I know I'm super late and this topic is super "reddit", but I just watched tiger king and was wondering what was Yas Forums's opinions on it. Personally I'm team Joe. Fuck Jeff lowe, and Carole Baskin.
I know I'm super late and this topic is super "reddit"...
Fuck Joe.
He's innocent of hiring at hit but he 100% used people's addictions to meth and being near majestic animals to sexually gratify himself with people that would otherwise never consent.
Fuck Joe and all faggots like him.
This series confirmed for me that fags are all abuse victims and reproduce by rape and sexual power plays on weak people.
Fuck all of them desu
Doc is doing the same thing with women, you retard.
Joe seems mentally ill. While everyone else just seems criminal
Didn't deny this? WTF?
Joe isn't actually gay. He's mentally ill, and thinks he's gay as a coping mechanism. Jeff lowe scammed him out of the park. Carole is a whole seperate entity that Jeff used as a scapegoat to imprison Joe and take his park
t. butterface who happily took the fake tits but pretended like she never had a choice or free will
It's funny she dossapeared halfway through the doc. She used doc %100 as he used her
Joe is a faggot groomer who deserves to have a 2 liter soda bottle stomped into his ass in the joint. All of them are pretty big pieces of shit, but I'd unironically say he (and Doc Antle) are probably the worst. Worse than the ex-cartel dude.
I didn't really mind the lolbertarian dude from Indiana, although I did get a chuckle about him talking so much about resisting the government and then immediately complying with law enforcement. I also think Carole, while still a queen bitch, probably isn't as bad as the internet and documentary paint her as - her husband probably died in some drug smuggling shit, even if she used his death for her own gain.
Imagine I told you a story about a group of professional big cat breeders. Without seeing the story, how many would you guess are good people of high moral character and high ethical integrity? Before you answer, imagine what it is that big cat breeders do for an income.
It should be no surprise these people are white trash human scum. They are sociopaths and predators.
how did Joe get a fourth husband? and why is the retard still married to him? are all gay men this retarded?
your obsession with homos isnt interesting
literally all of the people on the show are horrible
Before watching Tiger King, I would have guessed captive tiger breeding was something that only zoos did. I had no idea you could get a pet tiger for $2K and that anyone who wants them can own them.
nah, scarface was based
>start an international coke empire and murder a glownigger solely for the purpose of assimilating more exotic cars to pet
So based it makes elder god tier seem insufficient to describe his motives
Cartel dude was based, you flaming faggot
I think my post came off wrong on a reread. I didn't mind him as much as a lot of the others (although I don't think exotic animals should be messed with period), I was just saying it's ironic that those two guys were unironically worse than a murderer affiliated with organized crime kek
I almost thought his reaction to the suicide was staged for the show. Was kinda surprised he just put his hands on his face.
that BITCH in Florida, Carole Baskins
>cartel guy implicated in a case involving the death of a fed
how the fuck did he only get 12 years for that? im surprised they didnt bury his ass
Don was the biggest chad
>ran away to the bahamas with his millions and is never seen again
>This series confirmed for me that fags are all abuse victims and reproduce by rape and sexual power plays on weak people.
Because it's true.
You are going to burn in hell.
>your criticism of *thing* = unhealthy obsession with *thing*
Is this the most Reddit rebuttal known to man?
Joe is part mentally ill part absolute mad lad
he got life but won the appeal
He killed an undercover informant, not an actual glow nigger.
did this guy just end up being a methhead too? he looked pretty fucked up after the time skip lol
and why the fuck are whit people obsessed with pets let alone exotic ones. I find it absolutely bizzare.
They're all shitty people and villains in their own right, Carole was the most annoying to listen to and Joe was the most likable and entertaining but still was a piece of shit all things considered.
Doc Antle was a weirdo though, Jeff Lowe looks like he actively listens to Kid Rock and that one fat wave runner guy probably had some crazy charge to get him to flip.
>before Yas Forums
>after Yas Forums
Why the fuck did white people invent 99.9% of the technology that makes this entire conversation even possible?
The show was great, don't cheapen it or any discussion we have here because some faggots on reddit also watched it.
I pretty well agree with the consensus here. Biggest problem I had with Joe is the grooming.
still don't see how he'd only get 12 years even with an appeal
I guess the informant must have been a real worthless cunt
Doc Antle was pretty based. He was the only one who could what full madlad, defend joe, protect himself and come out relatively unscathed. All while fully accusing Carole of murder. So based.
>get drone
>attach bucket full of sardine oil
>dump it on fuckin Carole Baskin while she's in a tiger cage
Real talk he seemed like the only one who cared the most about his animals.
Antle was based as fuck but still weird as hell.
He was definitely the most coherent of any of them.
If you think Doc Antle is based, you must be based yourself In the original, pic related sense, pre-Yas Forums or Lil B.
There are no sympathetic figures in this doc at all. Joe is an abuser of youth and animals, Doc is a cult leader creep, Jeff is a conman, and Carol is a murdering cunt. Anyone involved in this big cat nonsense is despicable
I feel sorry for Joe's wagies. They seemed like people who were making the most of the shitty hand they were dealt in life and just wanted to work hard and take care of dangerous animals.
Do you even know what an appeal is you fucking retard?
Doc was one of the worst second only to Carole. Cunt started a cult and killed his tigers when there was no money left to be made from them
So what
they are only Tigers
they would eat your entire family and not give a shiny shit
no shit dumbass it’s a carnivorous predator. that doesn’t mean you go around killing them
Looks like Michael Moore
what were the legal issues again Joe was fighting that had him bring Jeff Lowe in.
could Carole really have fucked him over if Joe just ignored her shit
bunch of crazy people. Hated that Carole broad
Fuck everyone on this show except the drug guy
He was based
Jeff Lowe is literally the most disgusting piece of shit I've ever seen, he's fucking great.
>killed his tigers when there was no money left to be made from them
I feel like I missed that part what episode was that?
Jeff was brought in to use his money fighting Carole's lawsuit and also to transfer the park to his name so it would take longer for the (((lawyers))) to figure out who owned what. If Joe didn't fuck with the trademark stuff like a retard Carole couldn't have done anything to him.
some did an hero right in front of him
Episode 2. When his former assistant talked about her favorite tiger
Marathoned all of episode 1, so far he's a gay fag who had a shit ton of tigers and now he's in jail for being a gay fag
Its reddit as fuck and I havn't watched it and I wont because its just a Netflix shill documentary.
Thanks user.
it’s just a bunch of trash people living sad lifes and doing shit things. the only side you should be on is genocide.
Nobody cares, faggot.
I'm okay with Jeff Lowe, he's definitely a predator and a parasite but he seems to only fuck with bad people.
I was waiting for him to come out with an obey hat and he never did.
oh that's right, the whole Big Cats: "Entertainment" thing.
lmao what an idiot and he drained his parents dry too to pay the legals fees