There are people who thought this was

There are people who thought this was
>way too long
>dragged in the middle

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Yeah user they're called idiots lmao

This is what I thought

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Absolutely. What a fucking kino of a movie

Just the shock of seeing the Blood Eagle in a movie was worth it.

Pure kino with it inflating and deflating

God fucking damn that was great

Way too dishonest. And dishonest in the middle.

Directed well but absolute shit

The only reason contrarians on here like to shit on A24 is because hipsters like their films. Midsommar was big time kino.

It's just didn't surprise me like Hereditary did
>they arrive to the cult
>slowly, not very imaginative or interesting cult stuff happens
too straightforward for my taste

Bjorn Andresen was relentlessly handsome.


I really enjoyed midsommar. It had a uniquely unsettling feel to the movie.

In fact i'd say it was one of the only good horror movies to come out in recent years.

It felt more intoxicating than unsettling to me, which may be a bad thing.

It dragged at the end, not the middle.


Yes, that's me. I did get immersed in the ritual, but it baffles me how all that boring shit ended up in the theatrical cut, not to mention that there's an extended one with even more of that.

well they're wrong. it was shit the whole way through

everytime i come in these midsommar threads i expect pics of that slampiggy, small boobies, thick tights, blond, cute Pugh, but it's always fags arguing

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Bone chilling slow burn best of the decade A24!!!!
The 1000th "best horror of 2010s,no jumpscares!!".

not an argument

is this movie worth sitting through? i've been postponing it for a couple months now

Look at me, I'm so strange and special - The Movie.
A bit more subtlety, less in your face weirdness, less annoying characters and a bit less ridiculous stuff happening in the background and it would have been ok.

Is this movie just white people bad?

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>there are people who think this is anything but a slasher-flick with pretentious imagery.

Honestly this, there's nothing there to keep anyone entertained, don't know what people latched onto about it.

okay cumbrain

I agree, I’d never watch either one again but if I did it would probably be Hereditary. There’s a lot to pick up on that foreshadow the ending unlike in Midsommar

not to mention the characters are just the stereotypical horror-movie clique.

>The Chad
>The Girl
>The Nerd
>The Coomer

can someone explain to me who was the person held together by the twigs?

The haters are correct.
Go back to your Twitter circlejerk, retard.

Some people from the tribe.

white pagans creepy and shit, European nature bad, desert cult good


Idk I thought the thiccc bitch was intentionally portrayed as the villain:

It honestly did drag in the middle. The pacing was fine until the Attestupa scene, then it dropped off a cliff.

Hereditary and Midsommar are both dogshit

This movie was fucking shit can't believe you faggots tricked me


i thought it was
>very predictable
which wasnt helped by the
>story being told to you before it happened with tapestries and wall paintings
>the interesting setting and lore not be distracting enough for the fairly mundane plot
the screeches of emotional agony with the family deaths, and the representation of being in a relationship with someone you like but dont want to be with while being trapped because you dont want to hurt them emotionally, though, i found to be very good.

About to watch this. Directors cut or no?

The directors cut lost me by the 3/4 point but I saw the theatrical cut with two friends a month or two later and loved every second of it.

There are people who thought this was
>they were right

it's kinda dumb that they all continued to stick around after the first death

I love how soiak fags are only capable of telling what is apparently bad, never what might be considered good

It's as if they hate on everything for the sake of it...

based reddit

>There are people who thought this was dragged in the middle
In the middle of what?

I like the part where Wes Anderson had sex with that guy in front of the old ladies.

It's official, Yas Forums is just a bunch of marvelbrains.

But they didn't see anybody die except for the elderly couple.

>Trash talking Alien and The Shining
Ok, you said which ones you don't like, now post the ones you do

Idk the film still felt pretty original to me despite being predictable and having a few cliches

>makes the biggest pleb filter of the decade

how did he do it bros

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seeing hereditary before this wont spoil the ending because the cult is so obviously a wicker man style murder cult but seeing this before hereditary like i did actually spoiled some of it because you know its just going to be another cult

FloPugh single-handedly rescued his untalented hack ass.

wouldnt that be enough? it would be enough for me. i would leave stealthily after that

>imagine being the absolute faggot that made this

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Someone explain how you made it through several scenes consisting nothing more of women yelling, crying and generally acting hysterical?

>consisting of nothing more than*

I fell in love during that movie.

Someone picked a 5/10 mannish troglodyte to represent their movie. It was going to fail just by looking at the poster.

what the fuck, are you really retarded user?
those are mostly very good horror kinos, exocrist, shining, rosemary, alien, those are one of the best movies of all time
go back to Yas Forums