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you say he wants to take on the jooooos... at their own game?

Attached: brief-him.jpg (858x573, 33.84K)

the holocaust didn't happen, a few hundred thousand people in camps died of typhus and malnourishment and that's it


the burden of proof is on you

most historians will endorse that view, if you get them drunk enough

did you reply to the wrong post? i'm just asking for a source, didn't make any statements

>literally won them ww2
>the amerisharts hurt him
defend this burgers

leaf here, but let me explain
the guy choked a pretty woman to death, and you just don't do that kind of thing.

the burden of my big kosher circumcised weiner is gonna be on your throat if you don't cut your shit.

Anyone with self awareness or a basic grasp of cremation technology, late war German infrastructure, the post war scramble land grab or Jews.

>>literally won them ww2
>defend this burgers
I'm sorry but I can't.

Is there a primary source available?

Not him and not trying to imply you're arguing with him but a lack of evidence to the contrary doesn't constitute evidence in favor. That's why that other guy said the burden of proof is on you. The claim that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews (and like 10 million non combatants) in a few years is pretty extraordinary and should require evidence for a reasonable person to believe, so that evidence should be provided before the entire Western world just swallows it as gospel.

It's simple.

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you should look at what japan did in the 1930s they had it coming

bugtoids aren't human. china deserved it

haha nuke goes boom

Why does he become such a silly goose towards the end of the film? He starts menacing and intimidating and ends giggling like a school girl.

>ok son, now take the stick and run at the gaijin.. we will defend this island to our last breath for the emperor!

What movie?

>In a draft of an internal memorandum, dated October 25, 1941, Heinrich Himmler wrote:
>"As the affairs now stand, there are no objections against doing away with those Jews who are not able to work, with the Brack remedy."

>Joseph Goebbels had frequent discussions with Hitler about the fate of the Jews, a subject which they discussed almost every time they met, and frequently wrote about it in his personal diary. In his personal diary he wrote:
>"February 14, 1942: The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness."
>"March 27, 1942: A judgment is being visited upon the Jews that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophecy which the Führer made about them for having brought on a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Jews, they would destroy us. It's a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus."

>In November 1941, Goebbels published an article "The Jews are to blame" which returned to Hitler's prophecy of 1939 and stated that world Jewry was suffering a "gradual process of extermination".

>On March 13, 1945, Goebbels wrote in his diary that the "rest of the world" should follow Germany's example in "destroying the Jews", he wrote also about how the Jews in Germany at that point had been almost totally destroyed.This diary contains numerous other references to the mass extermination of Jews, including how "tens of thousands of them are liquidated" in eastern occupied territory, and that "the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war."

Was it just LARPing?

Attached: Rxb-lWzy88NvSyCVNKfpdu3F_jzcyd2rKIBtR1nntGQ.jpg (960x697, 132.37K)

REMINDER that there isn't one (1) Holocaust denier standing today that hasn't already been BTFO - whether they were caught lying or completely misrepresenting their sources. From Irving, to Cole, to Rudolf, to Mattogno, to Faurrison, to Zundel, to Weber.

>holocaust was fake
>no it wasn't
>yeah it was
>can you provide proof it was fake?
>hurrr durr the burden of proof is on you lol I ain't gotta prove shit
>okay here's evidence that it happened
>nooooo that's all fake shut up JIDF kike shill

Just can't win with deniers.

>Was it just LARPing?
The most reasonable answer is "yes". Unless you think Goebbels was an upstanding honest person who would never lie to his superiors to get ahead despite the lack of physical evidence of his claims. Go ahead and post the proof, though. I'm sure I'm wrong.

unironically should be done to Yas Forums posters

Anonymous 04/10/20(Fri)13:32:44 No.131995522
REMINDER that there isn't one (1) Holocaust denier standing today that hasn't already been BTFO - whether they were caught lying or completely misrepresenting their sources. From Irving, to Cole, to Rudolf, to Mattogno, to Faurrison, to Zundel, to Weber.

>holocaust was fake
>no it wasn't
>yeah it was
>can you provide proof it was fake?
>hurrr durr the burden of proof is on you lol I ain't gotta prove shit
>okay here's evidence that it happened
>nooooo that's all fake shut up JIDF kike shill

Just can't win with deniers.

