Afro Revolution

They should remake Zulu from the African POV and not the imperialist white colonizers.

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fried chicken

Well, they still lose

With Key Peele to direct!

Id watch it if they didnt make the white man evil. Which (((they))) would.

Whites were unironically in the wrong here, dude. Sorry that upsets who but Africa is a black continent and the white man has no place there.

the Zulus were imperialists themselves and had been hunting the Khoisans to extinction for hundreds of years

>more whute lies

They would have gone extinct if that was the case. The Khoisan had their own piece of land before whites came and manipulated and killed of the Khoisans and ignited a war with the Zulus. You whites are evil to the core.

I know this is b8 but this would unironically be a way more fun way to pander to minorities than what Hollywood is doing now

Nobodys keeping Africans from making their own blockbusters
Fucking Niggers always demanding others do shit they want for them. Just make it if you want it.

You're either a dumb nigger or trolling. The only reason Khoisans exist today is because the British vowed to protect them from Bantu expansion.

>The Khoisan had their own piece of land

the khoisans controlled all of sub Saharan Africa in the not so distant past. The Bantu expansion is the biggest genocide in history and it all happened hundreds of years before any white man set foot in Africa..

There are alot of moves created in Africa that you have 0 idea about.

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>The Bantu expansion is the biggest genocide in history
Who are the Native Americans?

How about a Madea Goes to Africa flick instead?

Literally weren't enough left to kill to make a top 10 genocide after disease got them even if the US tried.

>British vowed to protect them from Bantu expansion.

The fact that you believe whites had any vested interest in protect african blacks is laughable. Your primary interest was to colonize and remove the native population, not to protect some inferior race of people. Fuck off with your eurocentric beliefs system.

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There are more Native Americans alive today than at any point in their history (and it isn't even close)

There are a few hundred thousand Khosians today (because white signed a pact with them) compared to the likely tens of millions a few hundred years ago.

African life expectancy and population increased dramatically because of colonization.

did you guys ever watch Deadliest Warrior? in high school everyone fucking loved it
i still remember the absolute chimpening the day after the william wallace vs shaka zulu episode happened

This is probably the first time you've heard about the Khoisans, isn't it? When will you sub human Bantu niggers return to your Central African forests?

Only Mel Gibson would make an epic movie with African actors in the lead roles speaking in zulu without a "relatable" white male lead but nobody want to finance his movies

Proof that colonization was a mistake.

Ohh please, you cripple them with your aid and use their corrupted politicians for your personal gain.

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>Your primary interest was to colonize and remove the native population
Not in South Africa's case.
The majority of whites were actually REFUGEES.
How the freakin fuck do I get there?
Well that was because of the Edict of Nante.
Protestants were banned in France by the catholic King.
Soooooo instead of abandoning their faith, the protestant french fled France.
Hence the French Huguenots.
Not colonists.... refugees.

>crush boomers army in a humiliating defeat
>boomer comes back for revenge
>kill the french pretender to the throne as a last laugh
holy based

>secret technique "buffalo horns"
>it's just a flank attack

gets me every time

You read into history as if it was political agreements between nation states like it is today
Virtually every area that was colonized was massive wildernesses scarecely populated by backwards tribals or kingdoms with the political structures resembling medieval kingdoms. Most colonized people didn´t have any concept of their political situation until they were introduced to modernity from Europe or the european powers started rolling up their military to fight for the territories

Its why Japan and to some extend Thailand/Siam managed to stay free. They kept up and started playing by the rules. Zulu and most sub-saharan tribes were still acting like germanic tribes well into the 20th century

>Most colonized people didn´t have any concept of their political situation until they were introduced to modernity from Europe or the european powers started rolling up their military to fight for the territories

Your post actually made me view things in a different light, but I still I think whites are the devil.

This is a sliiiiiiiiide thread. We keep on sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiding.
How many sliders in this thread?

You nigs that think Europeans are specially violent are something else. Go and read up on the Indian Mughal genocides or anything to do with Chinese history.

>Zulu and most sub-saharan tribes were still acting like germanic tribes well into the 20th century
Mzilikazi was originally a lieutenant of Shaka but had a quarrel with him in 1823 and rebelled. For the next ten years Mzilikazi dominated the Transvaal. This period, known locally as the Mfecane ["crushing"] was characterised by devastation and murder on a grand scale. Mzilikazi eliminated all opposition and reorganised the captured territory to suit the new Matabele order. In 1831, after winning a battle against the Griqua people, Mzilikazi occupied the Griqua lands near the Ghaapse mountains.
He used scorched earth methods to maintain a safe distance from all surrounding kingdoms. The death toll has never been satisfactorily determined, but it is believed that the region was so depopulated that the Voortrekkers were able to occupy and take ownership of the Highveld area without opposition in the 1830s.

Says who?

I know what you´re implictly are trying to argue, but the only thing relevant there is that the empirical proof is insufficient or too disputed to make a useul judgement

That nigger had his hand cut off by other niggers. Savage african law.

the zulu were not native to the region, dumbass

Would be some last samurai shit (without Tom Cruise).

