Why would Hollywood dump the lead Star Wars actress? She hasn't booked a new project in two years. Even Hayden had few gigs ready after ROTS.
Why would Hollywood dump the lead Star Wars actress? She hasn't booked a new project in two years...
How fast will Disney retcon her and bring out a new younger girl to replace her?
why user?
because nobody cares about her as evidenced by her lack of new projects
>Hire the girl who grimaced through 8 hours of Star Wars movies! (with the occasional odd shriek for whatever reason)
I care about her ass on my face
Probably soon. The Sequels shrank the SW galaxy so small its extremely difficult to make any new movies set during the sequel era, considering none of the actors want to reprise their roles the entire era is basically dead now.
Same here.
>the entire era is basically dead now
Goddam this breaks my heart, but you’re absolutely right. I keep hoping we can get some quality Sequel era content for an expanded universe because I’m tired of the franchise always looking backwards into the timeline and the new republic eta of the old canon was really cool. I don’t know what they can do with it now because like you said, they focused more on replicating the original trilogy aesthetic and characters rather than expanding it and making room for supplemantery content. At least the Prequels got that much right
They should just retcon them, pull an Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge twist where it turns out to be the dying dreams of Rey, who is really a spice addicted scavenger dying in the deserts of Jakku outside of a downed Star Destroyer and an X-Wing. This would explain everything about the sequels; the frequent inconsistencies and contradictions in story and character development and backstories, the nonsensical and skimpy world building, the bland worlds, the ugly inbred looking aliens, how Luke, Leia and Han act, the plot holes, the First Order and Resistance just being the Empire and Rebellion under a different name, Palpatine coming back, Rey's perfect nature and surpassing the true heroes of the galaxy... it's all the delusions of a mind broken by drugs and fueled by stories she's heard over the years. And as she is found by a passing traveler, she is asked who she is and answers 'Rey...Rey Skywalker', she gazes off into the sun of Jakku and dies in the stranger's arms. Her body is left to be claimed by the sand, a tragic end for a nodbody.
Because she's bad
People want to jump all over the sequels plot holes and inconsistencies because >muh star wars lore, but she's far and away the worst thing about them
She has the charisma of a dumpster behind a Taco Bell
I thought she and kylo were the least offensive thing in the nu trilogy. Wouldnt mind seeing her again desu.
Even a terrible actor can do ok with a good script and direction. Nu Star Wars failure started from the storyboard on, to blame it on the actors is just a Disney cop-out. She wasnt great, but she could have been better under different direction.
Well sure, but that's not what the thread asked
The thread asked why that beady eyed freak can't get a job
The answer is because she couldn't act even if it was the only thing that would save her from having a white hot razorblade shoved into her useless cunt
I see your point and it makes me wonder - was a Hayden a good (or even decent/acceptable) actor with a crappy script? Or was he a crappy actor with a crappy script?
normally I would agree with you but I'm getting strong incel vibes from your post
>she couldn't act
Why did they cast her tho?
Daisy is an angel
Post moar fat Daisy my peepee demands it!
If this means she resorts to doing porn to pay the bills I'm all for it.
Because Kennedy's obsessed with white british brunettes. And apparently because Ridley can cry on command. I personally believe it was because they originally intended Rey to be Luke's daughter until Johnson fucked with the story.
>Kennedy's obsessed with white british brunettes
Truly the thought has given me a most shameful boner
The fuck if I know
Nah I don't hate women, just that talentless fuck
Think about it; Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Emilia Clarke...there's an obvious pattern.
People who portray SW protagonists have always been horrid actors for the most part.
>Mark Hamil
>Carrie Fisher
>Hayden Christensen
>Jake Lloyd
>Daisy Ridley
>John Boyega
None of this had/have any future in acting beyond their SW gigs. Mark Hamil was such a shit actor he only got voiceover jobs in cartoons and video games.
I mean, sheeeit, I’d eat her Kathy’s shriveled old puss for a leading role in a Star Wars film...
