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IRL even an average to weak slug could never get choked out, even by a fit woman.

At first he was into it, and let it happen, but realized too late it had gone too far

All he'd need to do is lean back.

God I wish that were me

Jabba got too thicc, in his prime he could have just tail whipped her and sent her flying. He bought into the BLOATMAX meme too hard unfortunatley

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this is powerful

SS claims another victim

Are you talking about david carradine?

Did Carrie ultimately regret the metal bikini


>women wearing no underwear
holy fuck muh dick

Is Big Harv going to be okay??



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Did Jabba live the most based life in star wars?

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That laughing little shit was his Yas Forums.

this scene is hot as fuck


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Fuck I wish prime Leia would menstruate and shit down my esophagus

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this character is literally me

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>My 4000 Pound Life

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George no this is a bad idea

Imagine if Jabba survived to episode 9 and came back to fight Jedi Leia

Why do Westerners draw their women with tranny faces?

>a puppet fighting reused stock footage

Did reddit write these lines?

No but Jedi Leia was supposed to be the best Jedi ever right and she was going to teach Rey the power of bright side of Force
Then this guy comes and force doesn't work on him. He can shake up Rey.

How does a Hutt even have sex with a human


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>The current Star Wars Erotica canon is dated from April 25, 2014, to match the date Lucasfilm established their official canon with the transition of the Expanded Universe into Star Wars Legends after the Disney acquisition.

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How did Hutts get so powerful as a species? They're just big fat slugs.

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Bbada bichi, Don corelone


Charisma and long lifespans

Imagine all these scenes with human Jabba

they practiced NAP

>Jabba, you're a wonderful human being

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Would Irish Jabba turn away slave girls if their asses were too fat?

I take is that it's cannon that Jabba fucked her?
She was a young princess too so she was probably a virgin

Don't quote me on this but there are quite a lot of factors:
>extreme wealth
>gained lots of political power from that
>originated from toxic planet, adapted and are immune to toxic substances
>serious wisdom from extreme lifespan
>and some other factors

he just needed a few weeks to cut

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Lots of lube.

>when mommy’s new BF doesn’t make you tendies

What did Vader do to her with that probe thing?

From what I remember in a radio version of the film, he drugged her with some sort of truth serum, and coincidentally told her he was her dad in the Alliance and asked for the plans

It didn’t work though; because of some resistance she had to it

do huts even have genitalia? someone check wookiepedia real quick

Forgot to mention it was hallucinagine truth serum

Why didn’t the gang just use salt against Jabba?

Bib Fortuna gives me Jew vibes, just the way he whispers into Jabba's ear, you just know this whole "right hand man" gig is just a cover up

She's the daughter of space jesus.

It’s a dumb idea in the PT that “Darth Vader was a chosen one”. Even when Luke found the truth out and confronted Ben, he didn’t even bring up the “prophesy”. It would just be easier if George wrote Anakin as space Macbeth: A kid with a dream of being remembered by the galaxy, who grew up with his dream twisted from becoming a hero to a ruler

It was more a hallucinatory drug that made her open to suggestion, to the point where Vader telling her that her skin was on fire made her believe it, and likewise that he was Bail.

That’s what I meant to say. Darn; better explanation

The prequel anakin arc was an absolute mess. He should have been older in Episode I. He should have actually had a connection to Beru and Owen instead of meeting them once in passing. In Episode IV, Uncle Own refers to Anakin running off on some damn fool crusade, and fears Luke doing the same thing. But in the Prequels, we don't see anything like that. Anakin never knew Owen, and was basically purchased by the Jedi. He didnt leave tatooine for a mission or crusade, he left for the chance at a better life. The difference deflates the POETRY Lucas was going for.

why are you posting pictures of patton oswald op

I didn’t mind anakin being a kid, but he didn’t do anything outside of the pod race and Naboo fight, and for a good chunk of the film was him just scooting around, so George can go “haha look that’s baby Vader”.
I would’ve written young Anakin as a kid who can be calm and collected, but has a bad habit of keeping his emotions bottled up, and when it opens even slightly, shit can get ugly.

looks pretty funny

Jabba has literally eaten political rivals

I'd have aged him up a bit, make him a teenager. Episode I should feature hints in his personality of what we seen in Vader, but Phantom Menace had nothing except um... piloting skills?

I would also rewrite TPm to have Obi Wan meet anakin and really want to train him instead of Qui Gon