Do you ever think he would realistically come back for a Community movie??

Do you ever think he would realistically come back for a Community movie??

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who cares about this uppity nig. if chevy doesnt come back dont bother

If that now-insufferable fagatini Dan Harmon wasn't involved maybe

I would love Chevy to be in it, but would be fine with him being absent as well since his character was killed off

I want an Atlanta movie

What the fuck happened to him? He seemed pretty cool doing shit like Community and smaller projects then he goes full Black Lives Matter and starts a shitty rap career. I mean, I like Red Bone but the pretentiousness of This is America is fucking awful.

He’s seems to have such a huge ego now. I’m sure if he was approached for a Community movie he would probably turn it down and think he’s too good for it

I cant stand this talentless narcissist

this retarded nigglet thinks he's literally jesus, it's fucking hilarious how gigantic their ego gets once they're moderately successfull

I used to think there was nobody with an ego to talent imbalance as huge as Kanye West. Then Donald "I Think I Am Somebody" Glover came along. What an overrated egotistical talentless hack. Can't act for shit, and his music is Vanilla Ice tier near plagiarism. Ugly black kid exploiting white guilt. Also, Community is shit. Even more reddit than The Office. Even Parks and Rec is less reddit than Community. GTFO off this board and go to the rick and morty subreddit to discuss this faggot

He's narcissistic but rightfully so, he's quite the renaissance man. His new persona I find annoying, but Atlanta is kino, he's made some very good tracks, and he's a good actor.

The one season he wasn't involved in was awful

thread reminder he grew up in the suburbs and had only white friends that he left behind to do midlife crisis nigger shit

Why do people like Atlanta? White guilt? Bigotry of low expectations? Or are you an N-word lover?

Kanye West at least has some talent at what he does, he's earned a bit of his ego plus the fact that he's absolutely fucking insane makes it a little more acceptable. Donald Glover isn't terrible, but he acts like he's some kind of artistic genius, it infuriating.

Because I've been watching Donald Glover since he was in that youtube sketch group in the mid aughts and I'm eager to see what he'll create next.

Sounds like Jordan Peele.
Yes, so you agree with me. Next time, save time and just say that.

Same user, i think he’s got some cool stuff. Not a big fan of his music though, and i do like modern hip hop/rnb

That's still fewer awful seasons than the seasons he WAS involved with.

I think Chevy would be more valuable to the movie than having some more Troy and Abed shenanigans

Ive been watching him since Derrick Comedy days as well. It makes me sad seeing how cocky and egotistical he seems now. Mystery Team still makes me laugh to this day but you know damn well he doesn’t talk to those guys anymore and they were friends since childhood.

Because it's a good show.

>Just because its about black people means I have to like it on some racial/political level

I like it because it's funny, has good character development, is atmospheric, visually nice, and has episodes which vary greatly in contrast and type. The fact you can only see things on this base political level means you are just as much of a retard as the onions liberals you probably despise.

Donald Glover should retire and never come back to anything. his ego is large enough to sustain him for decades to come and Hollywood has enough of those already.

Those are awful too. The only funny thing Harmon ever did was the baby raper. Community is sub-Parks-andRec tier trash. Imagine thinking something inferior to the US Office is "good". Some balding manlet from Talk Soup on a low effort network sitcom is what you call "good"? You're on the wrong website.

This guy looks like he likes to skateboard...

>good show
Stop lying and answer the question.
Also lying. Why do you consume black propaganda and claim it's good and has nothing to do with politics? You are a fraud. Don't reply to me anymore, I don't engage with black supremacists. You were never a King.

just say nigger, you are the same as them

Lol get laid fag

Also lying. Why do you consume black propaganda and claim it's good and has nothing to do with politics? You are a fraud. Don't reply to me anymore, I don't engage with black supremacists. You were never a King.

You are literally delusional and using buzzwords instead of arguments, please try to take a step outside yourself and argue with me on a cinematic level. The same way a dyed hair dyke might call you a "bigot shitlord" you are calling me a black supremacist and claiming I must be obsessed with race to like something black people made.

