James talks about the greatest movie ever made, "Dunston Checks In."

>James talks about the greatest movie ever made, "Dunston Checks In."

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Checking in

If you haven't seen it yet.

Why didn't you use a better thumbnail for the OP thread

Because I'm lazy.

Have you bros seen the video that inspired AVGN with James drinking beer and flipping off the tv?

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The fatties keep calling theirselves slobs. They know.

No shit, one of them has confirmed he browses these threads. They even use our memes like "kino"

I have not. Got a link?


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Why is he getting shilled so hard here over the last few days?

>being this new
Go back to your leddit reddit medditia threads

Unironically kino as fuck.

So Mike actually kind of created avgn. Or spawned what started it. Interesting

Odds on "Mario" showing up in an episode of AVGN?

You think these zoomers ever saw some 90s kids movie

Mike IS Avgn. He wrote majority of the original episodes. James was merely an actor because Mike didnt like being on camera. Hence his costumes when he was in the show.

I was hoping they would have. But Im beginning to lose hope.


Attached: James net worth.jpg (1300x800, 234.79K)

Youre an obsessed faggot.

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>t. James

>t. Slobby fucking Ryan

>t. James

>be James
>check out

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>its just james without any of the hutts
I might actually watch this

There has been at least one or two AVGN/Cinemassacre threads daily on here for years.

From what I know Mike wrote a lot of the earlier episodes. And did the gameplay. Judging by how James plays Super Mario Bros 3 I can tell once and for all that he isn't a gamer at all.
I didn't know about this pre-avgn video but it seems like there is some truth to Mike having a huge role in creating AVGN.

Fuck I should've watched more they are in fuck

>yup, mhmm, yup livin the easy life

Who are these guys anyway and when did they show up?

Frankly I don't understand the appeal

>recorded on 4256 DVDs

Attached: avgn_dvds.jpg (624x836, 160.78K)

I'm still confused, I thought screen wave was handling the technical aspect of the episodes too? It's weird they dont have him writing scripts or playing the games, but they have him doing this kind of stuff


I remember thinking it was odd in his behind the scenes episode that he said recorded gameplay footage to DVDs and this was back in 2012. The fact he kept doing that in seven years later is mental.

>PC laptop

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Looks like avgn was created by Mike

>watch rental reviews

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I didnt realize until now that mike has penis nose

What happened to Mike?

James is a Mac guy

He is definitely the inspiration for the avgn. Probably the real life nerd. When James and Mike played video games in college mike probably got shitfaced and pissed off every time.

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I just like garbage fires.


I am digging seeing the evolution of Ryan. Dude is looking healthier and spiffy af. These guys work well off each other and this thread looks very interesting!!

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He looks like fucking pee-wee herman.

Based. Big Ryan Fan btw

The age-range that uses this board grew up during AVGN's prime so there is a fond aspect to it contrasted with the meme potential.

>Ryan samefagging.

Make me

Is there a way to filter out cinemassacre's youtube page to just have the videos of james reviewing stuff alone, no fatties or neckbeards? It's super comfy until the 900lb elephant appears on the camera and ruins my kino

I wish

it wasnt supposed to be a documentary

Attached: mike evolve.jpg (700x350, 74.32K)

James needs to just quit being a faggot and open his own youtube channel.
The fatties will never let him though because they would rapidly lose subscribers like what happened on their old channels.

hahaha nice hairdo there Ryan :)

There's something quite depressing about the ability to watch others age in real time.

Why did he get the Gus Dapperton/John Travolta in The Fanatic haircut?

Because he's an antrepreneur and alpha.

Did you just spell it antrepreneur?
The people on this board really fucking concern me.

james always looked like a literal fucking retard