MCU hate has got to be the most pedestrian opinion in all of film discussion...

MCU hate has got to be the most pedestrian opinion in all of film discussion. There is no good faith argument about the MCU being bad for cinema or objectively terrible in and of themselves. At worst they're generic and yet people obsess over letting everyone know they hate the MCU. Even RLM, the normiest of normie film reviewrs, love shitting on superhero films despite liking most of them anyway. You ask anyone who hates the MCU and their own taste is usually surface level interest in arthouse, never straying too far from recognizable foreign names and watching mostly English language films.

It reeks of letterboxd narcissism to voice hate for the MCU and capeshit; more so when it's always about who watches capeshit instead of about the movies themselves. People who like the MCU usually end up having pretty unique tastes, even if it's all mainstream stuff, which is more than I can say about all the faggots on twitter and other such film corners of the internet who share the same capeshit jokes and all love the same twenty movies. Oh wow, The Sacrifice instead of Andrei Rublev in your top 10 movies, how very brave. What a surprise, Godard, Kurosawa, and Lynch among your favorite directors. Maybe... just maybe... you're hip enough to have Chunking Express somewhere up there. Shit is so boring.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>good faith argument
it would be so based if everyone who had ever said this just died


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>responded anyway without saging

>MCU fans have unique tastes
I call fucken bullshit, mcu fans are soys and women. Casual viewers like average joes who just want mindless comedy. If you asked them for any details about characters or plot you would get no answer, Most wouldn't even remember captain americas name.

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You have to be absolutely retarded if you think the MCU doesn't attract "average joes"

ikr can't believe OP is suggesting that mcu is patrician viewing.

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Goslingkino > > > MCUshit
No bump either faggot

It's just the "modern" version of saying justin bieber is shit, "better love story than twilight" and that Bay is garbage
plebs that want you to believe they have taste while still watching the same low IQ pleb garbage from something else

He's right. MCU fans and normies have unique tastes, not OBSCURE tastes but unique. You ask one guy and he'll like everything from Nolan and FIncher, the Reddit package shit. But you ask another MCU fan and he'll like a bunch of John Hughes movies and gush about stuff like Star Wars and Indiana Jones. These would all be considered normie movies, but not all normies share the same tastes. You ask anyone on the film portion of Twitter and it's literally all the same movies. Lady Bird, Hereditary, Mulholland Drive, Wes Anderson, etc. Because those are the "correct" movies to like The MCU is "incorrect" to like.

yikes, go back

GotG2 is the best movie in the mcu and rocket is based.

Yas Forums loves the MCU. They're just like RLM, people here act like they don't, but every MCU movie gets a billion threads and ultimately discussion about what happened inside

There were a billion "why didn't Thanos just make more resources" threads.

>different normie fags parrot reddit sometimes = unique taste
hahaha ok

you sound way more like Reddit than anyone in this thread. Makes sense that you would hate the MCU.

Go to bed, you're drunk

reddit loves the mcu tho. And the dceu. They eat capeshit up like crazy.

how would you know

not really

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but Yas Forums made that image almost a decade ago

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why does that chart just look like a shittier version of the reddit one

He's right at home. You go.

OP is right. The letterboxd thread on Yas Forums proves it. It's always filled with faggots and attention seeking gays.

could you imagine waking up every day, and having to go through life as retarded as this poor soul

you're unironically claiming that liking the most popular movie franchise in history is a predictor of unique taste. I legitimately feel bad for you

unique is not obscure, BTS is incredibly popular and I'd say BTS fans have unique tastes over say people who listen to Death Grips.

So the set of all things liked by the hundred million plus people who watch MCU movies is bigger than the set of things liked by the relatively minuscule cohort of people who self select based on specific shared taste?

This analysis is bad for a lot of reasons. First, the size of the sets whose union your taking are wildly disproportionate, and unions are almost certain to grow linearly with the number of elements they're taken over. Second, as I mention above, one group is already self selecting based on shared taste, whereas the other likes a thing known best for its mass appeal. It's like saying fratstars have more diverse taste in wine than sommeliers. while it might technicallly be true it doesn't really mean anything, and certainly isn't a statement in favor of the former's taste. Third and finally, there's a subtle presumption that diverse taste is a ubiquitously positive thing. While I support the detractors of a critical monoculture, I think that critical consensus typically exists for good reason. While there are both negative and positive exceptions, I think that arguing that MCU is better art than the work of Bresson or Kurosawa is pretty dumb for a lot of obvious reasons.

