What is the worse title drop in the history of television/film?

what is the worse title drop in the history of television/film?

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>james bond

>what is it Walt? Don't tell me you're Breaking Bad??

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>Now we are truly the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
walked straight out of the theater

"I Drive"

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Literally every scene of Ghostbusters


>We are the Walking Dead
It was even more cringe than in the comic.

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This was pretty stupid when it happened. Bad grammar. It should've been "I am drive". Still walked out of the theater though

>Lenny, what is this? Some kind of Memento?

>You cracked this case Marty, after all those years. You have finally become the True Detective.

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>I must become Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

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>Who do you want from me? You're not my father!
>No....I am Godfather

He never said that, he said
"After all these years, finally, I have become a song of ice and fire "

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And right after he says "this was truly a Game of Thrones"

Serious answer? A View to a Kill.

>game of thrones
>only one throne
What did they mean by this?

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How upset do you think Eva was knowing that this movie was going to be PG13 and she couldn't get nude in it? There was even a shower scene and everything.

>You're getting upset over a business card? What are you, some kind of National Sociopath?

I'm sure she's a nice person but fuck is Anna Gunn a terrible actress.

>only one throne
t. brainlet

They created a few nude scenes to keep her working on the project, but didn't use any for the final product.

>We did it, Roger. We finally became...Mad Men.
Can't believe AMC greenlit this shit.

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>changes his name to part of the show's name
So fucking dumb

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The only title drops i remember is from Back to the future and James Bond

Yeah, that was startlingly bad. Even The One And Only Walken couldn't salvage it.

and you're astronauts on some kind of... star trek?

>welcome to Jurassic Park
Absolutely cringe

>I can’t get my dick up anymore Al, it’s deadwood

Fuck off, VF

>I want her
>You can't have her
>Because Scout's on her

at that point I got up the toilet and left

kek, based

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I'm a Legend

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Does anyone have the Harry Potter and deathly part two screengrab, that’s my favorite title drop

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>You're a wizard, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
What the fuck were they thinking bros?

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yea that's the kind of fourth wall breaking that really rustles my jimmies

Funnily enough the actual title drop was even more stupid

>It's all true, Harry Potter, and the deathly hallows part, too.

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why? wasn't it somethign like "you think you can just break bad?" sounds ok.

This almost sound plausible congrats

She defends her characters actions and decisions so I hate both her and her character

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Ah, ya beat me to it

The title drop in the book was actually pretty badass, and the movie has no moment where he realizes that he’s actually the villain, thereby undercutting the entire moral xo Celt behind the story. Still, Will smith tho

> Did your father at times used an alias that was known in certain circles as "The Godfather Part II"
> The Godfather Part II is term that was used by his friends, one of affection, one of respect.

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>Frankly my dear, I'm gone with the wind.
WTF, Fleming?

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"You underestimate my Bourne supremacy."

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