That's right, Joe. Wooden doors. There is no way they were air tight. And i'll tell you something else

>That's right, Joe. Wooden doors. There is no way they were air tight. And i'll tell you something else...

Attached: DTzDbgfW0AAzxIq[1].jpg (1029x569, 44.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you're not a kike, right Joe?

>Joe thr chimney was built after the war. And if you go and look at the crematoriums they look like tiny BBQs!

>Joe have you read David Irving?

Attached: adam egret.jpg (400x400, 22.74K)

I’ve seen people debunk the shills and their door bullshit hundreds of times here. How are you still a Holocaust denier?

what about the shadows?

Attached: normsmokestalks.png (849x434, 449K)

>door bullshit
great argument

I'm a virgin

>How are you still a Holocaust denier?
Easy. I simply ignore the evidence or claim it's fake.

the germans used gas trucks in my country

>the great Mel Gibson on Joe Rogan
>Does nothing but shill for some obscure stem cell facility 90% of people can't afford

Has to be up there as one of the biggest interview let downs of all time.
It's like if Alex Jones came on and did nothing but talk about the technical features of water filters..and even that would at least be somewhat relevant to his line of work


>I’ve seen people debunk

>Men don’t hit the wa-

Attached: 9950B84C-3CF2-4094-8CE9-EABA36DA6344.jpg (550x327, 152.5K)

I'm only 30 and my hair looks like this now

Do Share please

>guy in his 60's is missing hair
Ha, what a fucking loser.

But why does it happen to some men in their 20s or 30s

Their bodies produce too much DHT, which causes hair loss. Also a Vitamin D deficiency and a poor diet are both common causes. Either way, I think 60 is a pretty hard wall for everybody who isn't Susan Sarandon. My point is just that Mel's a poor example of a post-wall man because he's still in great shape and is still handsome, albeit with more lines in his face. All that he's missing is some hair, but nearly everyone's balding by then.

Look just because
>the official count of deaths have been perpetually rounding down like Aushwitz from 4 million or Madjanek from 1.5 milion down to 70k
>Simon Weisenthal lying about the 5 million non-jewish deaths in order to garner goyish sympathy but never to eclipse the venerable 6 million
>the litany of holocaust "survivor" claims that are complete bullshit like being thrown into a cage with a bear and an eagle
>they don't let you actually investigate any of the mass graves with sonar or otherwise to not 'disturb the dead'
>all of the New York Times articles that spent forty years warning 'SIX MILLION JEWS AT RISK OF GENOCIDE' before the war even started
DOESN'T MEAN that SIX MILLION JEWS weren't genocided and we have to never critique jewish power in our societies

shut up dyel


Will my hair come back if I take dht blocking drugs?

even if he looked like shit at 60 it can't be compared to the wall which women typically hit at age 15

And yet Mel can still pull thots in their twenties because status and charisma. The same can't be said of women.

it's right here on wiki

Attached: typhus.jpg (532x236, 54.93K)

>people create strawman of historical fact
>they are barely capable of debunking their own strawman

Not really, but it will stall it. Don't take finasteride though. There are way too many horror stories of dudes with incurable ED even when they're no longer taking it. Regardless, talk to a doctor, and do some research. I can't give you too much help in this arena.

>Did Hitler ever do DMT, though?

you'd think there would have been some document showing the order for to happen , since it was so wide spread

>you have a dog in this fight?

It’s impossible to debunk anti Semitism because the main claims like Jews being in control of the banks and media are literally true and publicly available information


Attached: 1536024534723.jpg (550x552, 155.13K)

There is no evidence to ignore and there is forged evidence presented all the time

like clockwork

why do you retards constantly sperg out about wooden doors? it's not like the gaurds were standing right on the other side taking huge whiffs of air right next to the doors crevices

Why didn't the Jews just break the doors?

you got a dog in this fight?

Sounds pretty based to me honestly

>why would you have people trying to guard doors that Jews could easily break down goy

Does masturbation cause hair loss?

Not a single one of the things you listed happened the way you said it did. You deserve to be strangled with your own entrails user, like all liars do.

>Their bodies produce too much DHT
No one produces too much DHT, it's just that balding men have weak hairs on the top of their head that are too sensitive to DHT. so one solution is to use drugs that lower your DHT, the other is planting DHT resistant hairs from the back of your head to the top of your head.

>>people create strawman of historical fact
>>they are barely capable of debunking their own strawman
It was real in my mind

>I’ve seen people debunk the shills and their door bullshit hundreds of times here. How are you still a Holocaust denier?

Oh I was wondering why there were wooden doors on the gas chambers myself cause that seems weird lol.

So since you seen it debunked hundreds of times how about 1 more?

>Jew resorts to threats because his persecution fairy tale has been debunked

Dude kek

If you google any holocaust denier claim there are sources explained why it’s stupid. Every single one. Being a holocaust denier probably means your sources are Yas Forums .jpgs.

And the thing with Yas Forums is that not only is everyone there retarded, but they also have agendas.

>If you google

Its all true & questioning it is the most vile thing you could ever do.

Attached: 0lqpu7.png (729x864, 1.03M)

try to break down a barred door.

For example the auschwitz 4 million was never used in the historian death estimate to begin with, so why would it be adjusted when the plaque was changed? Every thing in your list is just as stupid as this one. You do deserve a horrific painful end. You are a weasel.

Attached: gas chamber sans quentin state prison.jpg (1600x1067, 321.25K)

if jews could easily break it down why didn't they? I mean, they were gonna die either way? may as well take your chances and overpower the gaurd?

how can one man be so based

Attached: Mel2.jpg (1920x1077, 352.79K)

Surely if you’ve become a holocaust denial you’ve done lots of fake research, so what’s the problem with doing real research? Reading what historians have to say instead of literally mentally retarded obese virgins that constitutes the entire pol userbase.

so you're telling me one gas chamber is different from another? I am SHOCKED

Ok so post for us here in this thread the debunking of wooden doors on the gas chambers. I've seen the wooden doors, it would be as simple as posting a pic of the steel sealed gas chamber doors if they do indeed exist.

Gas chambers surely don’t have to be built that way to be effective. People die of carbon monoxide poisoning in their homes all the time. Are you saying you think your doors are airtight steel?

Holocaust deniers are honestly the least intelligent people I’ve ever seen. What the fuck

Who decided to paint it turquoise?

Why are there still people in the modern world that debate the existence of a heavily documented mass scale event with tons of documents and circumstancial evidence to prove beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt that it actually occured? Is it so difficult to literally type Holocaust into Google and see for yourself the literal pictures, artifacts, confessions and god knows how many eyewitness accounts that corroborate this happening?

Besides not a single denier has ever provided concrete evidence on the contrary besides the "le wooden door" meme which I actually used to think was just ironic LARPing until I came across posters who somehow deluded themselves into thinking they were in the right? Are there actually people on here that mentally ill?

You could probably get a list of names even if you were so inclined, and with all the irrefutable facts out there I have to believe this so called Holocaust denial movement is some sort of a beacon to attract actual schizos and Nazis instead of just an edgy LARP.

You holocaust deniers do realize your whole narrative was actually started by ironic posters with the sole intentions of mocking your poorly supported arguments right?