So anyway, I think that's a sorta specious argument that doesn't even really support the point it claims to.

yes? It's... statistics. A group of people who like something niche would not have unique tastes because all other people in that group like the same things.

Imagine a circle. Everything inside that circle likes the MCU, therefore the circle is HUGE. It encompasses so much that there are bound to be different demographics of people in that circle. Everyone who likes A24 films shares the same tastes with people who like A24 films.

Capeshit and blockbuster chasing ruined film.

It ruined the likes of movies like the 40 Year Old Virgin, so if that is peak cinema for you then sure

I mean yeah, it kinda seems definitional to me too, but people in the thread keep saying it as if it supports the notion that marvel fans are actually this brilliant and diverse cohort and not just morons who happen to like the same lowest common denominator garbage so I don't really know what to say.

Based and based.

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lindsay ellis likes MCU so i do too

>At worst they're generic
No, at worst they're iredeemably bad from both an aesthetic and thematic standpoint
At BEST they're generic

this, they are the rotting corpse of the American aesthetic gestalt.

Yas Forums cannot fathom why people enjoy movies that prioritize entertainment. The MCU has more depth than it's given credit for and hollywood has been failing at making similar expanded universes since Avengers. Going into a big budget marvel movie and expecting proper cinema is retarded. Imagine being so autistic that you have to "turn your brain off" to follow a movie.

imagine not having to turn your brain off to enjoy a marvel movie. you'd have to be so dumb that you'd go and brag about it on a basket weaving forum for the mentally ill

Follow=/= Enjoy.

>The MCU has more depth than it's given credit for and hollywood has been failing at making similar expanded universes since Avengers
people really do ignore this point

>iredeemably bad
there is a 200% chance that your own taste in film is normie as fuck


at least post a real woman op

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The mouse royally fucked Spider-Man so fuck them and their inoffensive, bland, lowest common denominator franchise
>inb4 Raimifag

Rate me then
To me, the MCU is aesthetic poison compared to even b-movies from america

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>coen brothers
>wong kar wai
OP read you like a book

>No Country for Old Men
>A Serious Man
>Apocalypse Now
>Mulholland Drive
>any Welles
>a bunch of 'cult classics'
This looks like a list every male film 101 student on letterboxd would make.

marvel capeshit can't even compete with chink capeshit, so i don't think their fans have any leg to stand on

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Add more Terrence Malick kino.

>time's up, user, time for you to have sex
>we will add your biological distinctiveness to our own, your seed will adapt to service us

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Anything that went through audience test screening is pure shit.

based and new hollywoodpilled

>single color scene compositions are soooooo kino
how boring

not an argument

wasn't even making an argument, I was making a statement. What you consider kino is surface level shit.

Do you, by any chance, write reviews on imdb, tomateos, reddit and other critic shitfests?
Yas Forums is not a critic place. You are in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker

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what a boring statement

except for the letterboxd general right?

you mean the trannyboxd general?

that's sorta what you do when someone says something that dumb

Ok but it’s not cinema.

Filtered by elitism

>Yas Forums is not a critic place
gay and Yas Forumspilled

No, there wasn't. Stop deluding yourself, you ironically sound like a communist

>basing a defense entirely on 'yeah but we have cool taste'

This is how I know you're a faggot who never understood film in the first place. It's not a candy bar or your next dark lord edge of war vidya. Its quality cannot be determined by 'taste'

elitism would be posting a chart with stuff like Tabu, The Passion of Joan of Arc, Twenty Years Later, Yi Yi, Diary of a Country Priest

Movies I love alongside Captain America Winter Soldier

tits too small

Look we get it, you love lynch films and post capeshit jokes on twitter

Actual retarded imbecile who got filtered by Peckinpah and Altman

I don't even have a Twitter you limp dick faggot. Try having a better angle next time than attacking personality. You cannot refute that the Marvel flicks are product of a focus group approved committee directed to an infantile audience. Your 'movies' and your culture have stagnated modern optics, film standards and sociocultural perception of mass media in the current era. Now, every philistine can believe that they're actually passionate in film.

>The Passion of Joan of Arc
>Diary of a Country Priest
>Yi Yi
this is letterboxd tier, lmao the irony