actors you hate for no legitimate reason

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I feel like he stole all the roles from Jason Biggs

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>no legitimate reason
ya sure?

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That's because they discovered he isn't actually Jewish.

John Cusack is really pissing me off

well, I just didn't want the jannies to call the mods on me

aversion to jews is a beneficial adaptation

at least he finally did something about those teeth. all those gaps he used to have between all his teeth bugged the hell outta me

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he still looks like a rat

This motherfucker weirds me out. Look at this face and tell me he has a soul.
He looks like he's had a really good skin graft after getting 3rd degree burns over his entire face. Like, all the features of a human face are there, but there's some creepy x-factor that isn't right and it triggers something in my lizard brain.

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I know exactly what you mean and agree 100%. Fuck this alien looking fuckin fag.

Really hate this guy Jeremy Renner

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Came here to post this, good job Yas Forums

I have no idea. Must be his face. I just hate him for no apparent reason.

I dislike him just because he seems too smug about himself, is he a big deal? because all I know about him comes from some of his lonely island videos

this frr

Legitimate reason - he doesn't deserve Joanna Newsom

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I guess he's sort of a big deal. Not A-list by any means but he's had a pretty long run on SNL and B99 has decent ratings, I think.

young mel

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a lot of those comedy guys that aren't really funny, like ed helms and jason sedukus, partial with jason bateman too

I think Bateman has good comedy chops, but only on AD. Nowhere else.

If I was married to Joanna Newsom I'd be smug too

what a clever incel. he thought of posting that on a board full of incels literally obsessed with Jews.

ive seen a few of her films and only see her, not her character, she feels like a bootleg Gweneth Paltrow that somehow got twice the ego.
I hate her fat fucking potato face so goddamn much.

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name one thing he's been in in like 15 years

I know its easy to hate her now but I never really cared for her early on either

Hot Tub Time Machine

By all accounts Renner sounds like an absolute lad irl

>this is what a 25 year old looked like in the 90's

I miss the Jeremy Renner app

My thoughts exactly.
Around the time the Hunger Games film came out I saw the first Battle Royale film and it ruined my perspective of her shit acting and that whole scam of a franchise.
I never understood how anyone saw her as attractive or thought her cunt attitude was charming. I hope Weinstein gave her herpes.

This cunt that can't act to save his life

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I kept waiting for a catch, or some kinda nod to the audience that wasn't just jokes. Nihilism ruined me because now I can't enjoy a fantastical adventure without thinking its some dream or hallucination

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I just don’t like him

he can't do comedy or drama at all, or be a main actor, but as a tough-boston guy supporting side-character he's the king.

That spring break video was fun to masturbate to

I didn't mind Zombieland but I've otherwise avoided movies where he's the lead

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david gyasi because he played achilles in the bbc series.
fucking disgusting.

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I think he came off as another one of those sam worthington types where he kept getting in every franchise: bourne, Mission impossible, avengers. He could also be one of those with that douchey/punchable faces
I don't mind him but that would be my guess for why people would irrationally hate him

Viet fucking shit hands typed this post.

>actors you hate for no legitimate reason
Morgan Freeman
Tom Hanks
Matthew Broderick
Sandra Bullock

I know Jesse and his wife irl and they are nice people. No comment on his acting. nice trips btw

C'mon, they are cute together. Bill probably treated her like shit.


Ryan Gosling
Not a bad actor, not a good actor, okay filmography and seems ok in interviews. It's probably mostly because Yas Forums seems to worship him and he's pretty average all-round and yes that includes his looks too.

He's SAMBERG, jewish. Your jew radar is functioning properly.

spoiler so i don't have to look at the thumbnail

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This ass has always had the most pucheable face in Hollyweird, even before he started balling Florence

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>that receding hairline cope longhair

Liv Tyler
Sean Penn

fuck posting their stupid smug faces, well Liv seems nice I just can't stand her for some reason so she's the main one.

Holy fucking BASED

>literally looks the same age as now just with makeup and hair plugs

Mostly whites being mentioned, I'm noticing

pretty much everyone from the US office honestly

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>people have souls

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never seen any of the marvel movies, and honestly I liked her in scott pilgrim, but I just can't help but hate her

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came here for this

Samberg has been in films and TV shows; how isn't he an actor?

This. If you think otherwise you are a vietnamese fuckin shit.

He wears his self satisfaction on his sleeve. Everything he does is tainted by his own ego shining through.

Every actor from The US Office including every single Judd Apatow faggot


i like him for no legitimate reason

He looks like a 3DCG demo to show off some useless tech advancement.

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dude weed lmao

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somebody shop his face into this

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He's also annoying and not funny in anything, so there's that.

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Why is it so common for American black people to keep their arm in that curved way?