Any movie like Mulholland Drive?

any movie like Mulholland Drive?

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Training Day

i don't get it

What’s their end game here?

Imagine being the white guy who willingly participated in the making of this shit.

It was just a joke dude dont get so worked up bro

>white girl meets black man, dates him, they get married
>she wakes up next to her white bf and it was all a dream
Basically white girl dreams of coalburning

Yeah, he's the joke.

oh okay

>Hey me and Jamal want to make a video where I dream about fucking him, wanna play the white guy I wake up next to that's getting dreamcucked?
>That's frickin hilarious Stacy, of course I will

>explicitly racist propaganda aimed to illicit a reaction from racists and anti-racists

i'd love to see a version of this with a guy here is the plot:
>guy is doing shopping and his bag breaks, fruit spills out
>he bends over to pick it up touches hands accidentally with a muslim woman in full nikab
>he sees her again on the bus and gives up his seat to her
>cut to a scene where he, her brother and her are on a date smoking shisha
>cut to a scene where he is at home looks at his bible and puts it in the trash picking up the quran
>cut to him praying inside a mosque
>cut to him crying as he abandons his dog in a park
>cut to their wedding
>cut to them strapping bombs to their torsos

No-one wants to fuck Asian males, especially hapa males

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don't you recognize a burger commercial when you see one?

she had a nightmare she was abducted by a negro

>Yas Forums humor

white males are the only ones obssessed with interracial porn.

why are gay niggas better at being women than women

Well to be honest thats kodak black

who is that?

hahhaha honestly this shit fucking hilarious its so cringe.

Women, in every culture and every race, do not have to try at anything at any point in time. The only thing they have to do is try not to walk alone in abandoned alleys

I guess you're just not American.

Black men having sexual with white women is part of American culture

Free clothes from designers who want a presence on Instagram.

>Is that a millionaire?!
Women will blow a leg legged 104 year old if it means a night of free drinks.

I don't understand. They left out the part where he beats the shit out of her, gets her hooked on drugs, whores her out to get her fixes, then ditches her when she's pregnant. Does anyone have the full version?

Women should not be allowed access to the internet.

Women should've never been able to have the ability to vote. They don't have cognitive inference like we do. It's not possible for them to piece together important information and apply it to the real world.

The part where the nigger appears out of the dark visibly shook me. That shit is scary.

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You guys gotta chill. Black people are ok if they had good parents and grew up in a nice neighbourhood

>All of this shitty bmwf propaganda shit fucking everywhere
>No limelight for bfwm chads

Already have, that's why I'm sure that women can only think in material gains. Their entire lives are boiled down to the quality of the many they end up with. They are shadows of the men they attach themselves too. Their success is only measured by the success that they looks got them in attaining wealth that is from a man.

Apparently asian men hired the white girl, the white guy, and the black guy to make that tik tok

be the change you want to see

Too pure for the evil media



liberalism has truly fucked an entire generation

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Women should not be allowed outside of a cage.

Is this what women really dream about?

american women



Attached: White girl.webm (640x640, 1.5M)

Based and redpilled negro taking the video

where is this?

I believe it's Toronto
worst city on earth

Finna have to give this high fructose nigga a based

me on the right

i'm sure you did, rabbi

>black guy
kek and i'm unironically black

What are you talking about? People like him enjoy it. I won't be surprised if she was his gf and he made her do it.

Lower class women usually do as arabs/nigs are high status in that social settings. Higher class women overwhelmingly go for white Chads, and a minority for asians/indians. There are no blacks in University because we don't have affirmative action


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>rabbi gets called out
>rabbi unpacks his soijack folder

You're all missing the point. Watch the ending again. You'll notice she wakes up startled, as though it was a bad dream.

Most of them were middle class urbanite stacies
Stop coping it's sad really


It is an European car commercial.

seriously man it's sickening. I just can't wrap my head around it. what the fuck happened to white people man jesus it's such a disturbing feeling being on the death throes of a race.


i consider those with medium or low IQ lower class. University-educated people usually doesn't mingle around with plebs


>I s-saw race mixing in France
>f-feels bad
a-bloo bloo bloo

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>Most of them were middle class urbanite stacies
Go check up any homemade video on pornhub about white women fucking niggers. They're all bottom of the barrel, most of them are showing severe signs of mental ilness like being tattooed from head to toe.