Did the Deep deserve to have his life ruined over one blowjob?
Did the Deep deserve to have his life ruined over one blowjob?
It seemed out of character given what we see of him later on
It's like seeing homer simpson bully a junior co-worker chernobyl-style as his first ever scene in the show
yes all white men are evil and deserve nothing good
yes, unironically
Its crazy how unforgivable morally dubious sex is in media while murder/genocide doesn't even bat an eye. Had The Deep literally murdered 30 people and smashed their corpses into a pulp, it would still be more socially acceptable than him coercing someone into giving him a blowjob. Had Kylo so much as forced a kiss on Rey's cheek while he was interrogating her in TFA, he would be seen as an unforgivable monster, despite people easily overlooking him being a genocidal murderer.
its almost like outrage culture is biased propaganda.
Nothing wrong with hazing the new guy/girl. Didn't you suck cock your first day at work?
because one type of violence happens in real life and the other doesn't
the AVERAGE woman deals with sexual violence, assault and harassment from a young age to potentially until they are old
the AVERAGE man stops worrying about physical violence from other men sometime in his 20s or even earlier, and even then, most men nowadays only deal with singular incidences of low level violence and have never even been in a fight
"genocide" is pure fantasy, even Donald Trump isn't genociding people, but plenty of real women watching media will have experiences of being forced into sexual acts
1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted in their lives.
Almost no one experiences actual murder. Get some perspective, child.
did you even watch the show? it wasnt just one BJ, it was also the threat of her basically being subject to his sex predation whenever he felt like it or he would pull the plug on her career at any time.
either you didnt watch the show or you are deliberately downplaying how sinister his behavior was. really all of them were pretty depraved. thats part of the point, the heroes in the series ironically represent societies deepest flaws
only 1 in 4?
rookie numbers
she could also not be a fucking prostitute and not give in because of MUH CAREER
the jew has everyone thinking you can be forced into sex without even using violence
>oops I also designed a society where a career is of paramount importance for your quality of life and changing it is incredibly risky and costly
>weird how that goes haha, anyways if you want a promotion and to not be blacklisted, you'll have to blow me
>quality of life and changing it
what would i do without my nintendo switch, my jewels, my vacations??? NO CHOICE, BETTER SUCK A COCK!
You have the heart of a whore you dumb fuck
In the comics The Deep is actually a humungous black guy wearing one of those old fashioned divers helmets
There's no way it was a good blowjob.
It made no sense to change it from Homelander getting it.
His character was just a complete joke.
They raped the original character, just to turn him into some dolphin fucking s*yfaggot
>what would i do without my nintendo switch, my jewels, my vacations??? NO CHOICE, BETTER SUCK A COCK!
one day you will stop leeching off whoever you are and realize how much of an amoral retard you were
you are delusional. you are literally making the "she was asking for it" argument
Crazy that they cast the deep as a white guy just because the actress playing starlight refuses to film anything implying she had sex with a black man
no fucking worthless retard i work and provide for myself
and if my boss said to suck his cock id get another job
goddamn you're such a fucking whore, it's so deep in your mentality. worthless.
nice intentional misreading faggot
i'm saying SHE CAN SAY NO, LOL
larping retard
larping LOL
you are saying you would agree to suck your boss's cock if he asked
many people leave jobs because of more mundane reasons, but you're over there working your cheeks for a paycheck
you seem like the tranny here.
retarded prostitute willing to succ for money
err sorry, i mean succ for
>quality of life
can she though? she's been groomed for that position all her life, and the job she gets is literally the pinnacle of her aspirations, and what would normally be her fall back support system (family) has been a part of this grooming and is pushing her forward into the position. then, once she gets it, it's made highly publicized, as the center of a large media campaign, so if she were to leave or be forced out, everyone in the country would know about it
i dont think you watched the show
>There's no way it was a good blowjob.
You don't need it to be good to be enjoyable. She's a smoking hot midwestern girl fresh off the bus and he's got all the cards.
cope? with what? LOL. whore
Why are women so weak?
Got and sources on this? Genuinely curious.
you think its just women that fall prey to predatory grooming?
tell that to the catholic chruch
God-tier bait. Too bad nobody bit. Here's a pity (you).
so she weighed her options and decided being a whore was on the table.
her "aspirations", "quality of life", these are all synonyms for money or glory.
many people hired for a job then told to suck would just say "oh I guess it wasn't a real job offer, they tricked me. Goodbye!"
