Best docs about the American health care industry? Pic related

Best docs about the American health care industry? Pic related.

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which chinese mass grave is that

those boxes seem too small for amerifats

That's a NY grave, cope

It's in NY silly.

what does NY stand for in china?


If the island wasn't haunted before it sure as shit is now. Can't wait for all the urbex gopro videos a year from now.

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There are already a million people buried there

>urbex gopro videos
What are they going to fucking explore, the dirt? The shitty dilapidated buildings?

That's in your country, chubby boy

i dont live in china though

Hart Island isn’t anything new. It’s a pauper’s cemetery. It’s got a pretty sad history. A lot of the dead nowadays are stillborns. I’m assuming those are mostly coronavirus patients without next of kin.

Still better than Chinks burning people alive and shit.

>Feels good living in the """flyover""" regions or whatever it is that you homos call them.
>when I go out for the male
wew fag

I'm surprised, it doesn't actually look that big.
that's 90% of urbex content so yeah

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>leftycuck urban centers are turning into death-traps

Feels good living in the """flyover""" regions or whatever it is that you homos call them. Just like when I pay my rent/taxes and don't go broke or when I go out for the mail and don't get stabbed by a nigger.

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It’s not. But infants are the majority of the dead on that island, and they are very small. Plus they stack them for max capacity.

too late pal, everyone can see that you typed male, just own up to the fact that you go out for males

B-breahs, this is serious isn't it?

>mfw Yas Forums virtue signaller gets caught deleting his post

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We could've had some decent bants but you went out like a flaming homo.

Can't anyone just go there after a couple years and dig them up for the memes now?

>people died during a literal global pandemic
What a shock! America a shit. Impeach Drumpf.

If it makes you feel better we don't really think about you guys.

>my face when faggots care about auto-correct errors
I mean I guess you have to cling to whatever you can when you live in an urban death-trap.

Apparently the island has been used as a graveyard for some time now.

>mass graves
What? Do americans not have cemeteries?

You can fit a love of people when you stack them three-high, side-by-side

Standard coffin is 1.5m^2, football field is 5350m^2, that's close to say 11,000 people.

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not for poor people

yes but they are all in france

All the copes by trumptards, conservicucks and alt kikes make me coom so hard. Face it, capitalism has failed you.

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Why not incinerate them
I hate poor people as much as the next man but mass graves feel quite inappropriate

I hate both trumpanzee crapitalists and leftard trannies
You all deserve to be shot in minecraft

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Ah yes, thank you. Just blasted a load right now.

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>lift billions out of poverty
>aided in the creation of the latest technology and Spurs innovation
>capitalism is bad


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Ningching Yongbing (the dog and bat eating district in Beijing)

Selective view. Capitalism kills people every day in the thousands. How is life without health insurance, living from pay check to pay check, on the street, et cetera. Sheltered kids like you are the biggest brainlets.


>taking the bait


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isnt this island guarded?

>sent from my iphone

post the rest of that story. you know, the part where he went into a walk-in clinic and asked to be treated for coronavirus, and they told him to go to the ER

Lmao, fuck zoomers

well obviously, china doesn't want to report any more covid cases thats why he was turned away

what a shithole

Is just the flu bro. Trump 2020.

Because crematoriums take a ton of energy and jews lied about the time it takes

Yes, yes. More cope posts please. Ahhhhh yyyeeeessssss.

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Could you please stick to the topic and actually try to recommen something instead of discussing the Trump virus?

just like you cling to cock faggot lol


Sicko is the best docu on this issue.
It still makes rightoids boil with race more than a decade later.

Nobody likes your shitty topic, pipe down OP

Why are you here then?


Because the pic is more interesting you dumb newfag

>how is life without health insurance
Don’t know, socialised health care nigga
>kills thousands a day
Still doesn’t even touch communism’s high score
>sheltered kids
I’ve had a job since I was legally allowed one, I didn’t grow up rich like most modern commies did

The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.
Stay delusional and keep defending a rigged system.

And there has never been more peace in the world at any other time in history


>The overall conclusion reached
Whose conclusion?

>most peaceful times
We are reaching levels of ideology that haven't been thought possible.

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sucks to suck I guess