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to all whites in general, they're all complicit in the trump presidency regardless of what box they ticked on election day

>demands people prove a negative
>they respond by saying the burden of proof is on him
>strawman and gish gallop
>Just can't win with deniers.
Just can't win with retards.

you have to go back

The question isn't whether or not Nazis were morally abhorrent, it's whether they managed to achieve the goals they set

>systematic debunking of every single claim holocaust deniers make is a Gish gallop
The only people who do that are neo-nazis and creationists

What's wrong with the holocaust?

I mainly remember wanting to belt that greasy-looking Jew midget. After Eli Roth he had one of the most shit-eating faces I've ever seen.

why do all historians and all educated people in general believe it happened then? Why are all deniers either neo-nazis or Muslims with evil agendas? Why don’t these same deniers deny other genocides?

It happened in the polite and sanitized continent of Europe. Nazis should've outsourced the work to Turkish Armenia or Chinese sweatshops.

Most experts rejected Galileo does that mean he was wrong?

Americans really are the modern Roman Empire, they destroy a land and call it peace

Because of a mindless religious dogma, which describes all holocaust deniers. Retard.

You're whole life is possible because of whites you ungrateful nigger.
There, get educated

I don’t believe the Holocaust is fake since I don’t dislike Jews, but if 6 million were killed doesn’t that mean that they would have had to execute like 3000+ Jews a day, everyday for like 5 years?
Not saying it didn’t happen but I don’t understand how they managed to kill that many

False equivalence. Also
>most people think I'm wrong therefore my opinion is correct by default

you’re argument is that figures of authority say it’s there for it is and based on that logic Galileo was wrong resorting to insults like a petty child doesn’t change that

Tbh, the Holocaust really played into the Jeiwish Yahweh worshipper prosecution complex. Which is as close you can get to a modern ethnic myth ('myths' aren't always complete fabrications and have a grain to truth to them as well)

>”burden of proof is on you”
>they post not only proof of the holocaust, but also refutation of all denier claims
>”gish gallop!”
holocaust deniers are not only stupid, but have extremely bad character as well. coincidence I’m sure

No it means that the orthodox narrative isn’t correct by default

>I don't know what Gish galloping is
Linking to an imgur page that has a bunch of pics that other people have to sort through in order to determine whether or not they actually support your point, then posting a blog with a bunch of bullet points that the reader has to sort through in order to determine whether or not they support your point IS Gish galloping, you fucking retard. Here's a thought (hard for you to do, I know): make a cogent point, and provide a source that supports that point, and specify how it does. Or maybe just post a ten thousand page document and tell the person you're arguing with "DURRR IT'S IN THERE, YOU FIND IT. LMAO YOU DON'T WANT TO AND THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON ME? YOU MUST BE A RETARDED CREATIONIST."

>Krone has informed Prüfer that he has met with Brigadier General Kammler (misspelled in the memo as Kämmer), who headed the Works and Buildings Section of WVHA. Kammler is well known in Holocaust historiography as the recipient of a letter dated January 29, 1943 from the head of the Auschwitz Central Construction Agency stating that there was a "gassing cellar" in a building known as "Crematoria II" in Auschwitz.

>Prüfer relates that he has told Krone, who has just returned from Auschwitz, that the camp can be provided with enough cremation muffles to bring the cremation capacity up to 2650 per day, or 80,000 per month. However, Prüfer notes: "Mr. K said that this number of muffles is not yet sufficient; we should deliver more ovens as quickly as possible."

>Thus, Prüfer has been informed by the Third Reich's Buildings' section that a cremation capacity of slightly less than 1 million per year is not enough for Auschwitz's needs! This is the first document which has emerged before the building of 46 ovens in four crematoria in the Birkenau section of the camp (there were already six ovens in the Auschwitz main camp) which gives a true picture of the homicidal nature of Auschwitz from the perspective of how the SS in Berlin viewed the camp's real cremation needs. The memo categorically refutes Holocaust deniers who claim that the Auschwitz crematoria were merely used for normal sanitary purposes. No denier has ever claimed that normal sanitation would require such an extraordinary cremation capacity. At the time the memo was written, gassing victims were burned in outdoor areas near two provisional gas chambers.

