>Corona: Fear is a Virus tells the story of seven people trapped in a lift and the chaos that ensues when one of them starts to cough.

>It's thought to be the first film about the disease. Its Canadian director, Mostafa Keshvari, talked to the BBC's Tom Brook.

Will it be kino?

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Oh no, these 7 healthy young people will get a fever and a dry cough! How intense.

any guesses on the characters/plot?
>white guy is the bad guy

They did it for SARS too.

The entertainment industry is fucking retarded and I hate them.

The chinese person gets accused of being a carrier but turns out to be healthy showcasing the bigoted racism of whypipo once again

it will be more about racism as they'll start to abuse that asian chick.

How does dumb shit like this ever get green lit?

> Canadian director, Mostafa Keshvari
We need to build a northern wall too.

How are they going to film it with this social distancing stuff going on?
Because it's super topical and normies will rush to confirm the first bit of media with the Coronavirus scare attached to the name. It's probably so they can watch it and think "wow, I was a part of this historical event, so I have to watch it."

Its Canada theyre looking for reasons to apologise.

So the villain will be a white man and the victim will be that chinese woman, right? Inverse of reality.

>tfw feeling pain in my body from probably being on a fucking chair 14 hours a day working and studying at home or probably the fucking pill I took for my tooth ache
Hey maybe I'm patient zero for a new strain that fucks you up, it gets fucking unbearable at times

Just cough into your elbow or even pull your collar over your face and do it. I don't understand why only now are people learning to not be disgusting animals in public

It's going to be a propaganda filled fear mongering piece of shit.

based canada

its going to be pozzed to hell and back not to mention unwatchable

A lot of Canadian films are subsidized by the Canadian government. That's how you get films like little Italy and movie.

How many "stuck in an elevator" movies are there?
I know of the one made by Shamalamadingdong called "Devil" or something where one of them was the devil, and I think there was that's Valentine's Day one on Hulu's "Into the Dark" block a year or two ago where a man and a woman are stuck in an elevator for the weekend and they end up fucking.

name one good movie that takes place entirely in an elevator

>being 3 weeks behind

it's the same thing as the movies about 9/11 that came out and the ones about the white house getting blown up, except even more irrelevant and dishonest

>not be disgusting animals in public
Chinks can't not be disgusting animals anywhere, it is what they are.

>How are they going to film it with this social distancing stuff going on?
It's finished already. It's one take in the elevator shot in a matter of days.

>Black guy kills the evil white racist for putting his hands on the Chinese lady.
>Indian woman in the back is the "brainy" one who solves the mystery and saves us all.

>Mostafa Keshvari
oh canada

This is going to be 100% accurate. Neoliberal writers are so boring and predictable. We need people with fresh viewpoints and ideas in the writer's room.

You just know someone has absolutely zero talent when they try to cash in on this shit WHILE it is happening.
Sounds like the premise of a shitty student short film.

>where a man and a woman are stuck in an elevator for the weekend and they end up shitting and pissing in an unventilated room where the stink is overwhelming and their shoes are ruined

You mean nonwhites period.

>The chinese person gets accused of being a carrier but turns out to be healthy showcasing the bigoted racism of whypipo once again

lol nailed it.

Doesn't mean what you think it means. Read a book.

One of em is a slant eye

Its pottery

Sounds boring as hell

>a week later, another they all start to cough
>a month later, someone none of them knows dies
It's going to be a slow burn with zero jump scares, alright.

Yeah but filming that one take breaks "social distancing." I'd imagine there would be backlash about that and even lawsuits if one of the actors or crewmembers come down with the Rona.
Also, is it feature-length? That's still pretty damn quick to have the entire script written and the whole movie filed and edited, considering that this wasn't a pandemic until relatively recently.

I already watched Devil (2010).

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Not sure if they tackle the shitting problem but there is a scene where they designate certain corners of the elevator and I think the lady pisses in her thermos.
It's not bad as far as Hulu originals go.

This, it sounds like Devil, but worse.

That's great, it's the sort of thing Roger Coreman would do.

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people in their 20s and 30s have died of this

The real virus is white people

>socially progressive ecnomically liberal
What do you think it means? Are you about to feed me some neolib cope about how neoliberal doesn't apply to socially left people?

if this happened to me, i'd choke out the idiot thats coughing and wrap their t-shirt or underwear around their head and mouth so they stop spreading their germs. (I would demand they give their shirt preferrably underwear and I'd choke them with that obviously not touching the animal myself.)

Kek. This fucking virus, despite a non-alarming fatality rate in the grand scheme of viruses we've pulled through *without* stay-at-home orders, is treated like the end of the fucking world.
Imagine if Christ actually came back and shit appeared in the sky and all that.


Why the fuck would that many people be in the elevator at once durning the outbreak? Especially not wearing mask?

Oh no someone coughed, if only I wasnt a fat fuck that insisted on cramming myself next to other people without proper ppe, what ever shall I do?

I know that the numbers aren't any worse than the common flu, but I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here. Don't you think things aren't worse because a lot of people aren't going out and these large places of gathering are all shut down? It's like the people who claim that Y2K wasn't a big deal. It only wasn't a big deal because people recognized the problem and took steps toward fixing it.

Canada is majority asian

People are fucking retards and still don't give a fuck. They'll bring their friends and their friends will bring their friends and family and dog if they could.

white guy marries the asian girl after an extremely uncomfortable elevator ride where everyone is too afraid to actually be confrontational.

"Steps" never included police-state tier laws.
Let people fucking die if they can't wash their hands without the government forcing them to. This virus is not on the kind of scale (if any exists) that would justify the ridiculous media panic and statewide stay-at-home bullshit zoomers are now growing up in.
Somehow, we got through the swine flu and much worse pandemics without local governments ordering entire states to suspend their citizens' liberty.

I hate police state stuff, but I don't think it's as simple as not washing your hands or only infected super old boomers. There have been cases of people in their 40s-50s dying from this. I'm not saying it's apocalypse-tier but I also wouldn't say it's the nothingburger that some have claimed.

The swine flu was not a worse pandemic.
Moreover, one dumb fuck not washing his hands or whatever doesn't endanger only himself.

>t. fox news viewer
Back to work wagie!

So the movie is gonna be about the Chinese cunt being accused of having corona but in the end it will be the white male who had it and the entire thing will be some anti-racism fuck white people thing that will get tons of funding from the state broadcaster

They just want things to get going again so all the old people die and they dont need to cut a check for their social security

will it be elevator kino?

"i guess racism was the real virus"


It's a 1 in 500 chance for people in those age groups. The media just cherry-picks cases to report on to spread the fear.

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>Canadian director, Mostafa Keshvari
Fuck this country

It’s actually 0.03% when you take into account actual number of cases and not just tested cases

Remember the caveat when Jefferson and Adams recognized that Inalienable Rights can, of course, be alienated during a war, police action, humanitarian pre-emptive strike or if someone coughs.

Why would they all be on an elevator at the same time anyway? I know there are places now where they count how many people get on and off the elevator to enforce "social distancing"?

What is the corporate response to TB?

This one will probably be more exciting:

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