Everything he makes is just a vehicle for him to larp as a hood nigger because he's become so insecure about growing up well off and receiving career handouts. He would never go back from grungy ghetto rap to something like this:

t. has never seen Atalanta

Announcement: I just got laid, and still think Donald Glover is a talentless hack and none of his "projects" are any good. His music is stolen and crap, he can't act, the projects he picks are absolute shit.
Quit defending your racial propaganda and lying about it. Once Donald Glover drops the racial LARPing, I'll engage his crap projects with actual criticism of the medium instead of the message. Bye, niggerlover

>literally delusional
Zoom zoom zoom


he's fake woke now and has depression

>calls out another guy for using buzzwords
>proceeds to use tons of buzzwords instead of giving solid points

Kill yourself, Yas Forumstard

you mean the show where Donald Glover pretends to be a poor urban hustler trying to escape the ghetto?

STFU with your shilling. Stop promoting this basic cable race bait garbage. How much do you get paid to promote this crap? You're a terrorist.

>muh meme harmon shitshow
>muh nigger
>muh burnout SNL alum
fuck you you faggot


This thread makes me think a lot of you are really angry and have really small penises and brains.

Goodness gracious, I don't know why I tried to argue about cinematic relevance with a bunch of reactionaries. I called him delusional because he seemed to think I was a nigger and a black supremacist for liking a show about black people, I would also like to know what buzzwords I used aside from when I meant to greentext the buzzword filled comment previously. I really have stopped caring about politics (used to be reactionary Yas Forumstards like you guys when I was a teenager) and ever since I can't help but laugh at you people. You are equivalent to someone saying The Birth of a Nation is bad because it glorifies the KKK. You can be of any political ideology and appreciate good art of anyone else.

PS. not one of you has attempted to say why you dislike Atlana besides the fact its about niggers.

>more buzzwords
Go back to writing for VOX, black supremacist None of you can justify Atlanta without admitting you love niggers

No. He thinks he's too good for it

All these simps caping for Donald Glover, but they can't post any clips from his shows that prove their points, so they just argue fruitlessly. If you think he's so great at developing characters, post a video. If he's so funny, post a video. But you won't, because you're lying about liking his shit in the first place.

Do people like this really exist in the real world? I'm genuinely fascinated by the idea that an actual human being engaged his actual brain and typed these actual words on his actual keyboard. This place is a never-ending education.

Please try to step outside yourself, I just justified why I like Atlanta previously, and why it's good on a cinematic level Perhaps im just being baited, but if not just know that you should stick to your usual echo boxes instead of trying to discuss film on here and infesting it with your politics. You have also still not said one reason besides "muh niggers" as to why you dislike Atlanta. This is why I need to stick to /film/, reactionary politics ruined this website.

he would have to.


>low effort
so you just never saw it? got it.
le cringe reddit ok boomer doomer

I’ve never seen Atlanta, but it’s called acting. you’re unironically exactly like the SJWs who get mad when non-transwomen get cast as transwomen lmao

take your autism medicine lad, you’re losing it

>Kids of the future will binge watch Community
>when they get to the movie Annie has grey hair and wrinkles while everyone looks only 5 years older
Would be weird for them

>None of you can justify Atlanta without admitting you love niggers
he already did that.
jesus christ how embarrassing can you be...

yeah, it's obvious he's feels that stuff is beneath him now. And now he probably feels the same way about Community.

Here are some Atlanta moments I feel are funny/kino.

He'd demand complete creative control and turn it into a some new age black power piece.
A reunion/movie doesn't work without Dan somehow uncucking himself, Chevy not being racist for 15 minutes, and Glover pulling his head out of his ass for 5 seconds

Hey, remember his role in The Martian?
So retarded.

ok, reddit

That being said, Glover was good in Community but Atlanta simply wasn't very funny. Stop lowering your standard because the show you're watching has a "woke" black guy in it.