>coronavirus halting all movie and TV production slows down her inevitable shift to being an actress
Why didn't you practice social distancing, Yas Forums? Could have had Dua Lipa kino by now.
>coronavirus halting all movie and TV production slows down her inevitable shift to being an actress
Why didn't you practice social distancing, Yas Forums? Could have had Dua Lipa kino by now.
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Why does she stick out her tongue so much
It's Cute!!!
i liked her in the alita ost video
remember alita, guys?
I don't remember soy movies
why would I care about some 5/10 making shit music for zoomer bitches?
I wanna lick Dua Lipa feet all the way over to her tits and call her dirty shqipe
but she looks exactly like all the other romanian gypsy street hookers
No she doesnt!! and if she did you could provide but a single picture of a street romanian gypsy to compare her to!! but you can't because Dua Lipa is a cute!! Cute!!!
He is a gypsy in denial himself and is just projecting
She's a 5 star musician as evident by her most recent hit album. She could be a 5 star actress too.
Forgot pic
shame about modern pop music the best we have to offer is some uptight slut who obviously cares more about instagram posts rather than writing and producing innovative music and not only that but these brainlet zoomer slaves that would pay money to wwatch her sunbathe on some desert island with her shitty rich family
you must be a soyboy
And unlike you, every person you described and derided in your post is still happier than you and has had sex at least once.
God I want to fuck her so bad.
Same senpai. Electricity video did a number on my lust for her
this is first thing i hear when i see a hot latina without fail
I thought Dua Lipa and Rita Ora are the same person. Serbians all look the same.
Rita Ora is thiccer. Hot in different ways.
Why is this literal "arguing with holes" meme and tactic is so prevalent these days, are there really this much failed pissholes here?
When you stop getting so mad at it every single time without fail, it will stop being used.
You got it all wrong #1 Dua Lipa Fan™ on Yas Forums, I'm perfectly happy, even in quarantine, and the only time I've paid any thought to Dua Lipa's existence in the past 8 months is right now here in your shitty ass fucking thread
>dua lipa, charli xcx and doja cat will never take turns spitting in your mouth
She looks like that blonde model that fucked Jaden Smith and other black guys
show dick
I want to lick her eyebrows.
Through your thinly-veiled post laden with passive-aggressiveness, I love how you never even denied the fact that all those people are still happier than you and have had sex at least once which is more than you can say.
Stay an angry incel. Stay a virgin. Lmao.
I'm not mad at it, I'm mad at the simps getting mad at it. Its like irl pissdrunk chavs trashtalking men because they dont want to take their fat ass
End result is still you getting mad, can't argue with 1+1 = 2.
There is no content at all to women with brown eyes.
is this the saved by the bell tranny?
Her foot game is pretty lackluster
naked dua?
ples Make Frens
I wish you get raped again irl lmao
She looks like the template for an insta thot. Vague ethnicity, symmetrical features but no real beauty. And she's a passable singer with bad songs. Sad!
I fucking love dua Lipa she's such a whore
no real beauty? her skull is angelic man
She's a dyke
how did he do it?
no such thing
>turn filter :off
You're just falling for the smoky eyes. See her without any makeup.
I wouldn't necessarily call it a rape, your mother was overall very gentle and nurturing to me when she overpowered me and rode me to completion.
God I wish I were her
>I'm not the only Dua Lipa obsessed autist posting on Yas Forums and Yas Forums
absolutely fucking based, a toast to you my brother, and to the DUAlity of man.
google james charles dua lipa
thats a dude's face
Like Cara Delevigne, she is another person I would like to see stop grooming her eyebrows. Then we could all sit and watch them get bigger and bigger and bigger...
She will never be an actress
a tranny makes you horny but it's OK
you're still gay AF
a porn actress at least
a man can dream.
Post Dua kino.
>Hard mode: not Physical, we know that's the best one.
nah, she's cute as a button
i love her so much bros...
She's painfully average.
>She's painfully average.