Who am I kidding I’d eat it for free
I don't think in a sexual way, I think more in a self-insert way. And maybe Kennedy thinks being british makes you cooler.
Not sexual cumbrain, she self inserts
She's probably loaded by now. If I were her, I'd go lay on the beach for the rest of my life.
She looks like a transwoman
If they were swapped, Daisy would do a much shittier with the prequels scripts than him and he would do a better job than her with the wannabe-Marvel stuff she had.
I'd lean to the former.
Harrison Ford did alright
>Mark Hamil was such a shit actor he only got voiceover jobs in cartoons and video games.
and he was kino in all of them.
>OT has a young american jewish female - great success
>PT has a young american jewish female - success
>ST has a young british non-jewish female - great failure
lucas knows the power of jewish pussy
She's to busy punishing me for having a 7 inch dick
can't think why
Carrie Fischer was Jewish?
...my penis is small with shame :|
He acted the script perfectly, too perfectly for reddit to understand. Anakin is meant to be an autistic space wizard that got abducted and molested by weird virgin space monks that essentially want to enslave him when he was born into slavery, he's also literally magic space jesus birthed into existence by the force (or Sheev) to be its ironically all powerful pawn
I'm not even trying to be mean but please tell me this ISN'T in the actual movie.
The question you should ask is when are they at their best and their worst.
Hayden is at his worst when reading godawful lines, while at his best when using his body language
Daisy is at her worst when she's going through every day actions, while at her best when selling over the top deliveries (screaming, crying, etc)
daisy needs work
Specifically right now, it could be the virus for the coming months with production on many TV and film projects being put on hold indefinitely. She does however have a few movies coming down the line, but I guess the question is when they'll actually release. Tonnes of movies have been pushed to later in the year, and some like F9 were pushed to next year entirely.
As it looks she has four upcoming projects, one being voice-over work, one being that movie that was in production hell with a single image being released two years ago, and another two films that are just "announced" with no time table at all.
They're all Jewish, honey, I'm sorry to break it to you. Did the name Fischer not tip you off even a little?
>considering none of the actors want to reprise their roles the entire era is basically dead now.
The best part about that is that they all said that after 7 was a massive hit and were clearly angling for more money. Then 8 was a trainwreck and it was used as an excuse to dodge another bullet by Adam and Oscar, and as an excuse by Disney to never have to cast Daisy and John.
God I want them all to enslave me to their pusys
It looks like shit, jesus christ. She was good in Murder on the Orient Express, though, and I downloaded Ophelia yesterday and will watch it tomorrow.
It is.
She didn't actually work with a director that's gonna tell her she's doing it wrong.
based "brie is not cute" poster, I see you my man
tranny jaw
Orient Express is the only thing I've seen with her where she did a good job. She should pursue less mainstream projects, even though that was technically mainstream as well.
She could probably coast by on voice work and pretend Mark inspired her.
I'd like her to take a big dump into my eager mouth
Guys watch her storytelling on twitter. Kino
This. Hayden's acting is spot on, and even Plinkett who is retarded about the prequels said he was good.
I'm wondering if that comes down to better director and script. Kenneth Branagh is a better director than JJ (at least when it comes to movies that aren't action schlock like Star Trek '09, MI:3 or SW) and the script was definitely better than the sequel trilogy. Those two things alone probably got more out of her.
Studio's sitting on that one and it will never be released, it must be DCEU-tier
Those two announced movies were announced in 2016, I'm not sure they're getting made
It's being released January 2021
But her character in Orient Express didn't do shit
Apparently it is still getting a release, there was just a bunch of reshoots that they need but couldn't do due to Daisy making Star Wars movies and Tom making Spider-Man.
underrated ahaha
She looks horrible.
The fuck?
sick opinion bro
mind if I had it to my cringe folder?
sure only if you let me put your sad reply in my folder
love it guys, keep it up, i'll add it to my folder too
pathetic samefagging. This your first day here?