What was the point of this movie?

What was the point of this movie?

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Lol le funny misunderstanding like every other Cohen Bros movie.

You're not accepting the mystery user

What is the point of any movie?

women can't do a man's job.

Just be happy with your lot in life goym, never shoot for more.

based and Buddhist pilled

Silly accents: The Movie

To entertain me through comedy and absurd situations. It worked

men are pigs
women are better than men

What were the funny misunderstandings in Fargo?
What are the funny misunderstandings in any Cohen movie?

It's an exploration of duty vs family. What do you owe society vs what do you owe those that love you? Is it ethical to sacrifice yourself for a society that doesn't care about you?

Not every movie needs to be a direct one-to-one correlation with what we see. Not every rainbow needs to be broken down into each wavelength.


It was an allegory about the last Earl of McPartridge's quest to find justice in the early days of Canada.

The cop lady represented the birth of a nation, as she chased her criminal targets across the countryside then giving birth at the end.

The killer peter stromare represents chaos and death, like anton cheguri in there will be old country for blood. His famous woodchipper represents the eyernal meatgrinder of life. As her lady Canada was being born, the bodies piled high, like a double whopper.

The Indian fellow represents the proud natives of our dear Canada. May they not be forgotten.

And of course William H Macy represents the coming of the white man. He came to Canada and cheated the Indians out of their land and killed and cheated other whipipo. The tru-coat is a metaphor for the Jewish tricks played upon the good Christians of Canada.

In Jesus name we pray.

lmao imagine being so fucking fragile that you can't even handle Fargo because it wounds your """masculinity""" too much

The (((coen brothers))) have not made a single movie yet that had a meaningful end begind it
it's all the same "shit happens isn't that crazy haha" all over again

So it’s just masturbation?

This. And people praise that kind of garbage. Just like Tarantino's "le random conversations that go nowhere" routine that reddit loves so much

at least it was actually funny for once.

If you're looking for a grand moral
>Evil and heinous acts of betrayal can occur even in an idyllic place where everyone knows eachother by name. However that shouldn't take away from the beauty of life or prevent you from trying to be a good person.

If you mean the theme however rewatch the bar scene with the cop and her friend from high school. It encapsulates the idea Coen brothers were building around in 3 or so minutes.

It was too slow and I don't want to spend half my movie watching some ugly bird getting morning sickness.

>every film needs a point, a theme, to teach us something

because people on Yas Forums are not very smart, they like things to be explained to them in a way they can understand. this is why they tend to repeat the same lingo and jokes ad nauseum, knowing the context in full gives them a sense of comfort.

Shut up woman lol. Go back to washing dishes and stop posting online.

samefagging raging /poldditer/

There are no women on here, dumbass.

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shit happens

BULLSHIT. They lurk among us, I can sense em

What a dumb fucking question. What is the point of any movie? To tell a story

Nobody wins

The point was that everyone kept telling her Steve buscemis character was funny looking and she never actually gets to see his face

I never thought Steve Buscemi was all that funny looking desu.

What the fuck was the point of this reply? Every character in the movie describes him as a “funny looking little guy,” it has nothing to do with your lukewarm bullshit.

Simple meek and naive people = good
Ambitious, cynical and violent people = bad.
The cohens are Jews that like christianity i believe.

And other movies are self-improvement to you?

>What the fuck was the point of this reply?
I'm bored and lonely.

Sort yourself out

Because if not, it ends being a fucking snorefest like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I agree with OP, Fargo is pointless and boring.

You can just say you don't like characters. That's fine.

>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

You didn't get the point of that one? How much of a brainlet are you.

everything is just masturbation

>there's people who didn't understand the point of the lying stalker classmate
>one of those people even got to make a show based on the movie
Really makes you think.

fuck you peterson, get sober before you give anyone your shit advice

Some real zoomer opinion shit right here. Buscemi was THE funny-looking guy.

Nice try user but you can’t run from good advice, I’m already more insightful than you can possibly imagine

i don't understand if these posts are funny shitposting or actually real

Probably because you took way too much Xanax today user

Dude, this is a anonymous board. You can stop pretending to like that shit.

It's only masturbation if you're watching it and you are the Coen brothers

>a anonymous
I think that’s a bingo lads


Honestly? Be grateful for WHAT you have.

Margie got it. She had a husband, a kid on the way, a decent job and a GOOD life. It was ENOUGH.

It's about subversion of expectations too...like in Minnesota this shit should never happen. There's always "dirt behind the daydream."

Did she ever show her tits in any role? I got a feeling she's hiding a killer bod.

Do Americans really get rich by buying land and building parking lots in the middle of nowhere?

After he went through the woodchipper he was

what's the point of your little faggot ass penis yeah go fuck yourself

Le Big Rug :¥)

Lol that one did have a point (but it still sucked!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!)

it was about showing normies that their pre-ordered life wasn't a match for reality, the cohens trying to be edgy in a realistic way. they even used midwesterners on the brink of canadian to emphasize the point. the main reason I like the TV series is because it captures the same essence, at least in the first two seasons.

What an awful explanation

Are we square?

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He really didn't deserve getting hatcheted by his psycho partner. You just know Stormare raped the wife before killing her, too.

He had more than enough money to buy a new car. The guy got greedy and paid for it.

It’s Steve buscemis fault the whole thing went awry

I guess you think, ya know, you're some kind of an authority figure. With that stupid fucking ban hammer. Huh, buddy? King janitor here. Big fucking man, huh? You know, these are the limits of your life, man. Ruler of your little fucking board here. There's your three days, you pathetic piece of shit.

Stormare didn't seem the rapist type. He was annoyed that he couldn't watch his daytime tv in peace with his cornflakes