Why are women and children so weak?
She was a victim of her parents, and the system that she got thrown in. She could have said no but she had been raised her whole life on this principle of "you got to be willing to lose your dignity to get ahead in life". We can say that its not even The Deep's fault, he's also part of the same system that allows this behavior to be allowed in positions of his stature.
tl;dr Its not Deep's fault or Starlight's. They're both part of a shitty system and society but because he's a man he got the worse of it.
>you can groom a grown woman the exact same way you groom a literal child
lol women
Am I really expected to believe that Homelander raped his wife for 3 hours when we all saw he's a 10 second precoomer? Doesn't make any sense.
In the comics they all ran a train on her.
She should be grateful.
In Starlight's case, she had been groom ever since she was a child. That's the entire turning point of her character in the first season. When she realized her mother agreed to have this procedure done on her to give her superpowers and then proceeded to tailor her life and reality for this single purpose of becoming famous and a superhero. She never had a choice because she thought that was her God given gift, which she's also from a religious upbringing which raises her indoctrination in to this life that in her reality she saw no way out of it.
Starlight had a lot more going on in her life than say Jennifer Lawrence willing to suck Harv's dick for fame.
>implying he hadn't been edging to Stillwell for months on end
What do you think he was doing out there in the hallway all the time
If she can't say no then does she have autonomy? Should she be able to vote? Should she be able to have any more rights than a fucking pet?
I can have sex for hours but I can coom in less than 20 seconds to my favorite kink. Shit, if I had that kink happening in real life I'd coom real quick too.
he was raping on meth
They wanted to keep Homelander a surprise to the audience until the end of the first episode. Butcher says that hes unlike the others, squeaky fucking clean, when it comes to acts of perversion and his public persona at least. Having Starlight suck 1 cock was bad enough for its purpose without spilling that all supes are evil too early.
>If she can't say no then does she have autonomy?
She didn't have any sort of autonomy till Huey pulled the veil from her eyes, and expose her whole reality as being one that was completely fabricated. Before that she was questioning herself once she saw how fucked up the system was that she was in, which had no interest in saving people, and was actually only for the money and fame. Before that, she did what her mother and what her belief system told her.
Of course he does not have a source on this, because it's not true. They changed him to a white guy, because "hurr durr we can't nowadays show black guys as bad guys"
Did he actually rape her is the question?
You'll find out in S2 is the extremely obvious answer.
>Had Kylo so much as forced a kiss on Rey's cheek while he was interrogating her in TFA, he would be seen as an unforgivable monster, despite people easily overlooking him being a genocidal murderer.
There most certainly wouldn't have been a redemption arc. Which there already shouldn't have been.
Nah, it has nothing to do with outrage culture. Sexual assault provokes a nastier reaction than fictional mass murder for a reason. Like other people already said, genocide/mass deaths are already such a rare occurrence in our world.
Also take into account that when you ramp up the numbers, people typically experience an inability to empathize with the victims; it becomes less about tragedy and more about statistics, and so the emotional resonance is weaker.
Being coerced or otherwise forced into doing something you don't want to do is bad, but making it about sex is even worse. There's something about sexual assault that seems to really mess up the victim.
>There's something about sexual assault that seems to really mess up the victim
that's because rape is about power
anyone can scrounge together the money to pay a prostitute to have sex every once in a while, even if it's only once a year. And if it's illegal like in the U.S., make no mistake, it is still incredibly easy to get away with it without issue if you do even a modicum of research into the practice. The rapists aren't just horny, they're getting off on scarring that person's life story, of forever owning some part of them mentally. That's part of why widespread porn has led to so much reduction in rape, because now you can just masturbate to the degrading stuff without actually doing that to anyone in real life.
Just say “no” lmao. Fucking women and their lack of accountability.
Is he getting a redemption arc? It seems like the intent is to make him sympathetic, which I genuinely didn't expect from this show. It'd be interesting to see a rapist who's not portrayed as 100% irredeemable evil.
>Did the Deep deserve to have his life ruined over one blowjob?
It was inferred that was not the first time he sexually harassed a lady. Plus, Starlight has some super super powers. She could take down any of the 7 except you know who.
must be why I get off on the thought of C.C. being raped so much.