Is he doomed to be forever underrated ? He's not Peter Sellers, but damn is he excellent at his job

Is he doomed to be forever underrated ? He's not Peter Sellers, but damn is he excellent at his job.
What do you think of him Yas Forums ?

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didnt know Mr Bean was so fucking based (particularly 2:30 when he drops the n word)

his enunciation man, holy shit

He's not underrated at all. He's beloved in Europe.

How the fuck is he underrated when he's well-known all over the world?
used to love that old special of his comedy central always rerun in the middle of the night in late 90s early 2000s

>he's not peter sellers
you already said it OP

>literally anyone who says nigger
>zoomers: BASED BASED BASED!!!!!!

Blackadder next, man.

The two celebrities I consistently get compared to physically are him and Daniel Radcliffe. How doomed am I.