What is the first movie that comes to mind?

What is the first movie that comes to mind?

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star wars: the clone wars

Capeshit movies. All of them

Fury Road

Hidden Figures.


You fail

Triumph of the Will



Your name is Toby biotch



Capeshit doesn't have any message except to consoom more capeshit. It's escapist trash.

>Get out


Schindlers list

unironically this youtu.be/2o7V1f7lbk4

>ctrl f: Crash
>0 results
Very disappointed Yas Forums

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The Way We Were

what was the message of ant man?


you didnt even:

unironically every single anime
japs just dont know how to be subtle. They make the main character say the whole message out loud looking straight into the screen

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That one with the niggers and football


Blomkamp movies

Vice was extremely restrained to avoid that exact criticism. It left out a ton of shit. you are an idiot.

The lighthouse. Fuck you alcoholism is fun.

>you think it's bad now? it could have been even WORSE

The Lives of Others. It was so fucking pretentious and melodramatic that I found it actively obnoxious. Such inauthentic sentimentality about the poor suppressed 'woe is me' artist.

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to consoom more marvel movies

I never thought of it as trying to ward people off drinking.


This piece of shit

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lol based


twas to ward off people cooming

What exactly was the message though. Im not even sure what the protesters were demanding and it also painted their side in bad light. Even Murray brought up some good points.

we truly do live in a society.

Literally the first one I could think of, as well.

Maybe Zootopia

What was Zootopia's message? To take the furry pill?

Being small is cool but be careful or people will step on you.

Any jew director making movies about Hitler/nazi's

Disney Wars.

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What's the message of Vampire Hunter D?

The protests are like all huge protests it spiraled out of control from a garbage strike(this is why Gotham is so dirty) it's like Occupy, it had a clear message to FUCK THE RICH! Joker's monologue at the end of the movie seems like the movies overall message, that if people tried to understand and be kind to each other then there would be less problems

The actual message itself wasn't two heavy handed just that the allegory aspect was super on the nose.

Pleasantville and Watchmen. In the first case they cram every conventional 1950s culture/social commentary/larger cultural message they possibly can into the film's premise. They don't cram one message-dick down the audience's throat, but 20 or so (1950s white culture bad, roughly). Something along these same lines happens with Watchmen, to the SPBP's point. I remember sitting next to some frat dudebro in the theater who was with his buddies, and when the Hendrix Watchtower track started playing (or maybe at some other point) he just commented "Man, they're really pulling every single one (trope) out, aren't they?" He knew the Spectacle well enough already to know what the expected beats were.

Blackkklansman, the whole thing buy the last few minutes took it over the top. There were plenty of references to the message of Trump supporters/republicans=literally the kkk, but they could be ignored up until the end.

Another is that stupid ass Blomkamp movie I can't think of the title of with the evil rich white people in space and the poor brown people on earth.


What is the message of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?

Watch out for Baskin Robbins

That anything meaningful that happens in life is all a figment of your imagination. And jokes.

>the future of Britain is not white

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Oof. This. Also district 9. Absolute shit pile.

Im a bad guy but im a good guy because I have a daughter. Also spics are cool people

Zeitgeist. If we're not counting documentaries, then the big short. This is the objective best example.

In the Shadow of the Moon.
It even narrates the damn message straight to the viewer at the end
>Kill those with bad ideas just in case

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It Follows
It made me want to don a fedora and edgepost

Sadly I have to agree. I thought it was a great movie with a relevant message for the age of Trump, but they soured it by throwing in literal footage of Trump rallies at the end.
Everyone seeing the movie knew it was about Trump, historians will know it was about Trump, but they just had to make it plain as day for drooling idiots who probably wouldn't see the movie anyway.