Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until somewhere around early 2019 when the dilate meme started...

Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until somewhere around early 2019 when the dilate meme started? Did Yas Forums raid us and we didnt know? For some reason all the anti-Yas Forums shitposting just stopped when dilate started to take off. It sucks too, I’d take images of fat cunts wearing kekistani shirts over soijack edits any day. Atleast they were only spammed in Yas Forums threads instead of having entire threads dedicated to them

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This site has always been extreme. Go back.

Did you know you can browse OTHER boards????

Almost all of Yas Forums has been pretty Yas Forumsesque for a few years now. How didn't you see it?

I just came into this thread, in fact, into this board (Yas Forums is a shithole, i'd never be a regular here), just to call you a retard.
Calling people niggers and "nigger stole my bike" were memes.
It was edgy humor.
Saying "nigger" back then didn't have the same intention the average brainwashed Yas Forumstard uses it for today.

There weren't politics involved back then, nor personal social views of any kind, Yas Forums ranged from slightly liberal to apolitical back in the day.
It's just like calling everything "-fag", there was no real hatred behind the word, it was just memetic in nature.

Only relatively recently people have started coming here full of bile and hatred, and they post here simply because they get insta-banned literally anywhere else on the internet.
This happened because we all acted like retards for years for laughs, and then actual retards started thinking they were in the right place to act legitimately retarded, and eventually they took over as all the sane, rational people left, got a life outside Yas Forums, or killed themselves.

If you want to push historical revisionist garbage, at least try to understand the shit you're posting in the first place.
Nothing outs you as a massive newfag more than misunderstanding old Yas Forums culture thinking you were "one of them".
You were never "one of them", back in the day the userbase here would've laughed you off the site and called you an angsty, retarded emo kid.

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>why yes, I do post on Yas Forums, how can you tell?

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>Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until somewhere around early 2019
I recommend lurking until you’re over 18, preferably stopping when you’re around 30, instead of spouting bullshit, newfag.

Basically yep

Fucking this

>inb4 someone reposts with a soijack pic attached

based post worth reading

>Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until somewhere around early 2019 when the dilate meme started? Did Yas Forums raid us and we didnt know? For some reason all the anti-Yas Forums shitposting just stopped when dilate started to take off. It sucks too, I’d take images of fat cunts wearing kekistani shirts over soijack edits any day. Atleast they were only spammed in Yas Forums threads instead of having entire threads dedicated to them

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Yeah I wonder why.

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There have been nigger hate threads since the start of the website
>There weren't politics
Ron Paul says hello

>anti/pol/ until somewhere around early 2019
the election

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>Yas Forumstard “arguments”

Yas Forums is actually has very high IQ

this board always hated jews. you can go back in the archives and see for yourself. there was a moment in 2017 when CIA and JIDF started pushing breadtube and leftism here but they gave up after they realized that it wasn't working.

>not understanding the basic concept of satire

You obviously don't remember when TFA announcement trailer was released and this board was full of racist Flynn edits for weeks

You’re not one of them either. I doubt you were even here before 2014 when shit really started to decline. Preach your offtopic meta somewhere else.

there are few other boards. since 2015ish, Yas Forums has continually brigaded other boards and subsumed their cultures
right now its happening on Yas Forums too
i think /lit/ is the only board i browse that hasnt become Yas Forumslite, but that's just because its dead

You're kinda right but expect mostly newfags to respond. Been here since early 2005.
Basically people here use to use racism as a form of edgy humour but eventually we attracted real racists.
But I don't mind personally because I'm a misanthrope so all forms of racism (even against whites) are enjoyable to me.

>I viewed it in this light therefore everyone else did as well
You liberals really are retarded. Yas Forums, first and foremost, has a pretty diverse userbase in aspects of race, religion, country, political views etc. You are right that most of the "nigger" and "fag" use was just edgy, but to say, and I quote
>Yas Forums ranged from slightly liberal to apolitical back in the day.
is simply retarded. People on Yas Forums love to falseflag and just come here to shitpost, and it slowly turned into a place of "serious discussion" of politics. Also, I'm sure the huge shift to seemingly being a more rightwing website comes from the supression of any hatespeech on any other site. It's even starting to be cracked down on now. I mean, when did they add the "no racism" rule on every board but Yas Forums?
I think everyone can agree liberals have become much more, well, liberal over the past decade, so that certainly has some weight to it as well.

>Only relatively recently people have started coming here full of bile and hatred, and they post here simply because they get insta-banned literally anywhere else on the internet.
t. Retard who doesn’t remember nigger hate threads
How can you say with a straight face that Yas Forums wasn’t known for “hate” you fucking retard?

>the moon is a jewish hoax, the earth os flat, radiowaves cause cancer (despite them not being ionizing and therefore harmless)
Ah yes, such intellectuals

Yas Forums has always been like Yas Forums newfags

the dilate meme spread as Yas Forums got a flood of left wing users in the form of the discord trannies and mutt "hapas" from reddit

>remember when Yas Forums wasn't political
why is there always one of you in every thread? The "i've been here the longest" people.

