I will never have a gf

I will never have a gf

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me too

i wish i was dead

why not?

Yeah I know man me too. I've been okay with it for a while but recently feels like shit. I was supposed to move and start a new job this week but now I'm stuck inside for who knows how long. I always had trouble asking women to actually do something because I was afraid and now that I'm ready I can't because of this stupid corona shit. I didn't take my only opportunity to actually get a date because of anxiety 4 years ago and since I've asked 2 girls out and both cancelled on me. I just want companionship and someone to do stuff with, I hate being alone.

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Same here. Im so fuckin ugly now. It's like ive been curse or something. I dont deserve this

post pic, hide your eyes if you want

I'd rather have a bf

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>corona social distancing meme happens
>nobody wants to go out on dates anymore

you cant escape forever

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I'm totally fine with how I look except for all those acne marks i got during puberty.

Shut up incel! By stating you're unhappy about not having a gf you're actually saying you think the world owes you sex!!!!!!

Is that a bad thing?


Why. Why not do something better with your life and do self improvement than chase after pussy

Because you're fooling yourself if you think anyone on here is doing that instead of "chasing after pussy".

if you're not a wizard there's still time to turn it around mfw just turned 34 ;_;

there is ugly woman out there

>tfw gf

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theres nothing more important but feel free to remove yourself from the gene pool

>pic related is me reading this thread

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that uglybitch is my sidebitch

That's called coping, and it doesn't override instinct.

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last gf i had was 11 years ago

>muh need to breed
I thought we evolved past that.

so fucking what

Who cares women are fucking annoying dude trust me

I miss my gf rn bros. This quarantine is torture.

tell me her name


I don't care if you're ugly if you don't care about my girldick. Treat?

yeah. i'm a short (5'7-5'8) ugly 20 year old khhv. i really wanted to see if i could get a gf this year but it's not gonna happen, it's never gonna happen. i'll go my whole life never having been loved

Tfw moved out and have a good job and have normie friends but just cant get a girlfriend

oh you dont know girls
in that case yeah keep improving yourself

im in a very similar spot
recently graduated and was about to start over by moving somewhere else, working and finally building a proper life for myself
now this fucking virus fucked everything up and im stuck with my parents for god knows how long
just end me

at least you arent a nigger


It's a fucking living hell.

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I pick female characters when I can customize them to make my dead sister in-game and see her again

Is anxiety and depression a beta male thing? It seems to me a normal functioning man would spend most of his time trying to fix the problem in front of him



Get over it normalfag.

Yes, it is. It's pointless bellyaching about their life instead of actually putting in a modicum of effort to change it in any way.


It's about who you blow and how you blow them. Fucking dipshit, zoomie.

You guys need to grow some fucking balls.

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>tfw virgin and no connections

You get 1-5 years of office work experience. You answered the question yourself.

All I want is to cuddle, the thought of having sex is so alien to me that I don't even think about it.

90% of non wageslave jobs aren't even posted. They are given to friends or people that know people. You only see listings if a company is really desperate, the job requires unique skillsets or its a wageslave job that pays shit and is backbreaking

Ya i know im based. 26 volcel and ive rejected every attempt by disgusting 3dpd. Just stick to 2D babes. Dubs checked fellow user

die normalfags

Im so desperate mate i just want cute average girl(male) with big boobs and feminine penis.

I have no friends, no social life, no mouth and I must scream

The only gf I had was an ftm tranny I dated when I was 15 because "he" looked like a cute little dyke. And all we did was kiss, I bet I could've at least gotten my dick sucked but I was too much of a pussy

>tfw i'm 5'2
you'll find a average short chick someday

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double based

I'm not even a normie. I just realized some time ago that repeating things in your head over and over like your fantasies and desires is completely pointless. Anxiety can 100% be controlled through mindset and lifestyle regardless of who you are.

all i want is a cute twink bf to play videogames with

I will never have a gf

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I realized recently I just need to focus on making male friends I can bond with and female friends and potential mates will hopefully follow. Or i'll turn gay. Either way works

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