What's the optimal game theory for this scenario and would it ever work?

What's the optimal game theory for this scenario and would it ever work?

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Reply to my post or you will never be a millionaire

When you’re on level 6 tie the rope around a banana and drop it down a level but just out of reach. Drop down a level and repeat. Genocide the entire fucking prison - then it doesn’t matter what level you awake on

Fasting is not gonna work, every uppermidle class idiot shits down on normal people

2 of the top levels coordinate, take over the platform and distribute whatever they feel like.

This would happen in the first 2 weeks.

need something to kill my cellmate with
but also something to cook with

the optimal strategy would require you to survive for an indefinite amount of months on the lowest levels
aka you will have to eat the meat of your cell mate

to do this, you bring with you as an object a gun and kill your cell mate on sight. When the month changes, you put yourself in an uncomfortable position so you wake up faster than the cellmate and kill him also

repeat to infinity

body is going to rot very quickly

yep, you throw it after 5 days or something and fast for the other, in those 5 days you gorge on him as long as you can

Shit movie with crap ending.

>Not taking the SAMOORAI PLOOS
It's like you don't want the best cuts of meat user

very unsatisfying, for having 10x the budget of Cube and ripping the premise it wasn't even better lol

nah, movie is ok, but turn to complete shit when they don't fucking know how to end it.

If everyone ate just there fav meal on that was chosen on the interview then no-one would starve.

>snails everyday for x months

this but unironically

>What's the optimal game theory for this scenario and would it ever work?

1. Bring with you unpenetrable armor
2. Take with you some 1 month enough protein cube
3. Bring with you long enough ladder

"It's simple, we shoot the hostage"

-Batman Speed

>Throw it out after five days
>Now you have 25-26 days of fasting
You'd be a dead man, and even if you survived, you could end up on another cannibal level. Now you're incredibly famished after over three weeks of starvation with a new roommate who's still in peak condition

the optimal game theory would have to make you survive for an infinite number of months in the lowest levels

turns out you really can't do it

The movie made no sense. How didn't the asian chick find her daughter before? You are just telling me that she always had the bad luck of being below her daughter?

And its impossible that nobody had ever tried to go down and up with the platform. And at the end, the girl would have splashed against the ceiling, that platform was too fast, and the girl had no seatbelt or anything.

they couldn't possibly include the dish of everyone, that table did not look like it had enough dishes for 666 people.

>they couldn't possibly include the dish of everyone, that table did not look like it had enough dishes for 666 people.

Neither does a platform that goes up and down by unknown science but that's not the point.

when you get signed in just say your favourite food is 10 stuffed turkeys
that should feed a couple people

it doesn't matter, the platform made sense in this sci fi world, however, it still needed to have enough food. Those two things are not comparable

My favorite food is 10,000,000 tons of water with no container

My favourite food a wedding cake filled with cyanide

Have a (you).
>that platform was too fast, and the girl had no seatbelt or anything
There is no indication that the platform doesn't decrease in speed when reaching the top, and they (purposefully?) don't show it when the MC is in F8.
>the girl would have splashed against the ceiling
If the platform stopped immediately upon touching F0, all the dishes would crash at the ceiling, leaving dents. None are shown.
>she always had the bad luck of being below her daughter?
I assumed the girl was always on F333, with the asian woman never having made it all the way down.
>impossible that nobody had ever tried to go down and up with the platform
Very likely happened, but got eaten on the way down.

>I assumed the girl was always on F333, with the asian woman never having made it all the way down.

So she's been down there for months, with no food, how?

So what, game theory for yourself, or game theory for all the participants?

The girl was a figment of the guys blood loss no way she could have survived down there for so long.
Big nose and kunta kinte sent the desert up as was originally planned. The message was mistaken tho, in the scene where the head chef is berating the other chefs for a hair in the desert, and trying to match the hair with the chef's. They got the message but it was interpreted that the dish was sent back because it wasnt perfect.