Fuck off you phoneposting newfaggot

Yas Forums can only be apolitical again if it fights against SJW by being explicitly right-wing for now.

>earliest thread is from 2010
Yeah, no

you're deluded if you don't think we're not anti-Yas Forums amymore

But can you agree with him calling the entirety of Yas Forums "slightly liberal to apolitical back in the day"?

>i think /lit/ is the only board i browse that hasnt become Yas Forumslite
You just haven't noticed it yet


>Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until
It's been anti-Yas Forums since your grandma came over during the newfag refugee crisis of 2016.

Because liberals have gone from "we want equal rights" to "we want more rights than normal people" over the past decade.
You know it to be true.

>the racism was ironic lol
the racism wasn't as ideological as it is on Yas Forums, but it was racism still and we still believed that niggers were violent and stupid. this is a big cope.

There have been nigger hate threads since like 2010 at least

people keep shilling storm of steel and culture of the critique and evola. /lit/ is dying too, in bursts. its a shame

sippy bippy

t. first day coming here was in 2017

you're the low IQ one if you can't distinguish funny self-satire from the real stuff.

he clearly hasn't come across any schopenhauerposting

>pollack is told he brigades boards
>proceeds to start spontaneously whining about liberals like a fucking retard
youve got the self awareness of a tree stump

Lol. Why can't 2016 election tourist trannies stop getting btfo all the time. Time to go cry to /qa/ about unwelcoming toxic environment.

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>unironically using reddit jargon on Yas Forums while complaining about the quality and board culture
If you want a linear free hug safe space go back to plebbit then, fucking newfaggot

I think Yas Forums has the biggest problem distinguishing funny self-satire from the real stuff.

You can say lmao that's obviously retarded and a meme, but you have to consider the people who post on this site. Jews causing cancer could be a legitimate belief of a person on this site.


What year did you start going on Yas Forums brehs?
>2013 here

Storm of steel is unironically a good book
Before this /lit/ was just endless communism theory spam anyway so I don't really see the issue

lots of oldfags from Yas Forums moved to Yas Forums just to escape the incessant porn when it became clear mods weren’t going to help them

The only reason it was anti-Yas Forums to begin with is because Redditors raided here years ago. Yas Forums has been known to be the most reddit board for ages because of redditfugees. It's only recently that it started to feel somewhat more like Yas Forums. Your boogeyman has nothing to do with it whatsoever, and you should probably go back immediately.

It was more in the vein of "pool's closed" than retard Trumpite fucktardation
You're part of the problem, shithead

>Why was this board pretty anti-Yas Forums until somewhere around early 2019

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If you’re going to complain about Yas Forums just fucking go to Yas Forums you absolute pussy

>t. Retard who doesn’t remember nigger hate threads
Did you even read my post you braindead fuck? Nigger threads were always edgy humour.
>How can you say with a straight face that Yas Forums wasn’t known for “hate” you fucking retard?
That was said by (right wing) news sources like Fox News

>It's only recently that it started to feel somewhat more like Yas Forums
Sort of agree with this
Once we started getting /got/ on here you could really see how full of reddit this board in particular had become

isn't american factory about chinese people marveling at the fact that american workers aren't slaves?

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i used the word 'brigaded', clearly i just found Yas Forums today. wow you got me. brilliant fucking detective.
the last defense of the pollack is calling anyone who disagrees a newfag.
pollacks are like your retarded cousin who can only talk about trains. and now we have entire communities of autists pretending that every conversation was always about trains

At least 70% of the threads in popular boards like b and tv are made by bots. If you pay close attention in the threads it will look very weird, it's like everyone literally has inside jokes. If you call them out, you get a bot reply calling you a xanax addict or shit like that to discredit you.
This happens on reddit too. For a couple of years true discussion on the Internet has been hijacked by trannies, bots and paid indians who shill non stop. All these threads and discussions that seem ridiculous or over the top are spam threads. Back in the day, these kind of discussions were actually for real and done for the lolz, but now they are politicized.
Just look at b, when the quarantine started in March, for a couple of days there was no sight of traps, bbc, fb/social threads and shit like that because the shills couldn't go to work. But now they are back in force.
The only way to win is to be smarter and see their stupid patterns and call out that shit every time you see it. Mock the trannies, don't engage them, and if that doesn't work just ignore them.

>communism theory spam
it wasn't

LOL. Get baited. Yep, like I said, just like pol you’re all retarded and get in a frenzy when someone points a finger and cries racism. Glad I don’t share a board with you scum.

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>its just redditors!
He said, while not realizing he is here because Stormfront raided

Pretty much this, all the racism, sexism and transphobia were just jokes.