Can you refute this?

>Why are all deniers either neo-nazis or Muslims with evil agendas?
Prove this claim.

Go away with this blogpost tier pasta it's way more annoying than the typhus posters. Guess you'll just conveniently leave out germans had entire train stations dedicated to "gassing" whole train cars to prevent spread of typhus and not once has it been mentioned they used it to gas people. We are told about various shower contraptions and rooms where the soviets opened up the ceilings to show the Germans dropped pellets in by hand? Fucking idiots believe that stuff.

Isnt it funny even in pozzed movies like this they kind of offhandedly admit Jews run Hollywood, but when you bring it up any other time you are called anti semitic? Good times.

I liked this movie until they killed the guy with the bat, the one who wouldn't give up his squad mates. That was years ago when I was an idiot lefty too, funny what sticks with you.


>I don't know what Gish galloping is
>I'm not only stupid, but have extremely bad character as well. coincidence I’m sure

>execute like 3000+ Jews a day, everyday for like 5 years?
Not all Jews were executed. Many were, but it happened across thousands of miles throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, taking place in a wide range of differing infrastructures, jurisdictions and circumstances. Millions of Jews (possibly up to a third of the victims) died from starvation, being worked to death, and disease resulting from the terrible conditions in the camps, which the Nazis created intentionally from the beginning of the war and not from bullshit like "allies bombing the train lines".

>incel swallows up hundreds of .jpgs on Yas Forums, not a single one of which is true, accurate, or honest
>suddenly refuses to read a link that systematically disproves all of those images he swallowed

ok zoomer

this is an example of "evidence that it happened"

Attached: 1483023293329.jpg (1548x1696, 401.49K)

During the Rwandan genocide, poor Africans with machetes killed up to one million people in 3ish months. It’s amazing how uneducated holocaust denier shills are, and they think their intuition as an idiot is enough to doubt something.

>tranny resorts to calling people incels

all g*rms deserve death

No it isn’t. That fake book has never been used as holocaust evidence. The only thing it’s used for is straw manning historians by evil mental midgets like you.

>source my arse

>Psychophant promises to deliver impossible numbers to a psychotic dictator
Did you not read the post you replied to? How about you prove that 6 million Jews (and 10 million total) were killed and cremated under Nazi rule. You keep dodging this (i.e., you keep dodging providing actual evidence).
>Can you refute this?
Yes, see above.

Yeah even though they had to deny various techs because of resource shortages, used horses for most of their logistics, and needed the forced labor for what they did have, they spent time and resources on elaborate rube goldberg machines to rid the world of them amirite!? And if it was just non working people like kids, whyd people like anne frank get tranferred and hospitalized for typhus? You guys are tiresome. That's enough for a tv thread for now.

You clearly feel passionately about this but are too lazy to actually read through the published evidence and see if your views still hold up? Actual scholars read and research a lot, they don't sit and whine because the answers aren't right there in front of them.
>oh you can't give me a single sentence or infographic that proves it happened? guess I'll just keep believing the holocaust was fake then, that's more convenient for me

The fuck does this have to do with Inglorious Basterds, nigger?

The only mental midget here is you

Why is it illegal in certain countries to talk about? Hmmm... if it's so obvious it happened shouldn't the truth btfo these people they want to lock up?

>trusting nazis

Literally the only time I've seen that "evidence" is on neo-nazi websites and blogs. Never in a published history book.

More fish galloping and insults from a retard

coming from a literal subhuman that believes things he reads on Yas Forums kek

Yeah I always thought jews were all about holding contracts to the letter but then I went to Yas Forums and learned they're sniveling opportunists and schemers.

why are communist crimes illegal to deny in all of those same countries? the answer is probably that all people who deny genocides and crime against humanity are evil and pushing an evil agenda. That’s the only reason anyone does it.

>retard gets called out for Gish galloping
>tries to pretend he wasn't
>gets thoroughly BTFO as it's explained to him that he was, in fact, Gish galloping
>now switches to straw manning, rather than fulfill what should be easy requirements to prove he's right, assuming he is, in fact, right
I'll go ahead and take that as a win for me.

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>lol here is all the information you need
get it yet?