Why do people enjoy watching others eat food? It's the same deal with watching people play video games...

Why do people enjoy watching others eat food? It's the same deal with watching people play video games. I'd rather do it myself than watch others do it.

I like watching cooking shows, but not so much people eating shows.

Attached: mia_malkova_eating_brisket.webm (710x400, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread is made by an Asian incel.

I enjoy watching her eating cum, I will actually watch it now, it is a movie called Mia Malkova Oil overload, it is pretty kino

what the fuck?
does that dude know she's a well known porn-star? even I know what her asshole looks like.

Is that trump?
damp this nigga scoring high

this harlot is low tier compared to what trump fucks on a daily basis

Why do people enjoy watching other people have sex?

Because that what Porn literary is


Like Stormy and Melania?

>implying Trump doesn't cuck Kripp, Dyrus, Tyler1 and fucks Pokimane on the daily

you know nothing friend


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that guy has never had sex.

I don't know who any of those people are, user

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Try to convince me that this shit isn’t more entertaining than the last 10 capeshit movies

What was the deal with the garlic shooter? Both El Paso and Dayton were by democrats. Pretty embarassing to have two lefties commit shootings on the same day

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literally a glorified 710

Dude, shut the fuck up. El Paso guy was not a dem. He was a white nationalist.

Her fake ass makes me sad. Why do pretty girls ruin themselves with plastic surgery and botox?

Only if they're skinny girls consuming enormous quantities of food

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The garlic shooter was white-ish so that made him a white supreeeeeeemist, nevermind the shooting by the spic that happened the night before in the same state that killed five people

No he wasn't did you even read his manifesto? He raised multiple leftist talking points about the enviroment, corporations, wages, and then criticised republicans and Trump along with democrat establishment.
Some quotes:
> I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused
>Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation
>Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent.
Sounds like he read some Guy Debord. He's also a registered democrat, what more can I say?

i don't even know who the guy on the far right is but it definitely isn't the Dayton shooter.

are any of these the real shooters? lol

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Garlic shooter seems like absolutely nothing that was just pushed because of media. He didn't even kill many people (wasn't it like 2?) and had no message. Wasn't even a mass shooting

You fuckers are so dishonest. I honestly don't know if you're trying to fool others or you're really so brainwashed. Yes, you can include some standard 'leftists' talking points and still be a white nationalist. He said white people were being threatened by a Mexican invasion and that's why he killed them. Hitler was into conservationism and animal protection, was he not a white nationalist?

>be american
>shoot garlic

I can't watch Mia anymore after I realized she got ass implants.

Hitler wasn't a white nationalist he was a German nationalist.
Also why is being against immigration a right wing talking point? It's not really. Neoliberals and neocons love immigration, both for different reasons, but implying that only the right hates immigrants is retarded. In fact you should look up Jacinda Ardern the New Zealand left leader who got elected on a platform of anti-Chinese sentiment to reduce immigration and influence of Chinese people.
Oh wait, here's another good example of the left being against open borders and mass immigration:
Is Bernie Sanders right wing lmao? You're delusional if you think El Paso wasn't a traditional leftist. Weren't Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for a border wall? Didn't Obama campaign against gay marriage in 2012? Was he right wing then?

I enjoy that Trump literally does not give a single fuck anymore. Made a ton of money off early twitch and now he just fucks random e-thots looking to siphon some fame off of him.

The US has no solid definition of what can be classified as a mass shooting. The most common definition is four or more murders.

Same, as well as most older pornstars. And anyone with fake tits.

>shooting a mall full of Hispanic people is analogous to someone who is against immigration

People can be against immigration for many reasons. The shooter obviously did so because he was a white nationalist. How can you deny that?

>Was he right wing then?

If Obama shot up a mall of people he called demographic invaders, then I would call him a white nationalist too.

Being against immigration isn't White nationalist. Why are you such bootlickers to foreign populations? I'm a Sanders supporter and we should help our own people before we import millions more.

Lol she was talking about how it was natural on her twitch stream a few days ago and I couldn’t believe she was actually trying to pass that off

I don't give a shit about any of that. My point was the El Paso shooter was a white nationalist and people denying this are either stupid or being purposely dishonest. If he wasn't a white nationalist, why did he target a bunch of Hispanics to kill?

>literally a registered democrat
>you fuckers are so dishonest


Where did he say he was a white nationalist? As I said, being against immigration isn't a white nationalist, or a right wing, talking point. The guy was a leftist and a democrat. The reason why he shot up a bunch of Hispanics was because he was upset that the government wasn't supporting Americans, such as not providing UBI which he mentions in the manifesto, and instead supporting foreigners. That is a classical leftist perspective and has nothing to do with white nationalism. The only reason you think he was a white nationalist was because he was White and he killed Brown people, despite the fact he was a LEFTIST who was a DEMOCRAT and didn't mention anything about white nationalism in his manifesto. He wanted pretty much everything Bernie Sanders advocated for.

Dude in OP is a streamer named Trump, he won a date with Mia on a podcast.

You would call a black dude a white nationalist? Remember you're not on reddit.

she cute

A shame about the silicone ass

Because you'll buy it anyway

>The reason why he shot up a bunch of Hispanics was because he was upset that the government wasn't supporting Americans

You slimy liar. He calls people 'shameless race-mixers' in his manifesto. You're pathetic.

Depends on his beliefs.

> Remember you're not on reddit.

Pretentious faggot. Sekret klub my ass.

yeah I'd rather watch her eat cum but thats just me lads

LA Beast is good to watch but he's just a fun charismatic guy whether he's eating normal stuff, weird shit, or doing something non eating related.

Oh wow, turns out the Dayton shooter did as well.