Grandpa says that she has a gift, which I think means she can live without food or something. She has no cellmate either. If she had been in F10-01, people would have called it to attention. Another tip is that people though the asian woman's offspring was a boy, but everyone would know it was a girl if she had been in the upper floors.

What happens if you over eat and then vomit it to save for eating later? Would you still get punished for "holding food"?


probably not unless keeping your feces would also trigger the punishment

Single item to bring: a gas mask. Wear gas mask when floors are being assigned. Ride up with the guards to Level 0.

When did you realize it was blatant propaganda? For me was when the black "climber" appeared and literally got shit on

Based samurai ploos poster

imagine getting the little girl as your cellmate, haha.

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get a life

If thats true then it was a mistake to fuck around with timeline of events in the film to that extent when Was the level of satire the film aspired for.

It works better to just show how ridiculously perfect the chefs on level 0 aim for anyway

That is way too brilliant to be allowed.


me? I'd bring my sex doll

nobody would give a shit if someone did ride the platform down and back up, because they volunteered to be in the hole. the girl didn't, but only according to the trans lady who also said there were only 200 levels

also nobody says that level 0 isn't a mile over 1, we just never see it. the platform could have tons of time to slow down even if it didn't run on magic

Surfboard is the obvious choice. You just catch those anti gravity waves to the top bro.


>hich I think means she can live without food or something.
lmao you absolute brainlet

the gift was that she could keep the food even when the platform leaves the floor
she was a kid and this means she is pure and not selfish like the evil adults, so she can keep the food

of course this does not solve at all the fact that every innocent child becomes a selfish and ruthless adult no matter what, this is why the film is very naive and dumb

So had the kid just gotten on the platform herself and ridden it to the bottom and all the way up again it wouldve had the same outcome?

Do they throw another kid in there every month?

I don't know, the movie has dumb plotholes, they didn't knew what to do with the premise

it ended the moment they found the girl, I knew they could not finish it

the pinnacota was eaten by the kid tho


ill never be a millionaire anyway

>What's your favorite food
>Tell them it's the type of food commonly known as 'stinky tofu' in China
>Reeks so hard of literal shit that it infects everything on the plate or table and you can smell it at a fucking distance when you're outdoors, let alone in those tiny cells
>Proceed to contaminate the entire platform and ruin it for literally every single fucking person regardless of what level they're on

Everyone's going to fucking starve when I'm in the hole

No one from the outside would know about the gas. No chance to prepare for that.

As basic as it was i liked the idea that it was just an allegory for capitalism and communism. That people will take what they can while they can and the only way the only way people will take their share is if you have a giant stick and bash their heads in or threaten them if they dont.

But yeah that ending made no fucking sense. Also didnt give a shit about this crazy bitch like its supposed to be sad this psychotic bitch ended up getting killed when she has been killing her roommates for months

the optimal scenario is to switch it off and not bother wasting time as it was shit.
The film was okay but the ending sucks 1000x
and if a film ends badly its a shit film.

is your life going to have a good ending?


I didn't see ONE pizza or ANY tacos
That's how you know this was poorly thought out

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Why the fuck were there 2 well nourished fighting dudes killing the woman on level 200+ ?
How would they not have killed eachother or even survived, it was fucking retarded, they just needed a way to end her character. It was just as shit as the actual ending


they are eating once a day. All of them would starve but much slower

you don't get to tell how much you fuckwit

It was the second day of the new month. It's safe to assume they both were on a very good level, or that at least the brawny guy had recently entered.

all you have to do is lose weight over a period of x months. The average person (overweight) can easily lose 40 or more pounds healthily over a period of months to a year. In fact the Platform may be a totalitarian government experimenting with how to solve the obesity crisis

then what if I choose whole roasted pig


when they ask you your favorite food, you don't know that there will be a platform with that food. You just know that you're basically going to jail

>the next season of my 600-lb life

the whole film makes no fucking sense. There's 666 levels. The food runs out around 50 or so. Pretty much the whole prison would be dead in a month.

are you retarded? you, can't choose how much