most weird stories from stalinist bureaucracy.
Is this Lucius Malfoy?
There was a story from the director stating that one of the stories about the music conductor at the beginning was made up because the real story was far too absurd to be believed
this shit is pretty much unique, I can't think of any other movie being comedy while this close to reality
Yes. I live in Finland there are really absurd stories from Soviet era refugees. Some Finnish business tycoons were allowed to visit Moscow and St Petersburg. Forestry workers would be set goals on how many trees they were supposed to cut down. And they did reach that goal, but the numbers were way too high for factories to process. So a massive amount of cut trees was regularly left to rot in the forests. Because they wouldn't dare to point out that the goals were wrong. Same thing with grinding gravel. Some areas would process twice the amount of gravel than their cranes could lift. The machinery broke down every time due to extra weight.
But on paper the production numbers for cut trees and gravel were amazing. Take that, capitalists!
It's a miracle it lasted as long as it did
True irony was how they edited Jeffrey Tambor out of the movie posters Soviet style because of his molestation accusations.
Pure retard.
The film is called The DEATH of Stalin you retard. How could you possibly expect any of that shit?
>not evil
Crystallized retard.
No wonder the Soviet Union crushed the Nazi scum
Hitler saved my grandad's life, since the soviets released a load of Poles from the gulags to fight them when Germany invaded.
Obviously he abandoned those fucks as soon as he could.
Fat guy did nothing wrong.
Looking back at the Soviets they were cartoonishly incompetent but you would be amazed at what you can accomplish with a slave labor, unlimited budget, terrified or ignorent but extremely plentiful population, and nobody to tell you no because they are terrified that you will invade or nuke them.l
Yeah check out inglorious basterds for a realistic look into the death of hitler too friend! Edit: wow this comment blew up thanks for the gold!
Incompetence is a function of the system when you invest such absolute power in the bureaucracy.
>when you're such a badass stalin has to un-unperson you
I was familiar with Iannucci's work going in but, even at that, the juxtaposition of his very British style of comedy with the subject matter jarred me a bit on first watch. I enjoyed way more on subsequent watches.
every commie should hang
I choose to believe Norway, thank you.
Jesus, shows the power of movies.
I think Norway wants everyone to forget about what they were up to during the war.
Zhukov was based and i say that as a fan of hitler
Nobody putting on accents was jarring at first but the idea of them all having to do Russian accents could have hurt their performance or chemistry, which was made me enjoy the movie. The cast and their delivery was so damn funny.
Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the two best flags in the world.
Having sex with german men?
can i get a source my nigga im high as shit right now and lack capabilities but that story sounds awesome
>the idea of them all having to do Russian accents could have hurt their performance or chemistry
I feel that too. There's nothing worse than bad accents in movies. And if one character did a Russian accent, all of them would have had to do it for continuity. One of them would have sucked for sure.
So yes, it was the absolute correct choice.
tbqh the battle of britain was crucial and then great britain was the launching point for d-day.
>Not having a machine gun on your flag
How can any nation even compete?
>the actual Zhukov
Yeah and it even showed the displacement between characters pretty well with Stalin having a sort of East Midlands accent while someone like Khrushchev being portrayed by an American. While Malenkonv and Makarov are southerners and all the Red Army enforcers and Beria having hard Northern accents.
He got gulag'd during a purge, the war started to go to pot, and stalin brought him back to save the day because they needed a bad enough dude.
Yep you can see with that face he would kick your head in if you did something stupid
>"The Wehrmacht? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them. You see, the Wehrmacht had limited men and materiel. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they exhausted both and were overrun. Voroshilov, show them the medals I won" - Georgy Zhukov, 1947.
Comrade General Chadislov
I thought the movie did him justice. He was by far the best character.
Whatever works to get the job done.
He truly gave no fucks. As much a sociopath as he was a badass.
Yeah, I think Jason Isaacs really knocked it out of the park
>"Sorry, you busy washin' yer 'air or wot?"
>"Tomorrow's the funeral"
>"Yeah, the day that the entire fookin' Army's in town with their guns"
Sure, for the secondary front. But 80% of Nazi losses were against the USSR.
Stalin himself had this to say on the subject
>to defeat the Nazi's the USSR gave blood, the Americans gave money, and the British gave time.
>this triggers the Yas Forumsack
That's why its generally a bad idea to pick a fight with a country that can out produce and out man you by a laughable margin and germany did it twice.
Isaacs could have been a 007 like Connery.