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>not liking bimbos
gain test

I don't know or care about the other two, but I know the El Paso shooter was a white nationalist, which is obvious to everyone was ins't a retarded hack.

>was a white nationalist

It takes less time to simply call him a "trump voter" less letters and makes the same point.

Yeah, look like the typical American white nationalist.

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He wasn't a White Nationalist. Imagine all you want his motivations but it wasn't White Nationalism. He even talks about muh poor injuns, is that what white Nationalists are like? Feeling bad for Indians?

He actually does.


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Dios mio, el americana atrocidad...

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Dude, c'mon. You've been civil so i'll give you credit. If you're a racist or whatever, you can come out on Yas Forums. You don't have to hide here. Your arguments are incredibly weak. Decent propaganda for dumb people, scary for someone who is sincere.

How did a thread about food turn into lefties and righties incels shooting up innocent people?

I'm a Sanders voter and unironically Black. Pretending that he is a White Nationalist just does more harm then good and in fact just destroys all understanding of this.

That's the way Yas Forums works, son. It was porn thread anyway.

>H..How DARE someone want to not be displaced in race and culture in their own country!

Even more people watch others have intercourse.

Alright, give your definition of a white nationalist. I'm curious.

do you think it's wrong if Japanese wish to remain a majority in their own country?

>was he not a white nationalist?
No he wasn't, Hitler was a German supremacist.
The dude hated slavs and massacre'd them as much as jews.

Yes, he was a white nationalist like you.

it's a work of art when asian girls do it

white girls aren't cute or photogenic enough

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>you can include some standard 'leftists' talking points and still be a white nationalist
Burgerfats, everyone.

I don't give a shit. My problem is not that something is wrong or right, that is another argument i don't feel like going into. I don't condone shooting up malls or mosques, i'll say that though.

>Yes, he was a white nationalist like you!

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No, it's just asians still haven't started rightfully mocking it's pathetic beta paypig viewers, so you feel safe and unharmed.
Well, at least some, others are already realizing how sad they are.

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>heh, if I act all cynical and worldly i'll look really smart

>its a mia does a porn casting call in front of her "mom" episode

Attached: mia.webm (404x368, 2.2M)

Oh wowh. Creamy, garickly, with a milkiness. Mmmm.... That ginger. Oh woah. Amazing.

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Then why act like white nationalism is the bad acting motivator then? If he shot up a burger king would you say him being a lover of Mcdonalds is a evil food ideology?

No, i'm just laughing at the fact that all Americans will, in the end, be SJWs who worship others and hate themselves.
There's a reason they'll never vote further right than cuckservatism.

That's what you are though. Stop hiding your beliefs faggot.

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That's another argument, as i've said. People can write books about this stuff. I just got annoyed at the other dishonest faggot for telling an obvious lie.

Honestly, i'm kind of a fag too though, because i'm arguing with other dumb faggots on a porn thread on Yas Forums.

Why are white americans so paranoid about being replaced?

My definition of a White Nationalist would be presumably a White person who wants their White country to be 100% White and wants to remove all non-whites. Considering that the El Paso shooter expressed issue at immigration, I don't really find it white nationalist because he seemed to me to be coming from a classical leftist civic perspective. He never said get rid of the blacks, get rid of citizens, but expressed concern on constantly importing a consumerist underclass which Hispanics are notorious for. I think he was just a misguided leftist and you can see it in his manifesto. I don't think he was racist because he didn't do it out of a blind or irrational hatred of non-whites but instead from a reasoned, left, political perspective.

>Stop wanting to remain a majority in your own country!

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knew my boy trump had it in him

Hitler had 'socialist' policies and was a strict racialist. Simple as.

Because they are.

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Im not asking you to write a book, I asked you a simple question that I'm fully able to answer with a yes or a no. Is it wrong for Japanese to want to remain a majority in Japan?

>Then why act like white nationalism is the bad acting motivator then?
white nationalism is a bit specific but all these incels and mass shooters have a common element of being loners who spend too much time in a right wing echo-chamber until is drove them crazy

Yes and guess what, Hitler lost.

Bros her singing is making me fall in love with her again...

>falling in love with a fucking porn actress
How much of a cuck can you be?
Are you american?

You understand there is only ever going to be one of yourself and you can't be replaced, right?

Immigrants don't replace you, they're just living in the same country as you, this replacement thinking is crazy

Because they look at the countries where the people are coming from, and if you understand even a little about genetics, they have every reason to be worried

Say it, user. SAY IT.

He called people filthy race-mixers. That is not a classical leftist perspective.

Back to plebbit, a cancerous place where retards like you belong.
>DURRRRR Muhh Whiteee naycoinalistics
Rent free.
You are new here and I don't think you are doing yourself a favour by staying in this place, it's time to go back.

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It honestly is. Muhammed Ali even had the same perspective. The only reason he's not allowed to hold it is because he's White which is extremely racist.

You understand that's completely retarded shit for kids, right?
We already see how countries run by these peopl are, and they are like in the middle east, Africa and south america, all shitholes.
As if America wasn't enough of a shithole already.

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>they have every reason to be worried
Worried about what?

sadly (thankfully?) it was her mom. her brothers also in porn

I'm a far right white nationalist and I think America dying is good.
America might actually be the biggest threat to white people all over the world.
The government is clearly anti-white no matter who is in charge, it's leftists are insane, and it's "right wing" it's composed of people who would racemix anyway and are currently more focused on attacking their own women than doing anything valuable for their race.

I hope coronavirus decimates them.

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Pretty accurate.

My guy, the left can't even admit theres genetic differences among race, let alone believe race even exists. The right and the left both have their echo chambers, but atleast the right try to be fact based with their ideology. Why do you think people like alt-hype are so popular with the crowd? He invites challenges and the challenges are routinely decimated. Because the facts are on the rights side.