Oh wow man not cool. Post kinos where the bully gets fucked up like he deserves. I'll post one of the best ones:

Oh wow man not cool. Post kinos where the bully gets fucked up like he deserves. I'll post one of the best ones:
Three o'Clock High

Attached: covid bag head.png (640x1051, 1.17M)

Everyone that bullied me gets away with it

Same. I should have hit them but never did. Damn. My father was never a man. One of mom's boyfriends had to tell me to stand up when I pee

They always get away with it. It's movies where they don't get away with it that seems harmful because it gives some wishful thinking to the bullied with stupid concepts like karma.

I have never been bullied in my life.

Manlet tried to act tough to impress his girl. But he picked on the wrong guy.

Attached: self defense, russia.webm (640x360, 1.73M)

People laugh, but if the virus was any worse, people willing to bag their heads in public would be the survivors.

she looks old and is probably just scared and doing what she thinks will help protect her desu

Quads confirm. What's a Chad doing on our incel website?

True story I mean.

He was on social media bragging about shopping at a store with locks on the carts.

>i could care less

how old are you? this shit is old as fuck so you have to be super crazy young to not know the stories for these old fight videos have the same story.
no one fucking knows! all the answers you get are LARP. people lie all the time. get with reality.
and dont get mad because i didnt just meme 2 words at you, faggot.

Im not a chad at all I just avoided getting into trouble.

I've been on here for 7 years and never seen this vid.

I bullied a dude so hard in high school that he later became a woman.

please tell me you're a dude

wow go on

It wasn't just me, but the kid was always kind of a dope. Even teachers would yell at him just for being too slow in class writing stuff down. He wasn't retarded but probably had something else going on. He'd always run full speed from class to class for some reason and one day I was like, someone should trip him, and they did. He fell flat on his face and his stuff went everywhere and we all had a good laugh. I remember other kids would even throw change at him during lunch because he was poor, and everyone would laugh as he picked the change they threw at him off the ground. Anyway a few years after high school I saw him working at a Popeyes Chicken and he had makeup on and long blonde hair and he even seemed happy to see someone from school. I was like, hey man, and he gave me my food and I left. He's probably killed himself by now but I don't give a shit to check really. There was another kid that used to get a lot of shit, he was definitely slow for real, and I shared some of his ridiculous FB posts on Yas Forums like years and years ago. He made over 300 friends in one night from that as everyone loved what he had to say, even if it was dumb. I saved the whole experience in screen shots but they're on another harddrive. He worked at a cicis pizza and all those people that saw the posts sent in glowing reviews for his performance there. So at least for a time he was on top of the world. He never knew it was me that made all that happen.

The fucking normie got what he deserved. There. That's the story. Don't MESS with the BEST

>I could care less
>could care less
I hope this uberfaggot gets corona and dies.

Found the perp. You were the assaultant with roid rage in the webm, right? Only your bitch ass would stomp someone when their down. I know it was you because you're defending this basketball level of conduct.

Cool story bro.

Attached: 1581644622831.jpg (392x500, 68.18K)

Damn I think he overreacted just a tad.

Not him, but no need to be a dick user.

>that tard combo

>bullied a dude so hard in high school that he later became a woman
Reminds me of a greentext story of some guy bullying a guy into giving him blowjobs while wearing wigs, and eventually the guy fell for him, but he ignored it and got married.

>Three o'Clock High
based did someone see me recommend it yesterday?

>bullying a retard

alpha as fuck


Normie started the fight, i hope he died

Attached: 1585984002336.jpg (637x622, 47.5K)

I was only ever bullied by teachers

Not how it works

Boomers are the dumbest people on the planet.

Return to reddit

You don't have to be a chad to avoid getting bullied, you just have to make the bully feel completely irrelevant to you

>tfw only ever bullied by girls because I couldn't split they wig

>not hitting the bitch too

if you're not going to pull an Elliot Rodger I would like every underage incel tourist to return to redd!t

Bag head's fine. Shittons of people wearing actual face masks or even just tying on a neckerchief over their faces. Bag head probably could've gone that route to look less silly but who gives a fuck. She annoys me less than 20somethings coofing in grocery stores for the memes. Wanted to beat the shit out of one smug little fucker looking around every time he did it.

Attached: 1572343754428.jpg (960x720, 129.57K)

he literally does, though?

All of you cucks saying bullies get away with it are cucked they don't dude

Absolutely blasted

Bullies are winners. They can only get away with it by being superior, otherwise theyd have no power to bully from and would get shut down immediately

I got away with bullying the only chink at our school
He made up a story about me calling him a filthy chink but it was immediately dismissed

>self defense
are you retarded`?

He made the mistake of approaching and touching the wildlife tbqh but still, that animal needs to be euthanized with a bullet in the skull.

The perp? No, he's the quivering faggot who rubs the perp's back and sucks his cock like a good little bitch.

t. Reddit

topkek normie btfo

I did this too

useless woman

YOu sound like a faggot. GO grow some balls, ball-less.

I was bullied up until I was around 12 and then learned the power of completely autistic over reactions.

Attached: 2hboemuxams11.jpg (500x349, 26.35K)

go on...

Manlet btfo as usual

>What's a Chad doing on our incel website?
>it's a "newfag thinks user can only be kissless neet virgin loser" episode
I came to Yas Forums in 2006. I have a good job and a nice girlfriend, but only because I got my head out of my ass. Now I only lurk sometimes because the chans are the last bastion of free speak on the internet.

inb4 younglings claiming they won't be here forever

That's why you have to take it upon yourself to make them pay

>tfw bullied by girls
>femdom became my fetish

What a fucking ape, lanklets need to be shot on sight.

way to out yourself reddit

Did you at least fucked him afterwards

Many such cases