Is there any TV show as gay or cringe as power rangers?

Is there any TV show as gay or cringe as power rangers?

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damn bro the blue ranger be packin'

why is Yas Forums so hostile right now? Who gets this worked up over Power Rangers?

It's the discord trannies, for whatever reason they had redoubled their shitpost campaign

The cast and crew actually gave the actual gay kid a pretty rough time. I thought that counted as based for the average angry incel that posts around here

Its not good by any means, but its certainly a silly show to watch stoned.

Gay and cringe? The internet needs to calm down.

Attached: POWERRANGERS-owners.png (1161x1316, 286.11K)

you must be from Yas Forums

Ninja Storm/Operation Overdrive > every power rangers

Power Rangers is just anime for millennials who were born too early to be weebs

Yeah he tried to stay with the show longer because he liked it, but Haim Saban (the super jew) wanted to keep refreshing the casts every season or two in Japan for maximum $$$$. He stayed in as like a scientist character the new Rangers would consult. Apparently the cast gave him shit all day for being both gay and "old" for the show. He eventually quit because it was too much. Kinda brutal

You're telling me someone with a name like Haim is jewish?

Operation Overdrive was kinda ass, but Ninja Storm was legendary
>That one moment with the battlizer

Apparently Amy Jo Johnson literally was the only person on the set that was friendly to him.

original japanese is kino

Faggot. Time kino is undeniably the best PR series

wait is this true? source? cast members gave shit to the nerdy blue ranger?

I liked it when they added the Asian Green Ranger and he comes in with a Helicopter hawk
I liked Operation Overdrive because me and my cousins would often watch it when I visit him since I didn't have cartoon network growing up but he did

Time kino was ahead of it's time

It's very true. I've watched YouTube interviews with him/other cast and that Toys that Made Us documentary that address it

Jesus christ, look at the flat face on that gook, it almost looks like she smashed her face against something.

this post

Not just the cast, allegedly everybody on the set made fun of him, even the show's producers.

Pokemon. fucking shit franchise for complete losers

Power Rangers is fucking great. You must be a pleb.

>A tv show where the cast edited-in from the Japanese original karate-kick air while yelling "HYUH! HUH! HOO-AH!" while the terrible robots make the classic Godzilla costumes look more realistic.

>a huge hit in the 90s

I genuinely don't get it at all.

Friendly reminder Astronema is best girl

Attached: Astronema01.jpg (583x1117, 518.23K)

Reminder that if this show came out today Yas Forums would hate it for being "woke" and complain that the cast should have been all-white with one cute girl.

zoom zoom zoomer

Because most Yas Forums posters were kids during that point and entertainment back then had a standard which is lower compared to now

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zoom zoom

based out of control

Are you proud of being a mindless sheep who can only repeat buzzwords? Grow up and get a fucking brain.

The blue ranger left the show because he was gay and killed himself and yellow died of some illness.

>Are you proud of being a mindless sheep who can only repeat buzzwords? Grow up and get a fucking brain.

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The recent movie was pretty cringe too.

Attached: naomi scott power rangers.webm (1440x600, 2.86M)

>black ranger was black
>yellow ranger was asian
How did they get away with it?

neither one of those things is true

see this:

Based jew stereotyping the minorities I guess

Dude it fucked him up so bad he went suicidal and moved to Mexico for a while. It's funny how like this shit isn't brought up or the entire cast not being called out for it.

>it was a different time

>Faggot. Time kino is undeniably the best PR series

I just started watching it on Netflix (the entire PR catalog is in there) and I am surprised how good it is for a kids show.

>dabs on fags
>dabs on minorities
Why did nobody tell me how based this show actually was?

If you guys are feeling nostalgic and wanting a PR fix read the 2016 comic reboot it's pretty kino. It actually takes itself seriously.

The movie was fun. The Breakfast Club with morphers.

How was that scene cringe? I thought that film was great and a nice homage to the films. They're rebooting the PR movie again since Saban recently sold PR to Hasbro so we'll see

God, do you people just hate EVERYTHING?

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what you literally just did

The funniest thing about this rhetoric is that there is somehow only one valid opinion and if you don't agree with it, you are a contrarian.

Nobody in the world could dislike the Avengers, it's THAT good am I right bros?

>if you dont like Avengers, get off Yas Forums

>t. triggered contrarians

But when Twitch was streaming Power Rangers everyone on Yas Forums loved it and there were threads daily.

cringey pleb

What is the appeal of Power Rangers?

nostalgia and shlock

Jokes on you, I liked it.

Attached: naomi scott power rangers-2.webm (1920x800, 2.59M)

oh, and silly Japanese rubber monsters.