>remove the native population, not to protect some inferior race of people.
>literally billions more africans thanks to the white man's medicine and charity than at any point in history
well gee golly guess that's a fumble!

>The expansion is believed to have taken place in at least two waves, between about 3,000 and 2,000 years ago (approximately 1,000 BC to 1 AD).

If no white man had gone to Africa, no black man would have came from Africa.

Jews were the one interested in Africa and bought support from monarchs who were overspending, all the major mineral companies are today owned by jewish families, all the major sellers are also owned by jews.

>In South Africa Jews were among the pioneers in the exploitation of South Africa's mineral resources. They were early in the field when industrial development started during the second half of the 19th century, and they remained prominent in the opening up of the country's coal, diamond, gold, and base metal mines. Jews like Barney *Barnato , the *Joel brothers, Lionel *Phillips , the *Beit brothers, and the *Albu brothers were among the prospectors, explorers, diggers, and financiers who flocked to the diamond fields at Kimberley in the 1870s. Sammy *Marks began coal mining on a large scale in the Transvaal and laid the foundations of the steelworks at Vereeniging. When the industrial focus moved to Johannesburg with the discovery of gold there in 1886, the Kimberley Jews played a foremost role in the creation of the great mining groups which developed the Witwatersrand. Here Sir Ernest *Oppenheimer created the powerful Anglo-American Corporation, headed the De Beers group, and stabilized the diamond market through the Diamond Corporation. Oppenheimer also pioneered the copper industry in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and after World War II led the development of the new goldfields in the Orange Free State and in the Eastern Transvaal. During this period A.S. Hersov and S.G. Menell created the Anglo-Vaal mining and industrial group. Jewish financiers also promoted the exploitation of platinum, manganese, and asbestos deposits.

Not disputed.
The history is well documented by Diary's.
Now as far as historical proof goes the order of reliability is as follows: Diary's, then memoirs and lastly third party accounts.
Now why are there no black diary's or documents? Because there was no black written language in Southern Africa at that time.
I have read a couple of diary's of the period and they are fascinating at times, but mostly boring. The big killer of the Voortrekkers was nature. Malaria and Tsetse flies which caused sleeping sickness.

No more than modern whites are native to Europe. People move around.

yes but it was the basis of the argument, you dumb kike

Is this a BLACKED thread?

Black panther has already been made

De Beers company still only pays 5% taxation on diamonds. Which they evauluate themselves. The government "evaluator" only puts his/her stamp on the sale, De Beers does the actual evaluation!
And then they pay 5% tax!

BLACKED panther

>muah remember 20 millions
>do you have proofs?
>they burn during a fire

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Ill be honest, i know nothing of the topic in question, but as far as historical analysis goes, such sources usually needs to be held to a certain degree of scrutiny, because the person in question is unrealiable to paint a larger picture
Its like someone doing a report and making a major statement about the holocaust, but then only relying on the Anne Franks diary. You need statistical and quantitative numbers, and even then you have to consider the political involvement of the institution who conducted the survey
Though as you note, this is one of the big periods on studying africa historically. None of the native civilizations were any good at documenting anything

BP was such an insult to african americans. Its literally
>Black civilization could have been superior (If only a Deus Ex Space Rock had crashed here)
I also rememeber this essay trying to argue how Wakanda was the cultural equivalent of the european fairy tale kingdom, except completely politicized and rooted in the idea that Africa was a continent of victims
How are you ever supposed to actually take pride in your heritage if it has to be dependent on your spite towards another one??

Dutch settlers were in South Africa for nearly two hundred years before they even saw a nigger you disgusting kike.

I agree actually. If people want movies about black greatness they should make some about the African Kingdoms, the Berbers, and Mansa Musa

Is this a prequel to Black Panther?

See now here we go off the rails.
In 1652 when the Dutch landed in the Cape representing the Dutch East India company there was immediate contact with the San people and with the Hottentots (Which is supposedly now also a racial slur).
There was never any dispute that blacks and black tribes were already present in Southern Africa when whites arrived.

>The Khoisan exists today because of British protection
The Khoisan were largely wiped out in the early 1700’s through a combination of wars with the Dutch and a small pox epidemic before the British arrived.

>Muh Bantu Genocide
No recorded evidence of that event even happening.

> wars with the Dutch
The Khoisan were wiped by black and white alike. Khoisan did not recognize cattle ownership (white or black ownership) and would "steal" cattle when the sun went down. So they were viewed as a pest to be erradicated.

>Dutch settlers were in South Africa for nearly two hundred years before they even saw a nigger
That’s because they only stayed in the coastal city of Cape Town and didn’t venture further into the interior of the rest of the country for 200 years.

>Boo hoo we lost wars against superior whites
Too bad you wasted ten thousand years picking your asses in mud huts

The Khoisan did clash with the Bantu but they also traded and even intermarried in the Eastern Cape province.

How fast would blacks riot if someone remade Shaka Zulu in a movie and cast Clint Eastwoods son as him.