Is he doomed to be forever underrated ? He's not Peter Sellers, but damn is he excellent at his job.
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Is he doomed to be forever underrated ? He's not Peter Sellers, but damn is he excellent at his job
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didnt know Mr Bean was so fucking based (particularly 2:30 when he drops the n word)
his enunciation man, holy shit
He's not underrated at all. He's beloved in Europe.
How the fuck is he underrated when he's well-known all over the world?
used to love that old special of his comedy central always rerun in the middle of the night in late 90s early 2000s
>he's not peter sellers
you already said it OP
>literally anyone who says nigger
>zoomers: BASED BASED BASED!!!!!!
Blackadder next, man.
The two celebrities I consistently get compared to physically are him and Daniel Radcliffe. How doomed am I.
>normal words
>but a funny face!
he's underrated only in the sense that everyone ignores the actually funny things he did in favor of garbage like mr bean and johnny english
If I have Peter Sellers, then why in god's name should I give a fuck about not-Peter Sellers?
20 years later Boris would become Prime Minister partly because of his ability to give less entertaining versions of this speech.
He’s basically like most one hit wonders. He has one main gig that will pay for the rest of his life, but basically everything else he did is better and will never get the recognition it deserves.
Yes he is beloved, but he's not taken very seriously when it comes to talking about the great comedians of the past. It's a matter of love vs respect. Of course everyone loves mr. bean, but do they really acknowledge the man's insane skills ? Not only that, but he had a pretty unique approach to analyzing comedy and, i suppose, reformulating it. It takes balls to do what he did, and a lot of brains too.
He’s Edmund Blackadder he’s a legend till the end of timr
this movie doesn't get enough love on this board
Not even Bernie Sanders can even say "niggardly" back in 1980 without retards going down his throat so I'd say yes, that does give you based points.
>not taken very seriously
Fuck you
Mr Bean sounds like THAT??
>he's not taken very seriously when it comes to talking about the great comedians of the past
two reasons:
- he never gives interviews so the media isn't incentivized to talk about him (this is one of the most based things about him)
- he isn't dead yet. when he dies everything will get repeated on TV again.
Stewart Lee said it on his show on BBC 2 in the last couple of years. outside of America there is more leeway made for context.
ah yes rowan atkinson, the comedic genius from the famous spy parody movies
You forgot the biggest reason which is his terrible track record when it comes to film, especially all those mediocre films of the 2000s. They hurt him quite a bit, i think.
Will Ferrell said it twice on SNL in the 90's and nobody gave a fuck. Zoomers have no grasp of the world before their self-involved lives.
>euros try to ape american social politics
>cant even do that right
go figure
Wtf? Now i liken mr bean more like Mr Bas.... Bas!! Based ...!
Like Jonathan Pryce, he would make a great Bond villain.
>spaced like 7, 8 years apart
man what a way to run a franchise.
should have never made it into a franchise
People make the silliest things a franchise.
>zoomers are also the most anti-semitic generation since the 40s
Uhmm... yes, I think they're based as fuck.
Police office do not mince about you naughty boy!
eternally anglo
Yeah I'm thinking based.
no you faggot that's being genuinely funny
T. angloid
>zoomers actually believe this
>but we've got the recipe...
I mean, that's unironically correct.
watch this and realise he was never anything special
He's very well respected in Britain. It's foreigners who just think he's the Mr Bean man. Not that Mr Bean isn't very well acted physical comedy in itself.
>He's very well respected in Britain
that means nothing, so is Michael Macintyre and Mrs Brown's Boys
older than you bby
it's obvious he does those shitty movies for the money, they make bank
No, those are well liked by the masses. Rowan is the kind of person who other comedians who lavish with praise in wanky BBC documentaries.
BlackAdder >>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Bean
they're both good, different kinds of comedy
There were a few moments where I really lost my sides during the series, but one really special is when Blackadder discover that the dictionary author will murder him and announces to the Prince that he's going to Nepal. Holy shit, that was fucking great.
why werent roles written for him, like they were for sellers? hes arguably an equal if not better performer, i have a feeling its because mr bean was WAY TOO famous to be shaken off as an image
i thought he wrote his own stuff ?
can't believe he stole james acaster's gf lads
The absolute chad